Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese: affordable and tasty. A selection of simple recipes from pink salmon baked in the oven with cheese


Salmon fish, not so long ago considered a rare delicacy, are now confidently placed in the ordinary menu.

Without even trying to invent fantastic recipes, many housewives began to cook quite familiar dishes from pink salmon and, it must be said, did not fail.

Still, it was not in vain that in Soviet times, in the first-class restaurants, salmon came in a separate category, and baked pink salmon is perhaps the most affordable dish of them.

Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese - general principles of preparation

• You can bake pink salmon in the oven on a baking sheet or roasting pan, in pots or packing in foil.

• For baking, use fish fillets, which are purchased ready-made or prepared on their own. To separate the fillet, the whole carcass of pink salmon is thawed well. Then cut off all the fins from the fish and take out the insides, be sure to scrap the skin of the knife with a knife. The carcass thus treated is washed with water and wiped dry. Dried pink salmon is placed on a cutting board and cut along the ridge, starting from the side of the head. The second fillet is separated in the same way, only the fish is turned over onto the ridge. Harvested fillets are carefully inspected for the presence of small bones and cleaned. Then the fish meat is cut according to the recipe.

• To prepare fish steaks, the processed carcass is cut across, in pieces about 2 cm thick.

• When baking in the oven, pink salmon is often dryish and therefore vegetables are often added to dishes with such fish.

• To prevent moisture from evaporating during baking, fish dishes are sprinkled with grated cheese of any hard variety. Under the influence of temperature, it melts and forms a dense crust, it is it that stores all the juice in fish pieces.

Baked pink salmon with cheese and mushrooms


• two small carcasses of pink salmon;

• 100 ml of non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• fresh mushrooms (champignons or oyster mushrooms) - 2 gr.;

• one and a half glasses of 15% sour cream;

• a spoon of wheat flour;

• two large onions;

• hard hot cheese - 100 gr.;

• two spoons of breadcrumbs (white).

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fillet from the processed carcasses and lay it on a greased metal baking sheet. Put the fish in a preheated oven and bake until half cooked at 180 degrees.

2. Peel the mushroom caps, rinse and cut into small slices.

3. Place the chopped mushrooms in a thick-walled pan or pan, add finely chopped onions, pour 0.25 cups of water and put it to simmer on low heat until tender. Be sure to salt and lightly pepper the mushrooms.

4. Mix sour cream with flour and lightly salt.

5. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, add crackers and mix thoroughly.

6. Put the stewed mushrooms in a uniform layer on the fish fillet and pour everything with sour cream sauce.

7. Sprinkle abundantly with cheese chips mixed with breadcrumbs, moisten well with vegetable oil and put in a heated oven.

8. When the cheese layer melts appetizingly and crusts, the dish will be ready.

Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese - "Surprise"


• 1.2 kg of pink salmon fillet;

• two boiled eggs;

• 70 gr. cheese;

• 40 gr. butter, sweet cream;

• three medium onions;

• a glass of drinking water;

• one and a half large tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

• two tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley;

• a teaspoon of refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fish fillet into arbitrary pieces.

2. Mix water with vegetable oil, add table salt, table vinegar and freshly ground pepper. Pour the mixture into pieces of fish in an enamel bowl. Cover and put in the cold for marinating for half an hour.

3. Chop the eggs into small slices, and chop the onions as finely as possible.

4. Melt half the butter in a frying pan with a little heat and put the onions in it. When the pieces become transparent and soften well, move the onion into a separate bowl and cool well.

5. Then add the chopped eggs, parsley and mix immediately.

6. Cut the foil into rectangular sheets. Take one such sheet, grease it with a piece of oil and lay out one piece of fillet. Be sure to pat the fish off the marinade residues with a disposable towel.

7. Sprinkle a piece of fish with coarse cheese, and lay the minced onion and egg on it. Sprinkle cheese again and lay another slice of fillet on it.

8. Fold the foil in an envelope and place it on a baking sheet. Pack the remaining fish in the same way.

9. Bake the dish for 20 minutes in the oven, at a heating temperature of 180 degrees.

10. Then, carefully so as not to get burned, unfold the foil and, gently prying the fish with a wide spatula, put it on plates. Serve boiled potatoes or rice as a side dish.

Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese in pots under dough


• kilogram of fresh frozen pink salmon;

• one glass of fat sour cream;

• white onion - 400 gr.;

• 150-200 gr. Kostroma cheese;

• bread crumbs wheat;

• unsalted butter;

• one chicken egg;

• a spoon of pepper pounded in a mortar;

• ready dumplings dough - a small piece.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the processed, washed fish into portioned pieces of arbitrary shape and size and dry each well with a towel.

2. Put a little oil and one spoonful of sour cream on the bottom of the pots.

3. Put a few pieces of fish on top. The quantity depends on the calculation per serving.

4. Sprinkle with ground pepper, lightly salt and lay on top the grated cheese, but do not put it too much.

5. Lay the cheese layer on top with thin onion rings.

6. Mix the remaining sour cream with cold melted butter (about 70 g.). Add the crackers and the remaining grated cheese.

7. Pour at least three tablespoons of water into each filled pot. Then pour the contents of the containers with sour cream sauce and close the pots on top with “caps” from the dough.

