Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic - yummy! Best ideas for eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic


The taste of eggplant directly depends on additional ingredients.

Blue vegetables themselves are quite fresh, grassy, ​​empty.

That is why eggplant is most often stuffed, marinated, stuffed, and also make wonderful rolls out of them.

The most delicious snacks are obtained with cheese and garlic!

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic - general principles of preparation

For rolls, it is best to choose young but large and elongated eggplants. It is desirable that they lack seeds or they are light, small. Otherwise, after frying, the hard grains will crunch on the teeth. Eggplant is cut into long plates, cooked in a frying pan or in the oven, both methods are slightly lower.

Cheese is the most popular ingredient in many fillings. In combination with garlic, he will ennoble any appetizer. Often they add mayonnaise, tomatoes, herbs, peppers, sausages and meat products. All kinds of spices, seasonings, sauces are welcome. Care should be taken with salt. It is present in cheese, mayonnaise and other products, and slices of eggplant are often soaked in salted liquid.

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic

A basic recipe for eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic. On its basis, many other types of flavored snacks are prepared.


• 2 large eggplants;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• 3 tablespoons of salt;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 70 g of mayonnaise;

• 2-3 cloves of garlic;

• pepper, herbs;

• frying oil.


1. Dissolve the salt in the recipe water.

2. Remove the tips from the eggplant, cut into strips along. The thickness of the ribbons should not be more than five millimeters.

3. Fold the eggplant strips in salted water, until bitterness comes out.

4. For the filling, chop the garlic, herbs, add grated cheese to them, season the filling with mayonnaise. Add spices to taste, no salt needed.

5. Remove the eggplant strips, squeeze.

6. Heat a thin layer of oil in a skillet. Can be cooked on a slightly oiled surface to reduce calories.

7. Fry all the ribbons on both sides, periodically add oil as it disappears.

8. Cool the eggplant.

9. Lubricate each piece with cheese filling with garlic. Roll into a roll, starting on the narrow side.

10. Transfer the rolls to a dish with herbs. Serving an appetizer is possible immediately, but much tastier is the rolls after half an hour.

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic "Nut"

Nuts, garlic and cheese are an amazing filling for eggplant rolls. Also feature of this recipe will be cooking blanks for snacks in the oven.


• 2-3 eggplant;

• 50 g of nuts;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream;

• oil, preferably olive.


1. The washed eggplant should be cut into plates and soaked in salted water. The process is described in more detail above.

2. Squeeze the strips of vegetables.

3. Put the slices on a greased baking sheet with olive oil. Eggplant can also be greased on top, for this it is convenient to use a silicone brush.

4. Bake the roll base at 200 degrees until cooked. Then the vegetable slices need to be cooled.

5. Nuts can be fried with eggplant or after them, while the oven is hot. Cool, chop with a knife.

6. Combine garlic, grated cheese, sour cream and nuts. You can add chopped greens to the filling. For pungency, pepper is poured additionally, mustard is put, bring the filling to the taste you need.

7. Now you can coat the cooled eggplants with cheese cream and roll the rolls.

Cheese, garlic and tomato eggplant rolls

A variant of simple eggplant rolls, the basis of which can be cooked in a skillet or baked in the oven. We do as we like more. Below is the filling option for 10-12 rolls.


• 180 g of cheese;

• 70 g of mayonnaise;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 4 sprigs of parsley;

• pepper.


1. Grate the cheese finely, transfer to a bowl.

2. Add grated or otherwise chopped garlic.

3. Now chop the greens, transfer to cheese, add sour cream, stir. You can pepper.

4. Tomatoes choose dense. First cut each fruit in half, then into three parts. Get neat segments.

5. Take a piece of fried eggplant, spread with cheese filling.

6. On the narrow side, put a slice of tomato, roll the roll, immediately transfer to a dish. If the eggplant is not very long and the tomato prevents the roll from sticking, then you can fix the roll with a toothpick.

7. Put the appetizer on a plate, decorate with herbs, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic (with ham)

A hearty version of the filling for eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic. Fry the base of the appetizer in a skillet. How to do this, you can see a little higher in the first recipe. This amount of filling is enough for two large eggplants. Processed cheese can be used.


