How to get an early harvest of onions: planting in the fall. Technology for growing onion sevka: planting in the winter and its features


In early spring, the body is so lacking in vitamins, onion greens during this period are just the way, but the first greens wait a long time.

Every gardener knows that they begin to grow it in the spring, but not everyone will risk planting onions in the fall.

This technology has been known for a very long time, but has not found wide application.

For an early and plentiful harvest, on which you can also earn money, it is used precisely.

Benefits of Autumn Onion Planting

1. An early spring harvest of onion herbs without much labor. Planting winter onions makes it possible to feast on the greens before the start of the season, and after harvesting to occupy the garden with another useful crop. Thus, from one bed you can get a double crop.

2. No need to worry about the preservation of small sets in winter. Gardeners know firsthand how difficult it is to preserve the sowing of the fine fraction until spring, it often dries up, and all the work goes down the drain.

3. An early harvest of onion turnips. Winter planting allows you to get a crop of onions in July.

The advantages of autumn planting of onion sets are undeniable, but this technology has its own tricks. For everything to go well, you need to approach the matter wisely.

Where to get seed for autumn planting

It is difficult to buy sevoc during the autumn planting season, since demand for it during this period is low. It's easier to grow quality seed material yourself. How to do it?

• To get onion sevka in spring, you need to sow the seeds of nigella.

• The procedure is carried out in early spring, when snow has just left the beds.

• Sow seeds with a wide strip, about 5 - 6 cm. The distance between the strips is left sufficient for weeding and care of the beds.

• The depth of seed placement is about 1 - 2 cm. After planting, the bed is mulched with humus.

After emergence of seedlings, seedlings need regular watering and weeding. After each watering it is useful to loosen the soil. Young seedlings do not need additional fertilizing.

In the middle of summer, when the onion leaves turn yellow and die, they dig a sevka with a pitchfork. After which, he is left to dry right in the garden. Next, planting material is sorted. Sevka with a diameter of more than 1 cm is left for autumn planting, and the small one is planted in autumn.

Why is shallow seed used for onion planting?

1. Small sowing is preferable to plant in the fall, this makes it possible to get a good turnip crop. The fact is that small seed does not shoot.

2. In small onions, enough nutrients accumulate during the winter, which allows you to get vitamins rich in vitamins.

Varieties of onions for winter sowing

You can get a consistently good crop only by growing certain types of onions that are suitable for autumn planting.

• Radar;

• Ellan;

• Danilovsky;

• Stuttgarten Riesen;

• Zolotnichok;

• Sturon;

• Odintsovo.

But, even acquiring the necessary varieties, one can not do without knowing all the rules of agricultural technology for growing onions.

Dates of onion planting in the fall

First of all, every gardener must comply with the timing of planting crops. The quantity and quality of the crop depends on this. Planting onions in the fall (before winter) ends a month before stable frosts, while the soil has not yet frozen.

In each region, landing dates are different. Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised to navigate the weather. If the average daily temperature is kept at +5 degrees, then you can start planting the seed.

How to prepare a bed for planting onions in the fall

The place for planting onions is chosen dry, without stagnation of melt water. Too wet areas cause rotting of the seed. Planting beds are made high so that groundwater does not damage the seed.

The soil for growing onions should be light and nutritious. At the same place it is cultivated for no more than two years, then the garden is changed. You can return the bow to its original place only after 5 years.

Potatoes, white cabbage, and corn will be good predecessors for this crop. You can not sow onions after garlic.

Every gardener knows how important top dressing is to obtain a quality turnip. It is advisable to use mature compost or humus.

Important! Fresh manure is not used to fertilize onion beds. This leads to the formation of juicy greens, but the turnip will be too loose, unsuitable for storage.

The technology of planting onion sevka in the fall

The bed for planting sevka is made wide. Seeds are planted in grooves, which are made at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Onions are planted at a distance of 5 cm, the distance can be increased depending on the size of the future head. The depth of planting is 3 cm; a shallower planting will lead to exposure of the plant in the spring.

During the autumn planting of onion sevka, grooves are covered with nutritious soil, but not watered. Before the onset of frost, the plants are mulched with sawdust, tops, humus or foliage. If the winter is frosty, then the beds are additionally covered with snow, so that when the temperature drops above -20 degrees the onions will not freeze.

How to care for the garden in spring

When the snow melts on the beds, the mulch material is removed so that the soil warms up faster. In the future, onion care consists of regular watering and loosening of beds, fertilizing.

For the first time, plantings are fed with diluted chicken droppings, until leaves have appeared. When the feather grows, the onions are fertilized with Plantafol. The feather must be collected from more developed bulbs, giving the rest the opportunity to increase leaf mass.

Harvesting winter onions

As a rule, varieties of winter onions ripen earlier than others. Harvesting periods in different regions differ, so you need to focus on the appearance of the bulbs. It is possible to understand that the heads are fully formed and ready for excavation by leaves and scales, which are painted in a color characteristic of a particular variety.

Dig onions very carefully, trying not to damage the turnip. Dry the crop in a dry, well-ventilated place. Only after complete drying, the head is laid in storage.

Important! Onions, which have a juicy neck, are eaten first. Such turnips are not stored.

Errors gardeners when planting onion sets in the fall

Since the technology of growing and planting onions in the fall is not particularly popular, many gardeners make a number of mistakes that adversely affect yield.

1. Deep sowing during planting leads to late shoots. If the layer of land above the seed is more than acceptable, then the onions simply will not have the strength to break through it.

2. Failure to meet the planting dates, too late planting leads to freezing of the plant, as it does not have time to build up a sufficient root system.

3. Onions inhibit development due to planting in low places.

4. Without mulching the beds in the fall, onions can be damaged by frost.

5. Shoots are sparse or absent - forgot to remove the mulch material from the beds.

6. Sowk rots because it is planted in an inappropriate place where meltwater has been standing for a long time.

7. The onion crop is too small - the bed is in the shade. For growing onions, a sunny spot is selected.


Watch the video: Harvesting Onions & How To Tell When They Are Ready To Be Harvested (July 2024).