Inflammation of the anus: causes. Anal inflammation - symptoms and effective treatment


A frequent pathological process that occurs in the anus is inflammation.

Its nature depends on the cause and place of localization.

For example, with internal spread, mucous membranes are affected, with external spread, skin integuments suffer.

Inflammation of the anus of the cause

There are many reasons why the anus becomes inflamed, they include:

1. Hemorrhoids.

2. Diabetes mellitus.

3. Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Psoriasis or dermatitis.

5. The patient’s body develops parasites (pinworms, helminths).

These are the main diseases leading to inflammation, but they can be avoided if the disease is cured in time. However, there are other reasons for which it is impossible to avoid the inflammatory process, they include the following:

1. There are cracks or fistulas in the anus.

2. There are neoplasms, they affect the work of the whole organism. The intestines are no exception.

The risk zone includes patients who often suffer from constipation or vice versa diarrhea. With frequent stool disorder, it is necessary to identify the cause and how to eliminate it.

There are a number of factors that are not related to health, but, nevertheless, they can also lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the anus:

1. Non-observance of personal hygiene.

2. At work or just in life, patients come into contact with harmful factors.

3. There is an allergy to products used for personal hygiene.

4. For a long time, the patient takes medications, namely antibiotics.

5. The diet is not enough healthy foods.

6. The patient leads a sedentary lifestyle.

7. Rough contact with the anus, for example, having sex, using poor-quality toilet paper.

8. There are sharp elements in the feces, they damage the walls of the anus, resulting in inflammation.

Violations in the blood vessels can also lead to inflammation of the anus:

1. Stagnation in hemorrhoidal veins will lead to the fact that the outflow of blood from the rectum is disturbed. The mucous membrane will receive less oxygen than before, and there will be no protection against infection and bacteria.

2. Varicose disease. With the expansion of veins, stagnation of the cut occurs, blood supply is disturbed.

3. Thrombophlebitis.

4. Venous insufficiency.

These are the main reasons leading to the inflammatory process.

Anal inflammation symptoms

There are a lot of symptoms that indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, they include the following:

1. When bowel movements occur, severe pain occurs. During the day, pain can bother just like that, but slightly.

2. In the anus, a feeling of constant discomfort, a burning sensation or heaviness.

3. In the perineum, a pain of a pulling nature, discomfort in the lower back, when in the same position, it becomes painful for a long time.

4. Blood is periodically secreted from the anus, both with feces and by itself.

5. Body temperature often rises, symptoms of intoxication occur.

6. Calls to the toilet become more frequent, with bowel movements.

As soon as the patient begins to notice such symptoms, it is necessary to visit a proctologist as soon as possible.

If the inflammatory process is not cured on time, it will go into a chronic form, its symptoms are slightly different:

1. In the rectal region, pain is constantly felt, it does not pass either night or day.

2. Body temperature rises, but slightly.

3. In feces, one can observe not only impurities of the blood, but also mucus.

4. If bleeding is constantly observed in the intestine, this may indicate the presence of anemia.

5. The patient is greatly losing weight, this poses a direct threat to life.

With chronic inflammation, the skin around the anus will begin to be affected by festering fistulas, they begin with the rectum.

If the inflammatory process occurs due to the presence of fungus, then the skin around the anus will turn red and constantly wet, outwardly a white coating is observed.

Anus Inflammation: Diagnosis

Digital rectal examination

This type of research can be performed at any time, special training is not required. The patient needs to stand in the knee-elbow position. The specialist will carry out hygiene procedures of his hands, put on gloves, the index finger is smeared with petroleum jelly and inserted into the rectum. Many patients experience discomfort, so the procedure should be performed quickly. As a result of the study, the following can be identified:

1. The condition of the rectum is being studied.

2. Identification of ulcers, polyps or other deformities.

3. The specialist will assess the degree of available discharge from the rectum.

4. The study of the state of neighboring organs.

In general, the procedure is painless, a competent doctor will do everything as quickly as possible.


