Stretch marks after childbirth are medals for motherhood! How to quickly and painlessly get rid of postpartum stretch marks: you need to try everything


For each woman, the months of gestation and the birth of a baby are a huge joy and extraordinary happiness, but for many this is a test period: swelling, extra pounds, age spots and stretch marks on the body after childbirth.

Striae is not the biggest fear, but for a young mother it can be a negative psychological influence.

Therefore, sometimes the question of how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth is very acute.

Stretch marks after childbirth. Reasons for their occurrence

Many are sure that stretch marks on the belly of a beautiful lady arise solely because of an increase in its size during pregnancy: the skin simply could not withstand a sharp stretch. In fact, this is not quite so. That is why, before getting rid of striae (stretch marks), you need to understand why they arise.

It turns out that these hateful stretch marks appear not only in the wonderful period of expectation of the baby, but also because of some hormonal disorders, due to very fast weight gain, and then very fast weight loss.

Striae can take a fancy to the female body during puberty or sharp and too much physical exertion. A huge role in the appearance of stretch marks is played by ordinary heredity.

If there are abnormalities at the hormonal level or if a serious sprain (pregnancy or obesity) has occurred, the skin will quickly thin out and lose its elasticity. This will gradually lead to internal tears. Places of tears are healed by connective tissue, "painted" in pink or purple. Later, these places will brighten, the color will already be white, which still will not add beauty to the woman. Even after staying on the beach, having received a portion of solar heat, stretch marks will remain white and will be quite noticeable.

Stretch marks after childbirth: how to prevent them?

Before analyzing the problems of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth, you need to think about how you can avoid them. Since we determined the main reason for the appearance of these not aesthetic stripes, it becomes clear that it is impossible to fully influence it. But not everything is as scary and hopeless as it might seem at first glance. You can still reduce or try to prevent their appearance. It is only necessary to take certain measures that will provide real measures to help strengthen weak skin and increase its elasticity.

But you should start before the planned pregnancy, especially if relatives also have such a problem. After childbirth, proper nutrition will help to cope with stretch marks. So it should be quite balanced and rich in vitamins. It is mandatory to include cottage cheese, sour berries and fruits, fatty fish, nuts, citrus fruits and pomegranates in the diet.

A set of physical exercises will be an excellent help during preparation for pregnancy to try to avoid stretch marks after childbirth. Muscle tone will increase, and the skin will strengthen from normal morning exercises, swimming, daily runs, strengthening the abs. You can even consult a fitness trainer who will develop a series of exercises individually. But during pregnancy, you can start gymnastics only after everything is discussed with your doctor.

Another good way to prevent stretch marks after childbirth is the following, very simple: during pregnancy, the expectant mother can acquire various remedies for stretch marks, which are produced specifically for women in an interesting position. These are all kinds of oils, creams, lotions. Separately, you can find special remedies for stretch marks on the stomach and stretch marks on the chest. It should be used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If there is no possibility or desire to buy funds for stretch marks, you can use the so-called "grandmother's" recipe - olive oil, because it is known about him that he has truly miraculous properties and the skin will receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Oil will help the skin to stretch out gradually, the epithelium will not be broken.

Get rid of stretch marks after childbirth with a mixture of oils and mummies

Every woman needs to remember: the sooner she begins to fight with stretch marks that arose after childbirth, the greater the opportunity to defeat them. Old stretch marks of white color is almost impossible to remove in folk ways, not even all cosmetic procedures can cope with them. The correct behavior of the woman in labor will be to examine her body (visually) as quickly as possible after the end of the birth process. If she sees strips of violet-pink color, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight. But here you must understand that for serious methods of treating stretch marks, mommy can not be earlier than six months after the birth of the baby.

In the first days and weeks after childbirth, it is quite possible to continue to use the same creams, lotions and oils that were used during pregnancy. You can take a contrast shower, massage. Useful will be moderate physical activity and pump swing (if there are no contraindications). By the way, massage can be done at home, it’s not difficult. A good result will be shown by a hand-made mixture of oils of wheat germ, orange, hazelnut and rosemary; all components are taken in equal proportions.

On the hips it is necessary to do active massage movements from the knee to the stomach up and down; on the chest and abdomen - circular movements. Thanks to this mixture, the skin will become more elastic and toned, stretch marks will decrease.

A strong and powerful tool in the treatment of stretch marks can be called a mummy. A cream with the addition of mummies can be very effective, especially if combined with tingling during massage. And to make a cream at home is not difficult. It is necessary to take 3-4 grams of mummy, dissolve in a spoon of water. Then add this mixture to any cream for stretch marks or even baby cream. To apply such a homemade cream is enough 1 time per day, making pinching massage movements until the skin changes color to red.

Stretch marks after childbirth. We remove stretch marks with scrubs, lotions and ice

Traditional medicine always takes as a basis the many years of experience of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who are well versed in herbs and roots. All medicines made according to her prescriptions contain only natural ingredients. This is their main advantage. Folk methods can get rid of stretch marks as effectively as using professional methods. The only drawback is that it will take a lot of time and you need to use a set of recipes.

Useful will be a scrub from stretch marks. With it, you can, if 100%, then get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. Use it should be in the abdomen and hips, but not the chest. It is simple to prepare: take in equal portions sea salt, ground coffee, sour cream or all the same olive oil and add 5 drops of lemon or orange oil. Such a fragrant mixture should be used in the shower, applying to steamed skin in a circular motion until it turns red, two to three times a week.

Another useful folk recipe would be: after taking a bath or shower, rub a mixture of 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil and three drops of oil into steamed skin, one drop of lavender, wheat germ and neroli oil. Thanks to this tool, even long-standing stretch marks of white color can be significantly reduced.

Attempts to remove stretch marks with a lotion, which includes aloe, will be quite effective. To prepare this remedy, you need to combine half a glass of aloe juice, olive oil, 6 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E. Mix everything thoroughly. This lotion can be applied to stretch marks almost immediately after birth - twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Store it in the refrigerator, and immediately before use, slightly warm it up.

A wonderful remedy for stretch marks in the chest area will be ice rubbing. To prepare such ice, you must use salt water. The preparation is as follows: in a glass of hot water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt. Pour this solution into molds and store in the refrigerator. To bring the breast in order, wipe it with frozen salt water twice a day. Ice salt will activate the regeneration processes in the deeper layers of the skin, which will make the blood rush. Only a couple of months will pass and the chest will be in perfect order - tightened and without scars.

During the passage of all these procedures, one important point to remember: the problem of the appearance of stretch marks is solved faster and more efficiently only with an integrated approach. The skin must be protected both externally and internally. It is better to include a balanced diet, physical activity in the daily routine. And taking vitamins in a team with the right meal will provide the body with the active substances that damaged skin needs to restore.


Watch the video: 24 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect - Channel Mum (June 2024).