Baked chicken - the best recipes. How to cook baked chicken.


Baked Chicken - General Description

Baked chicken - This is a wonderful dish that is not difficult to cook. It is always satisfying, tasty and beautiful. The dish is very appetizing. And most importantly, chicken, unlike pork and beef, is considered dietary, therefore, if you do not overdo it with spices and do not abuse mayonnaise, the dish will also be useful.

Chicken meat can be included in the diet of those who have gout, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes and polyarthritis.

Older people are advised to prefer chicken meat. The younger the chicken, the more tender and healthy its meat. Chicken is not only tasty, but also, thanks to protein and glutamine, has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Baked Chicken - Cooking Utensils

As a baking dish, a ceramic or cast iron container is perfect. The bottom line is that the dish is heated evenly and gradually, then there will be no risk of burning foods or uneven cooking of chicken. Metal and glass forms lose in this respect. Therefore, their use should be treated with caution. If the chicken is baked whole, you can look in stores for a special shape with a cone-shaped elevation in the center. This is a very convenient dish for baking, as a chicken, put on a cone, will bake evenly. In addition, everything that will drain from it will gather in a deep form at the foot. There are separate metal stands. On them, chicken can also be baked in an upright position.

Baked Chicken - Food Preparation

Choosing the right chicken is very important in order to make the dish tasty and appetizing. If there is a possibility of choice, then paired chicken will be preferable to others, chilled in second place, and it is better not to take frozen chicken for this purpose. The first two varieties of chickens have more tender meat. Their taste is much more intense.

Preference should be given to chickens under the age of one year, whose weight does not exceed 1.5 kg. The bird must be fresh. A truly fresh chicken has a rounded breast. The bone does not protrude on it. The muscle tissue of a suitable chicken should be well developed, and its color should be pale yellow. A pinkish tint is welcome. There should be no spots on the skin of the bird. If the chicken has a bluish-gray color, its muscles are uneven, the meat is gray, and the fat is saturated yellow, it is better not to use it. Such a bird will not bring either benefit or pleasure.

To make sure the product is fresh, you can smell the chicken. A good bird has a sweet smell of fresh meat. If the city has an experimental farm where chickens are grown on probiotics, you can buy chickens there. These chickens are especially good.

Before cooking, the chicken must be gutted and washed. If the chicken was nevertheless frozen, it must be thawed in advance. This is best done using the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So the meat will be a little more tender. You can use either a whole bird, or separately legs or breasts.

Baked Chicken - Best Recipes

Baked Chicken (Recipe 1)


A very simple recipe according to which you can bake whole chicken, or you may prefer to cook breasts or legs separately. But the whole chicken is more juicy.


Broiler chicken 1 pc. Sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, garlic and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Before you put the chicken in a form or in a pan, it must be cut along the spine. This is done so that the part where the meat is concentrated (legs and breasts) is on the top of the dish and the chicken is baked evenly. We lubricate the container with sunflower oil and lay the bird. Cooking fondant from mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, pepper and crushed garlic. Mayonnaise and sour cream need to take a couple of spoons. Profusely fudged chicken goes to the oven. Cooking time 50-60 minutes. If the oven has a convection function, the cooking temperature should be 180-190 ° C. Without convection - 200-210⁰С.

Baked Chicken (Recipe 2)


This chicken is not only tender, but also very juicy.


One carcass of chicken, one large lemon, 6 cloves of garlic, 1-2 branches of thyme, 0.5 teaspoon of dried thyme leaves, black pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Dry chicken carcass must be dried with a napkin. Cut lemon into slices and garlic into petals. Grate chicken with salt and pepper. Inside the bird, put half the slices of lemon and thyme. Top the carcass with the remaining lemon and garlic. Wrap the carcass with parchment paper or put in a baking sleeve. Bake for an hour or a half at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Baked Chicken (Recipe 3)


This is the easiest way to roast chicken.


Chicken carcass (1 pc.), Coarse salt (1 kg), ground black pepper (to taste).

Cooking method:

The oven in which the chicken will be cooked must be preheated in advance. The washed chicken should be cut along the breast (in the center) and opened like a book. Grate it with black pepper. Pour salt onto the baking sheet of the oven. Place a chicken on it so that it lies on its back. Bake until cooked. Do not worry that the chicken is too salted. This will not happen. She absorbs salt as much as necessary so that the bird comes out quite salty and tasty. The salt, heated on a baking sheet, will provide the chicken with a crisp and even baking.

Baked Chicken - Useful Tips from Experienced Cooks

Instead of sour cream and mayonnaise, you can use ketchup with a small amount of honey to lubricate the chicken. The crust will be incredibly tasty.

If there is no culinary thermometer, you can also find out the degree of readiness of a dish. The oven must be heated before the dish is placed in it. The baking time can be calculated based on the weight of the carcass. At a temperature of 180-200 ° C, for preparing a kilogram of carcass, you need to provide 40 minutes. Multiplying the estimated time by the weight of the chicken, we get the exact cooking time.

When the chicken is already close to readiness (in time and sensations), you should pierce her breast with a toothpick. If the excreted juice does not contain turbidity and blood, the chicken is already ready. If the chicken is overexposed, its meat will become dry, and the pleasant aroma will be replaced by the smell of melted fat.


Watch the video: The BEST Oven Baked Chicken Recipe: How To Bake Chicken In The Oven (June 2024).