Snoring in women: reasons for how to deal with snoring. Methods of treating snoring in women, prevention


Most often they try to treat snoring with folk remedies, without going to the doctors. Snoring refers to the characteristic sound that a person makes during sleep.

It is formed as a direct result of the passage of an air stream through a narrowed airway. Consider in more detail the causes of snoring in women, as well as ways to eliminate this manifestation.

Snoring in women: causes

The "system" of development of snoring in women is such that when they fall asleep, their entire body relaxes, which reduces the tone of the pharyngeal muscles. This leads to a sharp spasm of the larynx and the development of characteristic vibrations, accompanied by unpleasant sounds.

The following reasons can provoke the appearance of snoring in women:

1. Overweight.

2. Chronic lack of sleep.

3. The period of menopause in women, during which the level of estrogen in their blood decreases, which can narrow the airways. This causes snoring.

4. Curvature of the nasal septum.

5. Swelling of the tonsils.

6. The formation of polyps in the nasal cavity or larynx.

7. Violation of the bite.

8. Excessive physical fatigue.

9. Congenital or acquired pathologies of the structure of the larynx.

10. Disorders in the hormonal background or general malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

11. Taking sleeping pills.

12. Smoking or drinking alcohol frequently.

13. Nose injuries.

14. Colds that were caused by the virus.

15. Acute or chronic pathologies of the nasal cavity and sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).

16. The development of oncological pathologies in the larynx.

17. Age-related physiological changes in the nasopharynx.

It is important to know that, despite the seeming harmlessness of snoring, this condition is not the norm, because it provokes a sudden stop of a person’s breathing in a dream. Moreover, all in one night a woman can experience more than a hundred short respiratory arrests. This, in turn, threatens with loss of consciousness and hypoxia.

For this reason, it is very important when you see snoring to see a doctor and conduct an examination.

Snoring in women: diagnosis and treatment methods

If snoring occurs, women should consult an ENT doctor. This specialist diagnoses the respiratory tract and can determine the exact cause of snoring.

Also, in addition to the otolaryngologist, it is advisable for the patient to consult with an endocrinologist and therapist.

In order to understand if snoring does not cause respiratory arrest during sleep, it is recommended to conduct a study called polysomnography. During it, special sensors are fixed to the person, which will record the heart rate, respiratory movements and other vital signs. In most cases, it is the polysomnography results that become the basis for the selection of the necessary treatment.

The treatment prescribed by the doctor may be:

1. Drug treatment involves the appointment of special nasal drops and sprays for the patient. They are aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa and will have a softening effect on breathing during sleep.

2. If snoring caused excess weight, then the patient goes to a nutritionist who prescribes her an individual weight loss plan. You should adhere to a diet for a sufficiently long time to normalize your weight as much as possible and get in shape.

3. If anatomical defects became the cause of snoring, then the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. For example, the curvature of the nasal septum can be removed with a laser or open surgery.

The duration of recovery after this treatment is usually up to two weeks. In most cases, surgery helps eliminate annoying snoring.

4. A woman does not have to be in the clinic during the treatment of snoring, but she is shown rest, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. Also, hardware therapy using electronic devices is sometimes practiced.

5. With severe fatigue and stress caused by snoring, sedatives and antidepressants may be prescribed to the patient.

6. In case of failures in the endocrine system, hormone-containing drugs can be prescribed.

In addition, doctors advise patients to perform the following exercises to get rid of snoring:

1. Pull the tongue out of the mouth and point it down. Hold in this position for ten seconds, and then return the tongue to its original position. Repeat the exercise twenty times before bedtime.

2. Firmly grip a wooden stick in your teeth. Hold her for two minutes. It is advisable to practice the exercise before bedtime.

3. Press the chin with your hand and move the lower jaw back and forth. Repeat the exercise ten times before bedtime and in the morning.

Improvements in breathing in a dream can be achieved only after a month of regular performance of such exercises.

During treatment of snoring, it is also important to adhere to the following recommendations of doctors:

1. Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime. This is the only way to reduce the burden on the body.

2. Try to sleep on your side. Special semicircular pillows will help you get used to this.

3. It is very important to monitor the hygiene of the respiratory tract and never go to bed with a stuffy nose.

4. Change the position of the head in a dream. To do this, it is recommended to replace your old pillow with a new one, with an orthopedic notch to support the neck. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the load on the muscles of the neck and simplify breathing.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a popular method of getting rid of snoring as a clip. This device will certainly help to slightly reduce the strength and sound of snoring, but it will not eliminate its root cause. Therefore, to practice this method is not recommended without prior treatment.

Snoring in women: treatment, complications and prevention

If traditional therapy did not help get rid of annoying snoring, then you can try to rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt (1 teaspoon of water in 1 cup of water). Repeating this procedure twice a day can significantly reduce the frequency of snoring.

Another effective method is to instill sea buckthorn oil in the nostrils. It will soften the airways and help partially cope with snoring. Moreover, this oil will not do harm, so it can be used for quite a long time. In one nostril should be instilled 1-2 drops half an hour before bedtime.

Chronic snoring in women threatens the appearance of dangerous complications, among which may be:

1. Headaches.

2. Lack of coordination and concentration.

3. Violation of the heart rhythm.

4. Constant weakness and malaise. Also often drowsiness, a feeling of constant not rash.

5. A sharp decrease in memory.

6. The appearance of problems with blood pressure (high risk of hypertension).

7. Due to abnormal sleep with frequent interruptions, a person may feel overwhelmed. It will also affect the immune system and appetite.

8. In more advanced cases, a woman may develop a heart attack or stroke in a dream. This in turn increases the risk of death.

9. Sometimes patients with snoring simply stop breathing. Because of this, they lose consciousness.

Moreover, constant snoring can negatively affect not only a sick person, but also people close to him, who are forced to listen to extremely unpleasant sounds every night. This can lead to discontent and even serious conflict situations.

To reduce the likelihood of snoring, women should follow these preventive measures:

1. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Sleep in a comfortable position (preferably on your side).

3. Use orthopedic pillows and mattress.

4. Timely treat any colds and viral diseases.

5. Do not overeat.

6. Avoid stress and excessive psychological distress.

7. Avoid severe physical overwork.

8. Have a good rest and an eight-hour sleep.

9. Control your weight and prevent obesity.

10. Do not self-medicate. This is especially true for taking sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription, which can easily cause snoring.

11. Women should be especially careful about their health during menopause. In such a period, blood tests should be constantly monitored and prevent the development of various malfunctions in the body systems.


Watch the video: 5 ways to stop snoring (June 2024).