How to make mustard at home: simple recipes! How to make mustard powder delicious and healthy!


The mustard plant is a representative of the cabbage family. It is used not only for preparing the sauce of the same name, but also for squeezing oil, as a basis for seasonings and for cosmetic purposes.

Mustard is different.

White, or "English" is suitable for cooking seasonings of the same name.

Black mustard is used to make Dijon mustard.

In our country, for the preparation of sauce used mustard mustard, which is known for its pungency.

Mustard as a sauce is known in the following main types:

- Dijon mustard - the most popular in Europe. Instead of vinegar, cooks use grape juice or white wine, which makes it more tender and light. There are more than 20 types of this sauce.

- Bavarian mustard - prepared from whole mustard seeds, has a sweet taste due to the addition of caramel syrup. It is suitable for those who prefer to eat mild sauces. Bavarian mustard is often called "Munich mustard."

- Russian mustard - made from mustard powder with the addition of vinegar.

- English mustard - characterized by the presence in its composition of apple juice. Seasoning is prepared from mustard powder from slightly crushed seeds. In its structure, the sauce resembles pasta.

- American mustard - made from white mustard grains and a lot of sugar. This mustard is the thinnest among all the variety of varieties.

- Fruit mustard is a piece of fruit cooked in a spicy sauce with spices. They are great for meat and stew dishes. Sometimes this seasoning is called "mustard fruit." The product is very popular in Italy and other European countries.

- Don mustard - prepared with pickled pickles. The sauce is also known as Gardal.

- Honey mustard - honey is used during the preparation of the sauce.

Before you make mustard with your own hands, it is worthwhile to understand that a home-made product is much more healthy than a purchased one and has excellent taste. For its preparation, it is best to use powder, which can be purchased at any grocery store. Depending on the recipe, mustard will differ in aroma, taste and severity.

Properly prepared mustard will not only delight its taste, but will also contribute to the improvement of metabolism.

Other benefits of home mustard include:

- more expressive taste;

- lack of preservatives and dyes;

- the ability to always use only fresh high-quality sauce.

Recipe 1. Simple old-style mustard

Old Russian mustard was a favorite seasoning for dishes even in our great-grandfathers. Cooking it is very simple.


- mustard powder - 3 tbsp. l .;

- cloves - 6 g (it will need to be swept);

- sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;

- vinegar.


Mustard powder, ground cloves and sugar put in a deepened dish. Add vinegar to a creamy mass. Mix well. Pour the sauce into small jars and close tightly with lids. Heat the oven to be warm, but not hot, and place the jars there for 40 minutes. After this, the jars can be stored at room temperature. In this form, the shelf life of the sauce is about a year. Too thickened mustard can be diluted with vinegar.

Recipe 2. Mustard on cucumber pickle

The recipe on how to make mustard at home on cucumber pickle is not known to every housewife. And this is in vain, because thanks to this recipe you can get a delicious sauce for dishes in just a couple of minutes. Mustard on cucumber pickle is easy to prepare and has excellent taste.

In the process of preparing the product, it is very important to control the amount of sugar. If the brine is sweet, then sugar is no longer needed.


- mustard powder - half a glass;

- sugar, sugar better - half a tsp;

- sunflower oil - 1 tsp

- marinade - depending on the consistency of the mustard you like.


1. Pour mustard powder and sugar into the deep dishes, dilute with brine to the required consistency.

2. The resulting mass is placed in a jar and hermetically closed. Leave the dishes with the sauce warm for 8 hours, after which we get rid of excess fluid and add oil.

3. The mixture is mixed and can be served.

You can finish the preparation of the sauce on this, but if you are a fan of spicy seasonings, you can add red pepper, nutmeg, cloves or any other spice to the mustard and make the usual seasoning a real delicacy.

Important: if you used a low vinegar marinade, you can add citric acid diluted in water to your mustard.

Recipe 3. Danish mustard

We offer another recipe for simple mustard powder. Thanks to an interesting combination of ingredients, the housewives can easily surprise their family and guests by offering an original addition to the table.


- mustard powder - 2 tbsp .;

- sugar - half a tablespoon;

- apple cider vinegar - depending on the desired consistency of the product;

- sour cream or cream - depending on the desired consistency of the product.


- Place mustard powder and sugar in a deep bowl, add apple cider vinegar in such an amount that a creamy mixture is obtained;

- mix the mixture well and let it brew for about an hour;

- while the mustard is infused, whip the cream or sour cream;

- when the almost finished sauce is infused, you need to gradually add whipped cream and stir it until smooth. Ready seasoning can be served to the table.

Recipe 4. Piquant Mustard

Piquant mustard is perfect for eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it will also be indispensable on the festive table. This sauce is both soft and has a rich taste, so almost everyone will like it.


- mustard powder - 100 g;

- vinegar - 4 tbsp;

- warm water - a glass;

- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp;

- ground cloves and cinnamon - 1 tsp;

- nutmeg - 0.5 tsp

- olive oil - a quarter cup;

- salt - to taste.


1. Pour mustard powder with warm water to get a creamy mass.

2. Level the resulting mass and leave to infuse for a day.

3. Drain excess water from the product, add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

4. The result is about 400 grams of mustard. The sauce can already be served. All that remains is to lay out in jars and tightly close.

Spicy mustard is perfect for eating with lard, meat and other fried foods.

Thanks to these simple recipes, you can diversify your daily diet with new flavors and aromas.

How to make mustard with your own hands: small tricks

1. To make the sauce more burning, vigorous, it is recommended to dilute the mustard powder with warm water, and then add the rest of the ingredients. You can easily control the severity of mustard with the temperature of the water; the cooler the water, the sharper the spice.

2. The sauce can be prepared not only from powder, but also from grains, then mustard will be more fragrant. The purchased grains need to grind on a coffee grinder and make seasoning according to the usual recipe.

3. It is recommended to store mustard in a place where there is no color, so as not to spoil the consistency and aroma. So you can keep the taste and smell as it was with a freshly prepared sauce.

4. If you have prepared too much of this seasoning, then everything that you did not have time to eat can be used as hair masks.

5. Pay attention to the expiration date of mustard powder, the stale product loses its sharpness.

6. If you want to give the mustard a sweet touch, you can add honey or puree from sweet apples to it.

Thanks to these little tricks, you know how easy it is to make mustard delicious and aromatic with your own hands.


Watch the video: NO OIL Mustard Sauce recipe. How to make Mustard Sauce at home. Simple and Easy Mustard Sauce (July 2024).