Longevity plant - rotting grass: useful properties and application. Properties of rot herbs and contraindications


The boggy marsh or rotting grass, like most other field and meadow herbs, has a whole bunch of healing qualities.

A rather unpretentious and widespread plant can easily replace pharmaceutical drugs, therefore it is actively used in folk medicine to improve and strengthen the body.

Features of the composition to rot grass, useful properties

For home treatment, blanching grass is of great value, its useful qualities are numerous. This is due to the rich and rich composition, which is usually not peculiar to the usual "weeds", like a flu.

The composition includes:

• flavonoids that act as antioxidants;

• falkarindiol and falkarinol - substances that have anticancer, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties by nature;

• apegenin - an element that actively fights cancer cells and viruses;

• mono- and disaccharides;

• salts of elements: iron, potassium, manganese, boron, magnesium, copper;

• high content of vitamin C;

• nitrogen compounds;

• fatty acid;

• organic acids, such as citric, malic, ascorbic;

• coumarins, which strengthen the capillaries and have an antispasmodic effect on the body;

• polyacetyl compounds;

• carbohydrates and proteins;

• essential oils;

• saponins, starch and resins - substances contained in the roots of the plant.

The uniqueness of a perennial plant to rot herbs: beneficial properties for the body

If we compare the benefits of plant parts to dry grass, then the clear victory belongs to the ground part. It was in it that the necessary substances gathered that in a coordinated action relieve the body of various diseases. But nevertheless, in folk medicine, the rhizome of the bog marsh is also used. The plant is harvested during its flowering in June or July. The peeled roots and leaves are dried in the fresh air, and then stored in sealed jars in a dark place. In this way, the maximum number of useful properties of the dream is preserved. Among the healing qualities of the plant stand out:

• diuretic effect, which is achieved due to the content in the dream of a large number of phenolic elements;

• treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, strengthening heart muscles;

• the ability to establish and improve metabolism, normalize the digestive system, remove toxins from the body, cleansing it;

• thanks to substances such as carotenoids and chlorophyll, which are contained in the leaf extract, body tissues are able to actively regenerate;

• sleep-grass relieves pain and alleviates discomfort, inflammation, and has a general strengthening effect on the body;

• such properties of the herb as detoxification and antihypoxic are distinguished;

• improving kidney function, removing excess fluid from them, and enhancing renal blood flow;

• antibiotics inherent in the plant by nature allow people to fight fungal diseases with the help of grass, and they also reduce the risk of oncology appearance and development;

• the ability to have a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthen their walls;

• antispasmodic effect;

• rotting grass helps to dissolve blood clots in blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and regulates the functioning of the central nervous system;

• bog marsh - a plant that is very rich in honey, which has many useful properties;

• helps to cope with vitamin deficiency and strengthen immunity;

• scurvy treatment.

In the old days, even salads were made from the bog bump, which saturated the body with vitamins and minerals and served as a strengthening of the immune system.

Application of grass and beneficial properties

After recognizing the healing properties of the grass, it first began to be actively used to eliminate pain in rheumatism and treat gout. But over time, more and more healing properties were found in the plant, and the spectrum of beneficial effects on the body began to expand.

Today, the grass has such indications for use:

• abrasions, wounds, cuts, burns - the plant provides early healing;

• improvement of the functional side of the kidneys and liver;

• normalization of work and the elimination of pain in the stomach, intestines;

• elimination of toxins and poisons from the body;

• regulation of water-salt metabolism;

• treatment of diathesis, erysipelas, fungal diseases;

• fight against diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, bladder;

• it is worth including grass in the diet for people suffering from anemia, unstable pressure, anemia, problems with the nervous system;

• to calm the body.

If there is a busy day, stressful or insomnia tormenting, then a bath with grass roots taken before bedtime will relieve these problems in one moment.

Use in medicine to smear herbs and contraindications

An extensive range of medicinal qualities makes it possible to dream of the grass effectively used in traditional medicine. Bog marsh is used as the main component for creating such products as decoctions, tinctures, ointments, compresses, extracts.

1. In its pure form, grass is used to strengthen the body, saturate it with useful components that people lack.

2. Ointments and decoctions from the plant can have a bactericidal effect and enter a fungicidal agent. Such a medicine can eliminate urticaria, treat dermatitis and fight other skin diseases. For dermatitis, you can use fresh foliage.

3. Tinctures and compresses perform an analgesic function, therefore they are used to relieve rheumatic pains and gout.

4. Baths from the roots of a dream treat neurosis and depression, insomnia, polyarthritis and myositis.

5. To remove joint inflammation and strengthen them, decoctions from the leaves of the plant are used. Such decoctions have a positive effect both when taken orally, and when applied externally as a grind.

6. Leaf extract to rot grass is a prophylactic for tumors.

7. It is recommended to use drugs based on a dream for people suffering from frequent dizziness, inflammation, and respiratory diseases.

Harm for the body to rot herbs and contraindications

Many medicinal plants, along with a lot of positive properties, also have unpleasant disadvantages, the bog marsh is no exception. But still her list of shortcomings is rather small. The grass has the following contraindications:

• individual intolerance - a rather rare, but still existing contraindication;

• grass in any form is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, they should use the plant with caution;

• Do not completely replace drugs with grass for serious, fatal diseases or aggravated cases.

Although its chemical composition makes the grass rot and is close to the human blood formula, it is still not worth it to constantly use a medicinal plant. It is better to take short breaks and resume prophylaxis with dullness.


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