Seeds dream about what


If to understand, in reality, any seeds are nothing more than a symbol of the continuation of the species. But in dreams, the interpretation may not be so straightforward.

Pumpkin or watermelon, hidden inside the juicy fruit or located inside the sunflower seeds can foreshadow different events.

It is one thing to admire the field of sunflower during a dream, and quite another to sweep the husk. Any nuance seen during sleep is a link for accurate decoding.

Dreamed sunflower seeds in a dream which means

The dreamed fruits of a sunflower are just like other seeds can be both a bad and a good sign. In order to get pleasure from the taste of the kernel, it is cleaned by hand, and only then sent to the mouth.

In some dream books, the interpretation is directly related to this. At the subconscious level, they are identified with small troubles, gossip and even tears that have to wipe their hands.

Dreamed seeds can mean opportunities:

  • plant them in the ground - to the beginning of the creative path and the achievement of the goal;
  • click and scatter while peel - to the waste of time and effort;
  • a large number of seeds - to success and financial well-being, or to the fact that the dreamer does not fully realize their own capabilities;
  • collect them from the floor - to missed opportunities.

What dreams of pumpkin and pumpkin seeds

Associatively, a pumpkin is identified with a fairy tale about Cinderella or with Halloween. Such a dream as a whole is a good sign.

  • In general terms, the pumpkin dreams of positive changes and new opportunities, in particular it works if the pumpkin dreams of a woman.
  • At the same time, a pumpkin can also signify hidden fears at the subconscious level.
  • Pumpkin seeds in a dream are a welcome sign. Dreamers expect change for the better.
  • If the pumpkin seeds dream of a woman who dreams of a child, then soon she will be able to get pregnant.
  • Can pumpkin and men dream. An immature fetus in an unmarried man’s dream means a girl’s rejection of a relationship.
  • But harvesting ripe pumpkin is a good sign, promising profit and prosperity.

What dreams of sunflower seeds

  • Sunflower seeds, according to various dream books, promise lucrative offers, as well as the favor of dignitaries.
  • To receive them from someone - to the appearance of a good chance in reality, which can not be missed.
  • For those dreaming of career growth, a dream means getting a promising job. In this case, the need to work no one cancels. force in the chosen case.
  • Rotten and wormy seeds mean that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path to achieve goals and the likelihood of loss.
  • For sunflower, black seed color is the norm, in such a dream a positive interpretation.
  • For sick people, it will be a sign of a speedy recovery.
  • Sunflower seeds dreamed of a woman can become real news about the replenishment of the family.
  • For a girl, black sunflower seeds will be the news of imminent change and the prospect of a successful marriage. The appearance of the heirs is also just around the corner.
  • Sunflower with seeds is a good sign. The dreams of the dreamer, who saw himself in a dream in the middle of a field of sunflowers on a sunny day, will be successful.

Why click and gnaw seeds dream

  • A dream in which you dream to nibble seeds can be interpreted in different ways. Some argue that people are trying to bite their nails or a pen in order to calm down, while a dream is considered a sign of a dreamer's stress.
  • According to Miller’s dream book, snapping them in a dream is a good sign. Dreams of such dreams, according to him, to those who are young at heart, despite their age.
  • In addition, such a dream can mean solving problems relating to the younger generation, it is possible to build trusting relationships with adolescents.
  • Vanga claims that the details of the dream are important. So it is a single piece of grain sent to the mouth that is a precursor to a quick replenishment.
  • Freud's explanations are related to sexual life, pleasure and self-confidence.

If you dream of fried seeds to what it is

  • Fried can mean getting hot news, including gossip.
  • Burnt seeds are the herald that the news will be sad or scandalous.
  • To treat someone with roasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds in a dream - to wait in reality for support and support from a particular person. Here are just awake to get it will not succeed.

What dreams of husks from seeds

The husk seen in a dream can mean the inability to get rid of an unnecessary negative.

The dreamer is warned that empty feelings are possible in reality, because of which it is not at all necessary to raise panic.

Perhaps the dreamer is in a state of despair, but deliverance is not far off, you just need to get rid of all that is unnecessary, while the warning concerns not only mental, but also material debris that have outlived their things.

Also, the husk can mean gossip and empty talk.


Watch the video: What does seeds dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).