Shoulder inflammation: causes and symptoms. Methods for treating inflammation of the shoulder joint, doctor's advice


Shoulder joint inflammation or arthritis is a serious disease in which a sick person gradually develops degeneration and degeneration of the articular cartilage. In this condition, the affected shoulder gradually loses its function.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the shoulder joint and the most effective methods of treating this ailment.

Causes of Shoulder Inflammation

Most often, arthritis of the shoulder joint is observed in people with an age of forty-five to sixty-five years. In this case, the following factors provoke such a disease:

1. Strong hypothermia.

2. Excessive physical exertion on the shoulder joint (especially weight lifting).

3. Earlier injuries of the shoulder joint, which gave a complication in the form of inflammation.

4. Complication after acute viral illness (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.).

5. Allergic reaction.

6. Infection in the open wound of the shoulder.

7. An insufficiently active lifestyle that led to hypokinesia.

8. Deterioration of articular tissues.

9. Ingestion of harmful fungi or bacteria that lowered immunity. In this state, substances that must fight dangerous microbes will be worse "working", so a person will become more susceptible to various diseases, including arthritis.

10. Professional sports, in which a person constantly strains the shoulder joint and injures him.

11. The lack of nutrients in the body.

12. Various pathologies of the nervous system can also cause inflammation of the shoulder joint. Moreover, disorders in the central nervous system can cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, disruptions in the hormonal system, and also worsen the functioning of the male and female reproductive systems.

13. Tuberculosis, which is not treated, can cause significant harm to the musculoskeletal system of a person.

14. Frequent intake of alcohol-containing drinks.

15. An insect bite on the shoulder, and the ingress of poison directly into the joint capsule.

16. Various failures in the human endocrine system.

17. Gout.

18. Gonorrhea.

19. Genetic predisposition of the patient to the development of arthritis.

20. The period of menopause in women can also affect the development of inflammation in the joints.

Symptoms, signs and forms of inflammation of the shoulder joint

Inflammation of the shoulder joint has the following symptoms:

1. At first, the person will feel a slight pain in the shoulder area. Over time, the pain will become clearly localized and acute. The pain will also intensify after physical exertion on the hands.

Nature of pain: aching, shooting, stitching, burning. In addition, sometimes the pain spreads not only to the shoulder, but also to the neck, the area of ​​the shoulder blades and gives to the back.

2. The appearance of severe swelling of the joint.

3. Perhaps a slight reddening of the affected shoulder area.

4. An increase in body temperature.

5. Weakness and aches in the body.

6. Ailment.

7. Imbalance in shoulder movement.

8. A feeling of stagnation in the shoulder.

9. The appearance of a characteristic crunch in the shoulder.

10. Difficulty in raising a hand. At the same time, stiffness in the joint will increase every day and will be especially pronounced in the morning.

11. Aching pain can occur at night, preventing a person from falling asleep. In addition, such a symptom will be quite difficult to remove with conventional analgesics.

12. Deterioration of the general well-being of the patient.

When the first signs of arthritis appear, doctors recommend immediately diagnosing and choosing treatment. This is the only way to protect yourself from the development of dangerous complications and the transition of inflammation into a chronic form.

In addition to the main symptoms, arthritis can manifest itself in different ways and depending on the stage of the disease. Three degrees of neglect of arthritis are distinguished:

1. The first stage is accompanied by aching pain in the joint that occurs after exercise and completely disappears at rest. There may also be weakness in the arm and shoulder.

2. The second stage is characterized by the appearance of a more severe pain syndrome and a crunch in the hand. The movements are preserved.

3. The third stage is accompanied by very sharp pains and impaired shoulder function. It is difficult for a person in this state to move his hand. The cartilages of his shoulder deform incorrigibly.

Depending on the cause of arthritis, two types of it are distinguished: acute and chronic.

An acute form of inflammation usually develops due to infection. It has pronounced symptoms and the rapid development of deterioration.

A chronic form of arthritis can occur due to trauma or metabolic disorders. In this state, flashes of pain will torment us from time to time.

The chronic form of inflammation is considered to be the most dangerous, since it can cause deformation of the cartilage and atrophy of the joint, especially if the person does not start treatment on time.

The general course of arthritis largely depends on its variety.

There are four separate subspecies of arthritis:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis. As a rule, it has a chronic course and develops in people with a genetic predisposition to joint inflammation.

With this form of arthritis, the patient is strongly affected by the cartilage of the joint, its deformation and loss of mobility develops. In addition to these signs, a person may suffer from pain during palpation of the shoulder, dizziness and swelling of the joint.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs as a complication of rheumatism. It is characterized by an increase in white blood cells in the patient’s blood (a clear sign of inflammation), swelling of the joint and a large stiffness of the arm.

3. Infectious arthritis causes an infection that develops in the human digestive tract or genitourinary system. In this case, the disease begins to manifest itself already two weeks after ingestion.

Symptoms of this type of arthritis will be an increase in body temperature, joint pain and swelling.

4. The post-traumatic form of arthritis occurs as a complication from previously transferred herbs and bruises. Moreover, such a disease can develop over the years, causing first a crunch in the joint, and then its swelling and pain.

Shoulder inflammation: treatments

The treatment of shoulder arthritis involves the following types of therapies:

• medical treatment;

• physiotherapeutic treatment;

• surgery.

Drug therapy involves the appointment of such groups of drugs:

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are necessary for the patient to suppress inflammation and reduce pain. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for this purpose:

• meloxicam;

• Nimesulide;

• Ketoprofen;

• Diclofenac (for local use).

2. Man needs analgesics to eliminate the pain that arthritis causes. Usually used for this:

• Paracetamol tablets;

• Codeine;

• Analgin.

3. Ointments and creams for topical application are needed to relieve inflammation and partially pain. In addition, they will enhance the effect of oral medications. The best drugs in this area are:

• Diclofenac gel;

• Fastum gel;

• Deep Relig.

These drugs need to be applied to the affected shoulder 3-4 times a day.

4. Glucocorticosteroids are drugs that can help restore the former mobility to the affected joint, relieve inflammation and pain. They need to be stabbed directly into the sore shoulder.

5. Chondroprotectors. They will help slow down the process of destruction of the diseased joint and restore already affected tissue. They should be selected by the attending physician depending on the severity and neglect of the disease in each case.

It is important to know, that you can’t prescribe any drugs on your own, since they can cause severe complications in the condition. You can take only those medicines that your doctor will prescribe.

Shoulder inflammation: treatment features

After drug therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. It provides for the following procedures:

1. Electrophoresis;

2. Magnetotherapy;

3. Therapeutic massage;

4. Therapeutic gymnastics;

5. Phonophoresis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation, as well as improving blood circulation.

Surgical treatment is carried out when the patient has advanced inflammation of the joint, its severe deformation and loss of mobility. In this case, the method of endoprosthetics or replacing your bone with an artificial implant is used.

The rehabilitation period after such an operation is quite long (from two to four months). Thanks to modern techniques, the patient after full recovery will be able to regain joint mobility and get rid of pain.