• 150 g of cheese;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 200 g of ham;

• mayonnaise or sour cream.


1. Grind the cheese. If it is fused and soft, then you can just knead.

2. Cut ham into small cubes or thin strips, mix with cheese.

3. Add garlic and herbs to them, black pepper to taste. Stir.

4. Now the filling must be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream. The amount depends on the consistency of the cheese. If it is hard, feel free to add 4-5 tablespoons. If the cheese is soft, then put less, minced meat for rolls should not turn out liquid.

5. It remains only to lay out the filling on the ribbons of eggplant, roll rolls. You can serve right away.

Eggplant rolls with cheese, garlic and Korean carrots

A variant of a bright, simple and unusually tasty filling of Korean carrots. You can use the salad without additives or with them. In any case, it turns out wonderful! Take cheese processed or hard, it does not matter.


• 200 g of Korean carrots;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• greens optional.


1. Korean carrots need to be squeezed. Extra filling is not needed.

2. Spread on a cutting board, chop with a knife, so that the pieces turn out no more than two centimeters. We shift in a bowl.

3. Grate the cheese, send to the carrot.

4. Grind garlic and herbs. Also shift into minced eggplant. No spices needed.

5. We fill the bright filling with mayonnaise or sour cream, you do not need to add a lot. Stir.

6. Apply a thin layer of carrot mass with cheese and garlic to each eggplant, twist the rolls.

Eggplant rolls with chicken, cheese and garlic

To prepare hearty rolls, you can use boiled, fried, smoked chicken. Amuse even pieces of chicken kebab from the grill, which remained. Cheese can be taken hard or sausage. Cut eggplant into strips, fry in a skillet or bake in the oven. The filling is designed for 2-3 eggplant.


• 200 g of prepared chicken;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 3-4 sprigs of parsley;

• 3-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 spoon of sour cream;

• 1 tablespoon of walnuts.


1. Chicken for the filling is best used without skin. Cut the cooked pulp of the bird into small cubes. Can be broken down into fibers.

2. Chop the nuts into small pieces, also garlic and herbs, transfer to minced meat.

3. Add the grated cheese. As already mentioned, you can even take sausage. It’ll turn out delicious anyway.

4. Season the filling with mayonnaise. If you use chicken breast, you can add more sauce to make it juicier.

5. Lay out the fried slices of eggplant, coat with a layer of minced chicken and cheese, roll. You can fasten the tips with toothpicks.

6. Put the rolls in a mold, coat with sour cream on top.

7. Put in the oven. Bake for 7-8 minutes at 220 degrees. Serving an appetizer can be both cold and hot.

Baked eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic

A variant of very aromatic and tasty cheese rolls that are baked in the oven. The dish is prepared in two stages.


• 2 eggplants;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• butter.


1. Eggplant should be cut into long plates, soaked in salt water and squeezed.

2. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the strips, but only on one side.

3. Combine cheese, garlic and mayonnaise, add chopped bell pepper.

4. Take one strip of eggplant, apply cheese filling on the fried side, twist. The white side should be on top.

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic - tips and tricks

• It is not necessary to use mayonnaise for dressing. It can be replaced with sour cream, yogurt, any prepared sauce. You can use cream cheese with different tastes.

• Mushrooms wonderfully overlap in taste with eggplant. You can add some pickled stuff to the filling, which will make the snack even more interesting.

• Not all eggplants require soaking in salted water. There are varieties without bitterness. You also need to remember that the younger the vegetable, the less corned beef and bitterness in it.

• To get eggplant strips quickly browned, you can brew plates in wheat flour before cooking.

• If there is not enough cheese for the filling, you can grate the boiled egg. Possessing a neutral taste, it perfectly dilutes the mass. Do not forget to add more sauce in this case, as the egg will absorb it well.

• Eggplant rolls can be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator, but in this case, do not put greens, fresh vegetables in the filling.


Watch the video: Cheesy Eggplant Roll-Ups. Eggplant Rollatini Recipe (June 2024).