34th week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 34 weeks of gestation.


Your baby is already 34 weeks old! Today he lies correctly - with his head to the birth canal (optimal presentation, providing maximum protection for the baby and mother during the birth act). If the position of the child in the womb is different from the norm (pelvic, oblique or transverse presentation), then, most likely, you will have a cesarean section. The long-awaited event is just around the corner, so it's time for shopping: it's time to get everything you need for crumbs.

Changes in the body at 34 weeks of gestation

The body of a pregnant woman begins to prepare for childbirth as never before. Sometimes it is possible to notice uterine contractions that are false (in this way the body “learns” to participate in the birth act), but with each week the risk of “earning” real contractions increases. Placental hormones signal the brain that it is time for the mammary glands to produce milk. By the 34th week of pregnancy, the uterus increased several tens of times, its size reaches 32-35 cm. The amount of amniotic fluid also increased markedly and, as a rule, reaches one liter. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones widened by several centimeters, the woman’s steep slopes begin to cause serious discomfort or pain, so she has to squat a little to lift something off the floor. Fatigue is growing, shortness of breath - a companion of the third trimester - is becoming more noticeable (this is due to increased pressure on the diaphragm).

The condition of the fetus at 34 weeks of gestation

The fetus is actively gaining mass by this time, and now it happens more due to fatty tissue. The weight of the baby at 34 weeks varies from 2,000 to 2,300 grams, and the height is 44-48 cm. The baby’s lungs are fully opened, and in the event of premature birth, he will be able to breathe on his own, however, the ability to retain heat has not yet fully formed, therefore, without support equipment he can not do. The baby’s body acquires a “human” pink hue, it is still covered with an embryonic fluff (langugo) and a cheese-like grease. The hairline on the head becomes thicker, the skeletal system is getting stronger, the muscles are getting stronger, and the body proportions have already become apparent. By the 34th week, the "sleep-wake" mode is fully formed in the fetus; he sees dreams. The child is getting closer compared to previous weeks, so there may be a decline in his activity, which should not be scared.

Possible sensations at 34 weeks of gestation

The pregnant belly becomes heavier, as a result of which the woman becomes clumsy, slow, she walks slowly, lies down and gets up. Any work, as well as a long stay on their feet become a real test for the future mother. Already at this time, you can notice that your tummy has gone down in order, and the baby has become less active due to cramped conditions (although this does not always happen), but its “bumps” and pushings are felt more strongly, because muscle tissue is getting stronger every day. Pregnant urination becomes more frequent due to fetal pressure on the bladder. In addition, the training contractions of Brestston-Hicks, which are painful irregular contractions of the uterus, are beginning to appear more and more often. In this case, the abdomen is "stony", and the pain starting in the upper part, gradually approaches the bottom, after which it disappears without a trace.

Necessary medical supervision at 34 weeks of gestation

According to certain indications, the gynecologist can send you to an ultrasound scan to establish the presence of possible complications, to detect fetal hypoxia, if it exists, but not for the purpose of planned screening. Ultrasound allows you to see the location of the placenta and umbilical cord in relation to the child, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. General analysis of urine and blood at 34 weeks usually do not pass. If you plan to practice partner birth with your husband, then he will have to pass a number of tests: blood for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis B, C, RW, and undergo mandatory fluorography of the lungs.

General recommendations

Are you already training your vaginal muscles with Kegel exercises? If not, then it's time to start. As practice shows, it is much easier for trained muscles to "survive" the birth act, and subsequently, quickly return to normal and restore prenatal elasticity. The meaning of Kegel therapy is extremely simple, but very effective, and it consists in alternating tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles.

Continue to walk more in the fresh air, if necessary - to relax. Also, eat rationally and variably, because the child will literally “draw out” useful substances and vitamins from you, and your mother’s strength will be needed in the very near future. The issue of maintaining peace of mind and a stable emotional background is still relevant. Protect yourself and the little baby from stress and unnecessary anxiety.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Ilona 04/06/2016
Yeah, I don’t understand the sensations ... And like hunting, I’m tired, tired, and you go to bed - and nothing! It seems to fall a little into sleep, and wake up almost immediately. And my baby is very active there! I already have suspicions that he is not alone, but a whole football team !!))

Gulya 04/06/2016
The only thing that bothers me and causes a lot of inconvenience is the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. It’s not pleasant ... But the doctor said that it’s normal and has nothing to worry about. And, of course, my legs get very tired, swelling. I try not to lie for long, but it doesn’t work out well.

Snezhana 04/06/2016
I had an ultrasound at the 32nd week of pregnancy, and they told me that we were pulling for 35 weeks! I don’t even know what will happen in a week ... What a hero I am !!)) I feel normal, all sorts of side trivia I do not consider worthy of attention.

Zhanna 04/06/2016
Damn, I have insomnia! I can’t sleep at all. I agree that this is due to worries about childbirth. I am very worried, trying to calm myself, but thoughts about this are haunting. Yes, I’m also running to the toilet ... So - then I’ll get enough sleep)))

Zhanna 04/06/2016
Damn, I have insomnia! I can’t sleep at all. I agree that this is due to worries about childbirth. I am very worried, trying to calm myself, but thoughts about this are haunting. Yes, I’m also running to the toilet ... So - then I’ll get enough sleep)))


Watch the video: Your Changing Pregnant Body, At 33-36 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).