A rectoscope is a metal tube, its diameter is approximately 2 cm, its length reaches 30 cm. On one side is an eyepiece and a light for inspection.

The patient takes the same position as in the previous case, the doctor inserts the device into the rectum, it must first be lubricated with petroleum jelly. In order for the lumen in the rectum to be seen better, it is necessary to slightly add air there. In children, such a study is carried out under anesthesia.

As a result of the study, the following can be revealed:

1. During the study, you can take a biopsy, for this a small piece is taken from the mucous membrane.

2. Identification of erosion, ulcers, tumors.

3. At the time of the examination, you can additionally introduce other instruments into the rectum and conduct treatment, for example, to excise polyps.

The procedure causes minor discomfort, pain is possible, but it is tolerable.

Mucosal biopsy

Under the microscope, the doctor examines a small area of ​​the rectum. Material is taken during rectoscopy. Such a study is carried out as a last resort. Thanks to him, you can identify the following:

1. Detection of neoplasms.

2. Identify a disease such as Crohn's disease.

Fecal analysis

Such an analysis in medicine is called a coprogram. The specialist may identify the following:

1. See the presence of mucus and blood in the feces.

2. Determining the reason why digestion is impaired.

3. Determining the nature of the inflammatory process, as well as its variety.

4. Identification of parasites.

These are the main diagnostic methods that allow you to identify the inflammatory process.

Anal inflammation treatment

With inflammation of the anus, treatment should be comprehensive. It includes drug therapy, diet, physiotherapy, folk remedies.

If conservative methods do not bring a positive result, surgery is performed.

So, First of all, you need to adjust your diet. All products that can damage the walls of the rectum must be excluded: spicy, spicy, oily, products with coarse fiber. Food should be semi-liquid and necessarily warm.

Important taking medication, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. In more severe cases, the patient should be in a hospital.

With inflammation in the anus, the following medications must be taken:

1. Antibacterial agents. Treatment with such means can only be carried out in the field of examination and establishing the exact cause of inflammation.

2. Antispasmodics. Under the influence of drugs you can get rid of pain and cramping.

3. Antiallergic drugs. The walls of the affected organ relax, the feeling of discomfort disappears.

4. Means aimed at tissue regeneration. These include candles, they restore the integrity of the mucous membrane.

5. Hormone-based drugs. For example, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, they treat some varieties of the inflammatory process.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to eliminate inflammation by conventional methods, therefore, surgery is performed. Indications for them are the following factors:

1. Inflammation goes to fatty tissue.

2. Scars are visible at the site of inflammation.

3. Conservative treatment methods do not bring results.

4. The tumor.

Inflammation must be treated as soon as possible, because the longer it progresses, the more complications will result.

Rectal inflammation: prevention

Just like another disease, inflammation in the anus is better prevented in advance than then treating it. To do this, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

1. Watch your diet, it should be balanced, with enough fruits and vegetables.

2. Buy only soft toilet paper.

3. Perform daily hygiene procedures.

4. Drink plenty of fluids daily. In order for the body to work correctly, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day.

5. Choose loose linens, it is better to refuse tight clothing.

6. Pay attention to your chair. Emptying should be regular, at least once a day. Feces should be of medium consistency, not dense, and not liquid.

7. Take baths with herbs several times a week, for example, chamomile, oak bark, and birch buds.

8. Lead an active lifestyle, pay due attention to running, swimming, walking.

9. If you have health problems, get timely treatment.

Drawing a conclusion we can say that the causes of inflammation are diverse. If you find symptoms of inflammation, you should contact a proctologist as soon as possible. The sooner the specialist diagnoses and establishes the diagnosis, the faster the treatment will be carried out. Self-medication in this case is not worth it, since inflammation in the anus is a complex condition that can lead to numerous complications.


Watch the video: Rectal Cancer. Q&A (July 2024).