Cherry plum jam with orange - the aroma of clockwork citrus! Recipes for various cherry plum jam


Cherry plum and orange are a harmonious couple.

They are perfect friends in jam.

Cherry plum gives a pleasant taste, and an orange gives an unusual aroma.

But how best to make them friends?

A selection of the best recipes for sun jam.

Cherry plum jam with orange - general principles of preparation

Cherry plum is different. For jam, yellow grades are most often used. Not always a bone easily leaves the fetus. If it does not come off, use a knife to cut the pulp. There are recipes for a sweet treat, in which a whole cherry plum is used along with a bone. One such is below.

Cut the orange into slices, grind or use only the zest. Citrus juice may be added. Sometimes part of the water is poured into the jam, as the cherry plum is quite dry. Sugar is added immediately. It is advisable to let the ingredients stand together so that the juice appears, part of the sugar has melted.

A billet designed for long-term storage is laid out in clean containers in a hot state. If the jam cools down or the jars are not sterile, the treat may become sour. Of great importance for storage is the tightness of the dishes.

Cherry plum jam with orange "Sunny"

For the preparation of such jam, yellow cherry plum is used. The quantity of seedless product is indicated.


• 1.4 kg of cherry plum;

• 0.5 kg of oranges;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Cherry plum need to be washed, freed, put in a saucepan convenient for cooking jam or in a basin.

2. Add sugar to the main product, stir. Leave for a while.

3. Oranges must be thoroughly washed, cut into slices, remove all bones from them. Then citrus needs to be crushed. You can do this using a meat grinder or a blender. No need to remove skins.

4. We shift the orange mass to the cherry plum, stir and leave the jam for three hours. During this time, part of the sugar will melt, cherry plum will release juice.

5. Put the container with jam on the stove, bring to a boil. Periodically remove the dense foam that will appear on top.

6. Cook cherry plum jam 25 minutes after boiling.

7. Pour clean and dry soup ladle into sterile jars. We cork, remove the plum billet for storage.

Cherry plum jam with slices of orange

For such a jam, you do not need to grind an orange, citrus is laid in pieces, like cherry plum. The workpiece is beautiful, bright, appetizing. Preparing jam in three steps.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1.1 kg of sugar;

• 1 glass of water;

• 2 oranges.


1. Pour sugar with water, leave for a while, while preparing other ingredients.

2. We dismantle the cherry plum into halves or cut it into pieces.

3. Scalp the oranges with boiling water, cut together with the crust into segments, then each slice into triangles. It will turn out beautiful pieces.

4. Turn on the stove, prepare syrup from sugar with water. It is important not to bring it quickly to a boil, we warm it on a small fire so that the grains dissolve slowly. If a lot of juice is released from oranges, it can also be added to syrup.

5. We shift the plum in boiling sugar, immediately put the oranges. Cook, adding fire, exactly five minutes.

6. Turn off, cover, so that nothing accidentally gets into the workpiece, leave it to cool completely.

7. Then boil again for five minutes, cool. Each time, the foam needs to be removed.

8. Cook for the last time and pour boiling cherry plum jam into jars. Cool, demolish in the basement.

Twisted cherry plum jam with orange

Wonderful jam, thick, easy to prepare. This recipe will especially appeal to those with cherry plum that are not well separated from the bones. We'll have to take a knife, separate the pulp with it.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 orange;

• 120 ml of water;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Free the plum from the stones.

2. We also cut the orange, but the skin does not need to be removed. We throw out the bones.

3. We twist everything together, you can use a large or small mesh in a meat grinder. Do as you like.

4. Add water, sugar, stir.

5. Put the jam on the stove and bring the meleno to a boil. The mass must be constantly stirred, as it is quite thick, it can easily burn.

6. Boil the twisted plum for 20-25 minutes.

7. Arrange in containers, seal the sweet workpiece with sealed lids.

Cherry plum jam with orange (with zest)

Oranges themselves are not needed for such a jam. It is enough to remove the zest from citruses, in which aromatic substances are located.


• 2 oranges;

• 1.2 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 cups of water.


1. We sort cherry plum into halves. You can cut into smaller pieces if you want.

2. Put the main product in a container for making jam. Add sugar with water, leave for an hour.

3. First wash the oranges, then pour over boiling water.

4. We take an ordinary grater and remove a thin skin from citruses. Zest can be immediately transferred to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Turn on the stove, stir the jam and, periodically removing the foam, begin to cook.

