Feminine opinion: Russia still read a lot, but not the classics


Russia has always been considered a country of readers. The literary program in Russian schools is still one of the strongest in the world. Of course, many at school age read Dostoevsky or Turgenev, under the spell of Bradbury, the Strugatskys and Dumas, in their free time. The task of the school literature course is to inculcate in teenagers a taste for classical works and for reading in general. Does he cope today with the task? What genres do modern Russian women prefer? These questions were asked to answer the guests of the portal "Women's opinion".

As it turned out, 27.7% of female visitors read books daily or every other day. The traditional time for reading is in transport and before going to bed, an electronic device is often used as a “book”. Almost as many women open a book at least once a week or once a month (21.2 and 18.3%, respectively). Quite a lot among the ladies and those who have completely forgotten what a book is and who manage to read at least something once a year. However, this is not necessarily a blunder of the school curriculum: modern women are too busy with work, children and life, so there is simply no time left for reading. In addition, many spend precious hours that could be given to reading, watching TV and social networking.

As for the genres, here the preferences were very diverse. The votes were as follows:
-35% read everything, not limiting themselves within the framework of a particular genre;
-30% pay special attention to love, adventure and historical novels;
-14.5% prefer thrillers, detectives;
-12.4% voted for fiction and fantasy;
- only 8.1% chose classics and poetry.

Well, perhaps, the majority is really more than enough classical literature during school. But, nevertheless, as the survey results show, Russian women still love to read. It is hoped that this trend will not decline due to the widespread television, which has always been a serious competition for the book.

The survey was conducted among 3060 women from 137 cities in Russia. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.


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