8. Lubricate the “caps” with a beaten egg and sprinkle them lightly with cheese.

9. Place the pots on the wire rack in the preheated oven and bake. In order for the fish to bake well, just stand the pots at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese, garlic and tomato dressing


• pink salmon fillet - 1.2 kg;

• one processed cheese;

• five medium tomatoes;

• garlic;

• 150 gr. 72% mayonnaise;

• two onions;

• 200 gr. mild hard cheese;

• refined vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. In a thawed filet, clean the skin with a knife or a special scraper from the remnants of the scales. Wash the fish, dry with a towel and lay it on the cutting board with the skin down. Inspect the flesh for small bones and remove, if any, with tweezers. Cut the fish into pieces, determine the size yourself.

2. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper and mix so that the pieces are well salted. Set the bowl aside for 20 minutes.

3. Grate the cream cheese in another deep bowl and combine it with the tomatoes, sliced ​​in centimeter cubes. Slightly salt and squeeze the garlic. Add a small pinch of ground pepper and mix well until smooth with a spoon.

4. Lubricate the roasting pan liberally with vegetable oil and lay the pieces of fish on it, skin down.

5. On each piece, carefully spread the onion, sliced ​​in quarters of the rings, and set for 20 minutes. in the oven.

6. Then take out a baking sheet, put on a baked onion garlic dressing of cream cheese with tomatoes and put back to bake.

7. After 10 minutes, open the door, sprinkle the dish with cheese and return the pan. After 5 minutes, when the cheese layer melts, turn off the oven, and do not remove the pan for another five minutes.

A simple recipe for baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese and mayonnaise


• a pound of pink salmon (fillet);

• 100 gr. 45% mayonnaise;

• hard hot cheese - 200 gr.;

• two large onions;

• vegetable oil to grease the frypot.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully cut the skin from a thawed filet. Then wash and pat dry with a towel. Cut the flesh into medium sized slices.

2. Lubricate the prepared small roasting pan with oil and place the fish on it. Lay out the pieces denser to each other so that there are no gaps.

3. Lightly salt the fish layer, sprinkle with ground pepper and wait 10 minutes.

4. Then gently spread the thin half rings of the onion on top and grease it with a not too thick layer of mayonnaise.

5. On the mayonnaise layer, rub all the cheese and put the roasting pan in the oven.

6. After half an hour, remove, gently with a spatula, divide the dish into portions and put them on a wide dish.

7. You can boil rice or serve mashed potatoes on the side dish.

Baked pink salmon with cheese, potatoes and vegetables


• large carcass of fresh-frozen pink salmon;

• one large tomato;

• eight potatoes;

• two onions;

• two eggs;

• one large carrot;

• three tablespoons of 15% sour cream;

• garlic;

• half a large lemon;

• low-fat mayonnaise - to taste;

• 30 gr. thick, better frozen cream;

• refined sunflower oil;

• to taste - spices "For fish dishes";

• 150 gr. mild cheese, hard.

Cooking method:

1. Scrape off the scales with a thawed carcass using a scraper. Remove the insides, cut off the fins and chop off the head. Rinse with water, and after wiping, cut into steaks 2 cm thick.

2. Arrange the pieces of fish on a large cutting board. Sprinkle with spices and salt, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and leave for a while. Do not use many spices, so as not to interrupt the main taste of the dish.

3. Chop the onions into medium-sized half rings and lightly fry, literally 2 minutes, in vegetable oil.

4. Add coarsely grated carrots and continue to fry the vegetables for another 3 minutes. Do not fry too much, they will reach the readiness in the oven.

5. Cut the potatoes into thin rings. The thinner the slices, the better they are baked.

6. Cover the frypot with a double layer of foil and be sure to grease it without sparing vegetable oil.

7. Put the fish steaks in the roasting pan, leaving gaps between them.

8. Between the pieces of fish, spread a thin layer of half the potatoes and add a little salt to it. Lubricate the potato layer with mayonnaise and lay onion fried with carrots on it. Do not cover the fish with vegetables, but put a thin circle of tomato on it.

9. Put the remaining potatoes over the fried vegetables.

10. Put sour cream in a bowl, add eggs, salt to your taste, and beat the filling with a whisk well. Squeeze the garlic here and rub the cheese coarsely, mix.

11. Pour steaks abundantly over the sauce, and evenly spread the remaining fill over the potato layer.

12. Cover the frypot with sheet foil and set to bake. After half an hour, remove and remove the sheet of foil. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh dill, and bring to readiness, without changing the heating of the oven.

13. Once the potatoes are soft, the dish can be taken out.

Baked pink salmon in the oven with cheese - tricks and useful cooking tips

• You can season pink salmon cooked according to any recipe with your favorite spices, which are suitable for fish dishes. However, do not forget that an excess of them can interrupt the taste of the fish itself.

• Thaw carcasses only in air. An excessively dry fish, when thawed in water, will lose its lacking juice.

• If the processed cheese does not rub well, moisten the surface of the grater with water or slightly freeze the cheese in the freezer.

• Always grease a baking sheet or a frypot or cover it with foil, which is also greased with oil. This will help prevent burning and sticking of fish.
