Honey cake - the best recipes. How to cook honey cake correctly and tasty.


Vladimir Dal defines the cake as a puff round sweet cake. Such a stingy wording provokes some protest, because a cake is, first of all, a holiday. A real hymn to the art of the confectioner on New Year's, birthday, and just like that, in honor of a good mood and a great day.

Honey Cake is a dream that comes true easily with the help of simple manipulations and a few simple ingredients. The main character here is honey - a healthy, tasty and medicinal product. It needs to be added to the dough very little - just a couple of tablespoons, and the result is amazing.

You can sing praises of honey for a very long time. It is used in preserving vegetables, stewing and baking a bird with it, and preparing fish sauces. A bakery with a unique bee product has an amazing aroma, beautiful color and a distinctive caramel flavor. There are a lot of recipes for cookies, gingerbread and pies with honey, but nothing beats a real honey cake that just melts in your mouth. Honey dough is somewhere between sandy and biscuit types, since it is honey addition that distinguishes the dough from both. No special decoration is required, the main advantage is the exquisite taste and ease of preparation.

Honey Cake - Product Preparation

Honey cake is simple, the whole secret lies in the correct baking of cakes, and there are not so many ingredients for it. The main character, which is invariable for all recipes, of course, is honey. It is better to take it in liquid form, so that the dough is more easily formed. Thick sugared honey can be melted previously in a water bath.

One of the most beneficial types of cream for our cake can be sour cream. From it, the product acquires a pleasant, fresh acidity, the cakes are well saturated and become simply airy. So that as a result we are not disappointed, it is better to take fat sour cream, and replace sugar with powdered sugar. Be sure to cool the sour cream in the refrigerator, and whisk quickly with fine sugar or powdered sugar. After this, you can add jam, mashed fruits or other ingredients according to recipes. The principle of preparation is always the same, the difference in recipes can be determined by adding only one ingredient to the cream, for example, prunes, coconut flakes or jam.

Honey Cake - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: honey cake with cocoa fondant Miracle

Besides the fact that that cake is tasty and tender, it is also huge - it’s quite enough to meet and feed a large company. The original dough is prepared in a water bath, this makes the cake soft and fluffy, a real miracle.

Ingredients: eggs (3 pcs), soda (2 tsp) honey (2 tbsp), flour (3.5 cups), butter (60 g), sugar (glass).
Cream:, egg, sugar (1 cup), milk, semolina (1 tbsp. L). Oil softened to room temperature (250 g), vanillin, half a glass of sour cream.

Fudge: sugar, cocoa, sour cream (24 tablespoons each), butter (60 g).

Cooking method

First, prepare the cream. Grind sugar and egg in a bowl, add flour and vanillin and mix. Gradually add milk to get a homogeneous mass. We put in a water bath until thickened, but do not boil, bring almost to a boil. In a mixture cooled to room temperature, add butter and beat. At the end, add sour cream and mix.

Preparation of the test:
- Mix the butter sugar and honey in a bowl and place it in a water bath until the sugar dissolves. We drive in the eggs and mix quickly.
- Put for 4 minutes in a water bath, add 2 teaspoons of soda. The mass should increase sharply in volume (about three times).
- Continue to keep it on fire and add flour (2 cups), stir. The dough should be thicker than the pancakes. The dough should be neither sticky nor hard. If liquid, add more flour, about half a glass.
- Put the dough on the table on a layer of flour. Divide it into 7 identical parts, roll each part in flour and form thin cakes. Bake until golden brown.

Fudge: mix cocoa with sugar, add butter and bring to a boil.

Grease the cooled cakes with cream, pour glaze on top and send to the refrigerator to infuse. Pour the icing on top.

Recipe 2: royal honey cake with prunes

Prunes give any product a distinctive taste, it just goes well with honey. The dough is of a fundamentally different consistency, therefore it is not baked with cakes, as in most cases, but completely, and then cut into cakes.

Ingredients: Dough: butter (100 g), flour (1 cup), 2 tbsp. tablespoons honey, 1/2 cup, sugar, soda (1. teaspoon), 2 eggs

For cream: sour cream (3500 g), walnuts (100 g), prunes (a handful), half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method

In a suitable bowl, melt the honey over low heat, stirring constantly until foam and golden color appear. Remove from heat and dissolve chopped butter with sugar in this container, stir with butter and flour. The dough should turn out as a very thick sour cream. Bake in a mold over low heat, cut the cake in half and soak in cream. If you get a small volume, you can take a double portion and cut into 4 parts. Check the readiness of the cake with a match.

Cream: mix sour cream and sugar, put in the refrigerator. Grind and crush nuts, prunes. Divide the sour cream in half. Add nuts to one part of the cream, put prunes to the other, put in the cold soak. To give the cream a "twist", you can add a little rum or brandy.

Recipe 3: Honey cake with condensed milk and apricot jam

The taste of boiled condensed milk is adored by many, and not just children. If you whip it with butter, you get a cream that may not so much soak the cakes, but in itself it is very tasty. And with apricot jam and nuts is so easy to eat.


For the test: honey (3 tablespoons), butter or margarine (60 grams), vodka (1 spoon), flour (2, 5 cups), eggs (3 pcs), granulated sugar (1 cup).
For cream: butter (300 grams), boiled condensed milk (2 cans), a spoon of honey, nuts, apricot jam.

Cooking method

In a water bath, melt margarine or butter and mix with eggs, add a pinch of salt, pour in milk and heat until completely dissolved. Add soda and sifted flour in small portions. You can bake cakes thick and thin, until golden brown, with medium heat.

Cream. Mix the butter and condensed milk until smooth, add honey, a few nuts. Putting the cake together. We coat the cakes and stack one on top of the other. Smear the cream on top, sprinkle with nuts and decorate with apricot jam.

Honey cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

- It is better to roll cakes while the dough is still warm, very quickly, not allowing it to cool.

- It is better to whip the cream at the same temperature of the ingredients. Take care of this in advance. If it does not beat well, you need to “level” the temperature - put it in the refrigerator or slightly heated oven for several minutes.

- In order for the cake to be beautiful, when rolling it is necessary to keep the rolling pin at an angle of 45 degrees.

Choose your recipe!


thanks))) I read the recipes, laughed heartily ... especially smiled about the rolling pin

anya 01/27/2016
For cream: sour cream (3500 gr),
Fudge: sugar, cocoa, sour cream (all 24 tablespoons each)
What kind of doses are these?
