Shepherd’s bag - medicinal properties and medical applications


Shepherd's bag - general description

Shepherd's bag (Capsélla, Gum) - An herbaceous plant from the Cabbage family. Paastushka bag can be one or two-year-old plant, with a single erect stem, simple or branched. Leaflets in the form of rosettes, from solid at the root to pinnate with triangular denticles to the middle, at the apex sessile stalk-bearing.

The flower is small, collected in a straight, elongated vertical brush, white or white-yellow. The fruit is in the form of a flattened pod, reverse triangular heart-shaped. The flowering period is from early spring, the ripening of the fruits is May and all summer. After receiving the fruit, the plant can bloom repeatedly in the fall, this is its difference from other plants.

Shepherd's bag - types and places of growth

For 20 species of this plant, different names are used: purse, purse ordinary, heart grass, ground grass, grytsyki, buckwheat field, spoons eye of the eye, grandmother, hearts, hearts, wallet, shepherd’s purse, swan, etc.

An ordinary shepherd’s bag is both a familiar name and a common plant species found throughout the CIS except the Far North and deserts of Central Asia. It grows everywhere - in parks, in yards, in fields, along roadsides. She loves wastelands and pastures, vegetable gardens, young gardens and forest plantations. The shepherd’s bag grows in winter crops and has its winter forms.

Shepherd's bag - healing properties

Examining this herb, it was found that its hemostatic activity is similar to the widespread Canadian hydratis. The ability of the plant to "drive blood" was noticed by Dioscorides.

First of all, a shepherd’s bag is used in medicine because of its excellent hemostatic effect, it is used for gynecological bleeding and trauma. This property is possessed only by the dosage forms of the plant.

Shepherd’s bag is also used for atherosclerosis and low blood pressure during menopause. It can relieve dizziness and purifies the blood. With cystitis and pyelonephritis is used as a blood purifier, it also neutralizes toxins in cancer treatment.

Shepherd's bag - dosage forms

The shepherd’s bag is harvested using only the ground part: during flowering, the grass of the shepherd’s bag and flowers are collected, the fruits are picked in green. In the attic, outdoors or in the shade, weed is dried, spreading in a thin layer. The grass is stored for three years, in boxes or canvas bags. It is used as a component of drug charges; mixtures are sold in pharmacies in the public domain.

The plant contains a large amount of potassium-organic acids and choline, vitamin C. Vitamin K accelerates blood coagulation, seeds contain fatty and allyl mustard oil, volatile, acids, tannins.

Shepherd's bag - recipes

Gynecology uses the grass assembly to regulate the menstrual cycle, normalize the uterus after childbirth, with inflammation and tumors of the female genital organs. For this, alcohol tincture of a shepherd’s bag is prepared: grass and 70% alcohol are taken in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 2 weeks. "0-30 drops are diluted in a spoon of water. Drink before meals.

Using the purse externally - in the form of a decoction: apply in the form of lotions to wounds and ulcers.

In case of fractures (5-6 days after the injury), in order to accelerate the healing process of the fracture, they drink 30 drops of strong vodka tincture of a shepherd’s bag. The tincture is being prepared 1:20.

Shepherd's bag - contraindications

The grass of a shepherd’s bag is contraindicated in pregnancy. You can not use it for people who have increased blood clotting and hemorrhoids patients.


Watch the video: Truck Talk: SHTF and Prepping Medical Concerns (June 2024).