Diet to speed up metabolism: the need to review the diet. The basic principles of a diet to speed up metabolism


A diet to speed up metabolism is a special nutrition system that does not limit a person to eat their favorite foods.

The bottom line is to maximize the metabolism.

It is known that healthy proper nutrition and a good metabolism are factors that prevent weight gain. It is important to note that the process of losing weight will take place gradually, which will eliminate possible unpleasant consequences (stomach pain, return of lost weight). The main thing is to follow the basic principles of building a diet, include only the "right" foods in it.

The positive and negative sides of the diet to speed up the metabolism

Like any weight loss system, a diet to speed up metabolism has several advantages and some disadvantages.

Main advantages

1. No need to deny yourself your favorite dishes.

2. The diet is balanced, the human body receives vitamins and minerals important for the normal functioning.

3. Excess weight leaves gradually, but does not return back.

4. In addition to losing weight, the diet gives a rejuvenating effect. Properly selected products regenerate the cells of the dermis, restore elasticity, even out complexion and even prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Some disadvantages

1. A diet to speed up metabolism is not suitable for those who want to quickly lose weight in a short time.

2. Not suitable for athletes, as they need to get more energy from food for training.

A diet to speed up metabolism is designed for a period of 2 to 3 months. Observing all the rules, for this period you can lose up to 10 kg (depends on the individual initial parameters).

Diet to speed up metabolism: a list of healthy foods

In order to properly organize the diet, you need to know what products you need to include in it.

Metabolism enhancing foods

1. Whole grain products. They have many complex carbohydrates and other beneficial substances. For example, oatmeal and brown rice accelerate metabolism, while insulin levels do not rise. With weight loss, this approach will be most welcome.

2. It has been proven that if a person wants to lose weight, he should eat 1200 mg of calcium daily. In order to speed up the metabolism, it is absolutely necessary to include products containing this microelement in the diet.

3. Enhances the metabolism of caffeine, which is found in cocoa beans.

4. White cabbage.

5. Pears and apples.

6. Citrus fruits and green tea without sweeteners.

7. Omega-3.

8. Simple still water.

Important not to forgetthat a diet to accelerate metabolism will give a better effect if you combine the right diet with minimal physical exertion. It has been proven that 30 minutes of walking every day allow you to lose 1 kg per month.

What errors lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes

If a person decided to start following a diet to speed up metabolism, he needs to protect himself from some mistakes that slow down his metabolism.

1. Overeating. You should not be allowed to eat more than 400 Kcal per meal. There is a little secret. If you put your hands together and look at the volume of your palms, this will be just the amount of food that interferes with the stomach. Everything else will be an overabundance, which will slow down the metabolism.

2. Starvation will never help to lose weight - this is only a temporary effect. Excess weight will begin to return back in a few days. In addition, metabolic processes are disrupted, which will negatively affect the general state of health.

3. A cup of natural coffee in the morning will be useful, the drink stimulates the nervous system. Caffeine deficiency slows down metabolic processes.

4. You can not drink only warm drinks, as they help to slow down the metabolism.

5. Lack of protein foods, vitamin D, proteins, iron.

6. It has been proven that fast foods and other junk foods contribute to the development of a predisposition to obesity. Chemical compounds of the composition negatively affect health and slow down metabolic processes.

Diet to speed up metabolism: 7-day diet

Based on the list of useful and "fatal" products for metabolism, it will not be so difficult to make a diet for yourself. A sample menu for a week will help to coordinate, find the right direction on the path to recovery and weight loss.

Sample diet menu to speed up metabolism


1. Morning. 100 grams of muesli, you can add a green apple grated on a fine grater.

2. Lunch. Vegetable soup and a piece of boiled chicken without skin.

3. Dinner. Steamed vegetables and several fishcakes.

4. If you want a snack, it is better to eat natural yogurts without sweeteners or drink a glass of kefir.


1. Breakfast. Lunch made from one egg and a small amount of mushrooms. It is advisable not to salt the dish.

2. Lunch. 50 grams of boiled turkey fillet and vegetable side dish (without adding potatoes).

3. Dinner. A salad of fresh vegetables, it is advisable to add celery to it, since it perfectly launches metabolic processes.

4. Snacks are allowed citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruits.


1. Morning. Toast (necessarily from rye bread), green tea or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

2. Lunch. Baked potatoes with olive oil and hot spices, a piece of boiled fish.

3. The evening. A very hearty and healthy dish is broccoli with salmon, baked in the oven in the sleeve.

4. For a snack green apples are allowed, before going to bed a glass of kefir.


1. Morning. One boiled egg (soft-boiled) and green tea.

2. Day. Classic Greek salad seasoned with olive oil.

3. The evening. Baked broccoli with hard cheese in the oven.

4. For a snack fresh carrots are allowed.


1. Morning. Fresh low-fat cottage cheese, it will be good to add a little honey and fresh berries there.

2. Day. Boiled chicken without skin.

3. The evening. Baked salmon filet and vegetable side dish.

4. For a snack 100 grams of nuts (eat in small portions during the day).


1. Morning. Low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with green onions and dill.

2. Lunch. Broccoli soup puree.

3. Dinner. Vegetable garnish and boiled hake fillet (total portion 200 grams).

4. For a snack, green apples.


1. Morning. Oatmeal cooked in water with a little honey.

2. Lunch. Sushi - one serving (6 pieces).

3. The evening. Kebab made from chicken fillet, seasonal vegetable salad.

4. Snack - kefir with a fat content of 1%.

Important nuances and rules for organizing a diet to speed up metabolism

1. In no case should you skip breakfast. The first meal in the morning should be nutritious, saturate the body with energy for the whole day.

2. It is no secret that you need to drink 2 liters of fluid per day. When dieting to speed up metabolism, this is especially important, since a lack of fluid leads to a slowdown in metabolism.

3. You can not eat immediately and a lot. If a person really wants to speed up his metabolism, he needs to accustom himself to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

4. Proper rest is important for the normal functioning of the body. If a person is constantly lacking sleep, this will negatively affect his health.

5. You need to accustom yourself to minimal physical exertion. For example, it can be morning exercises or going to a fitness club, visiting the pool.

6. Bad habits down! This includes not only smoking and alcohol, but also the use of fast food. All instant food contains a huge amount of poisons that slow down the metabolism.

7. If there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to season food with hot spices, as they also contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. However, overdoing them is also impossible.

A diet to speed up metabolism is the principle of nutrition, which should become the life credo of a person who wants to stay slim and healthy forever. Follow the basic rules is not difficult, the main thing is to set a clear goal, tune in to the result. After a few weeks, there will be a noticeable improvement in overall well-being, excess weight will begin to go away, and the condition of the skin will improve.


Watch the video: Chris Powell Explains Why Eating Carbs Can Help Boost Your Metabolism (July 2024).