Prune storage: where, how, how much. How to store prunes at home: time-tested methods


Want to enjoy flowering youth, precious health and captivating beauty? What are you waiting for?

Rather, include sweet prunes in your daily diet!

Prunes are a product that is distinguished not only by its incomparable taste, but also by its invaluable benefits. It contains a number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In view of what it has a beneficial effect on the human body. So, for example, prunes are known for the following properties:

• anti-inflammatory;

• antiviral;

• antimicrobial;

• restorative;

• laxatives;

• strengthening;

• regenerative;

• anti-aging;

• protective;

• nutritious;

• tonic;

• soothing;

• painkillers.

Thus, prunes are a storehouse of nutrients and a panacea for many diseases.

Attention! To dainty gave only benefit, learn how to store it properly.

Proper storage of prunes at home

Have you decided to stock up on dried plums for the future? But do not know how to store prunes at home? There are four great ways to keep dried fruits healthy.

Prunes are perfectly stored in:

• glass containers;

• fabric bags;

• zip packages;

• wooden barrels.

Storage of prunes in glass containers

Storage of prunes in glass containers is a great way, as the product does not deteriorate for 6-12 months.

1. Preparing prunes. The fruits are carefully picked and then dried in the oven and cooled.

2. The container is being prepared. Tanks and lids are washed well, poured with boiling water and dried.

3. The containers are filled. The fruits fit tightly in jars, and the container is closed with a lid.

4. The containers are removed. Prunes are sent for storage in a dry and cool place, for example, in the basement.

This method is considered the best, since prunes do not lose properties during the entire storage period. In addition, he is not afraid of a variety of insects and rodents.

Storage of prunes in cloth bags

Storage of prunes in bags is a good way, because the product does not deteriorate for 3-6 months.

1. Prunes are moved: damaged fruits are removed.

2. Fabric containers are prepared: in a steep saline solution, the bags are soaked (for 2-3 hours), and dried.

3. The processed bags are tightly filled with dried plums and tightly tied with a rope.

4. The bags are sent for storage in a dry place, for example, in the attic or in the pantry.

Prunes stored in cloth bags do not mold and do not lose useful properties. However, they can easily eat rodents and various insects. In addition, if products with a strong odor are stored next to the bags, prunes will absorb extraneous odors.

Storing prunes in zip packages

Storing prunes in zip packages is a simple and hassle-free way. The shelf life of a product waiting in the wings in a container with a fastener is 1-2 months.

1. Prunes are moved (plum in perfect condition is taken) and additionally dried in the oven.

2. Zip packets are filled with prunes. The containers are fastened, but not completely (a small opening for ventilation is left).

3. Bags with prunes are sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Prunes in zip bags are not bad, but they absorb odors and moisture through the hole in the container. You can, of course, close the bags, but then condensation will form on their walls, which will adversely affect the dried plum - it will grow moldy. Therefore, the product must be regularly checked and periodically removed from the package.

Storage of prunes in wooden barrels

Storage of prunes in wooden barrels is a good way to keep dried plums safe and sound for 12-24 months.

1. Prunes are moved, dried in the oven, cooled.

2. The barrels are filled with dried plums and covered with a lid.

3. Wood containers are sent to the basement or attic.

Natural material is great for storing prunes. However, it is periodically necessary to inspect it, as rodents can feast on it.

Some housewives recommend storing prunes in plastic containers and plastic bags. In no case do this, as you simply spoil the product. Plastic containers will “reward” the dried plum with an unpleasant odor, and plastic bags with mold.

Prune Storage: Little Tricks

To save a sweet, fragrant and healthy product from uninvited guests - microorganisms, insects and rodents, you must:

• put next to the containers one asterisk of cloves;

• add 2-3 leaves of dried mint to the container;

• put a salt shaker next to containers filled with prunes;

• treat the surface of the cabinets with a weak vinegar solution.

That's all wisdom.

How to store prunes at home? Easy!


Watch the video: How to Dehydrate Plums & Prunes (July 2024).