6. After half an hour of slow boiling, plum billet can be poured into jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange and zucchini

Variant of unusual, but amazingly tasty and bright cherry plum jam with orange. If you do not say that zucchini is added, then no one will guess about it.


• 0.7 kg squash;

• 0.2 kg of orange;

• 0.7 kg of cherry plum;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. If the zucchini is young, then you do not need to clean it. Just take out the insides, cut into small cubes about five millimeters. The recipe indicates the weight of zucchini pure, that is, pulp.

2. Pour zucchini with sugar, let the vegetable let the juice go.

3. During this time, you need to prepare a plum. If the bones pop out easily, then disassemble in halves, then cut into quarters. The pieces should be slightly larger than the zucchini.

4. Cherry plum can be immediately transferred to the zucchini, let the juice let together.

5. Rub the zest with an orange, as was done in the previous recipe. We shift to jam.

6. Cut the pulp into small pieces, add to the jam. Throw the white skin and bones.

7. We put on the stove, mixing the ingredients well.

8. Boil the zucchini with cherry plum for 40 minutes. We do not give the sweet preparation actively boil. We lay out while the jam is hot, clog.

Cherry plum jam with orange and apples

A recipe for mixed cherry plum jam with orange, which also needs apples. We will not add them immediately to maintain the shape of the pieces.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 0.5 kg of orange;

• 0.5 kg of apples;

• 400 ml of water;

• 2 kg of sugar.


1. Prepare syrup from water and granulated sugar.

2. Cut into pieces oranges, freed from the seeds. Add to the syrup.

3. Next, pour pieces of cherry plum, bring the mass to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 15 minutes.

4. During this time, cut apples into slices, run into plum billets.

5. Bring the sweet mass back to a boil, remove the foam again.

6. After the second boil, cook the jam for 20 minutes.

7. If the consistency is not satisfactory, you can extend the cooking time.

8. We lay out in jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange in a slow cooker

The recipe for plum billets, which turns out to be unusually aromatic, is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. For jam, this option does not need to remove seeds.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 orange;

• 250 ml of water;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Remove with a grater or in any other way the zest, grind.

2. Pour water into the slow cooker, put washed and chopped cherry plum, throw the zest.

3. Cut the orange, squeeze the juice. We make sure that no bones get into it.

4. Pour orange juice to the rest of the jam ingredients.

5. Stir with a spatula.

6. Set the "Baking" mode for a sweet treat.

7. Cook in a slow cooker for 35-40 minutes, put it in containers until the mass has cooled.

Cherry plum jam with orange, lemon and spices

For such jam with cherry plum and oranges, in addition to citrus fruits, spices will also be needed. It is advisable to use natural vanilla and a stick of cinnamon. Synthetic flavors do not provide the desired odor.


• 1 kg of cherry plum;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 1 clove sprocket;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 orange;

• 1 g vanilla.


1. Disassemble plum, freeing from the seeds. You can cut smaller.

2. Add sugar, leave for 5 hours, you can stand it all night.

3. Rinse citruses, remove the zest from a lemon and an orange. We shift to cherry plum.

4. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, also pour into jam.

5. Grind the cinnamon stick, pour into the bulk, throw the whole clove, pour vanilla.

6. Stir, put on the stove.

7. Cook for half an hour.

8. Then you need to catch a clove sprocket. It is better not to deliver it to the jam, so that a specific bitterness does not appear.

9. Pour boiling treat into jars. Cork hermetically or close with nylon caps and store in the refrigerator.

Cherry plum jam with orange - useful tips and tricks

• Water is often added to prescription jams. Instead, you can use citrus juice.

• Jam becomes thicker after cooling. To check the consistency, you can drip a small amount of syrup on a cold plate. Experienced housewives pre-lay several plates in the freezer.

• You can lay in jam not only fresh zest, but also dried. Harvesting of aromatic raw materials can be done in the winter, when store shelves are bursting with citrus. The dried zest is perfectly stored for several years in a dry, airtight container.

• Cherry plum goes well not only with apples. You can make jam with the addition of pears, quinces, berries, but they should not be very acidic.


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