Face pumpkin masks at home: skin benefits. Folk recipes for pumpkin masks for the face at home


To keep the skin supple and supple, to get rid of rashes and black spots - every woman dreams about it.

Pharmacy lotions, tonics and other care products do not cope with the problem as effectively as natural masks.

There are many homemade cosmetic recipes that do not require special expenses, for example, using pumpkin.

This large, juicy, bright berry perfectly affects the epidermis, due to the content of a complex of essential vitamins in its composition.

It is not difficult to prepare face masks from pumpkins for home use; traditional medicine recipes are suitable for any type of skin.

The benefits of pumpkin for the skin

Pumpkin contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which favorably affect the work of all body systems. This fruit can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

The use of pumpkin masks for face at home

1. Vitamins E and A help slow down the aging process of the epidermis, they stimulate the production of their own collagen, which preserves the elasticity of the face, regardless of age.

2. Vitamin B2 soothes sore spots.

3. Vitamin B1 protects the epidermis from the aggressive effects of the sun.

4. Niacin returns a pleasant healthy glow to the face, evens out its tone.

5. Starch softens the skin, whitens pigmented areas.

6. Carbohydrates are characterized by tonic properties, saturate cells with energy, accelerate the process of their regeneration.

7. Vitamin PP envelops the face with freshness, maintains a moisture balance, does not allow the epidermis to dry out.

Face pumpkin masks at home are also characterized by excellent exfoliating properties. The pulp of the fetus delicately removes not only dirt and excess sebum, but also dead cells. At any age, cosmetic procedures with this product will help maintain the softness of the skin, its elasticity and healthy glow.

Face pumpkin masks at home for problem skin

1. Acne Remedy


• boiled pulp of pumpkin (50 grams);

• green tea strong tea leaves (1 spoon large);

• honey (1 spoon small).

All components are mixed in the presented proportion to obtain a homogeneous consistency. The mass is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes, then washed off with warm water. This procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a week. The mask cleanses the skin of impurities, draws sebaceous plugs from the pores, prevents the appearance of acne.

2. The remedy for age spots

To even out skin tone, you can cook a natural tonic at home. For this, cucumber juice and pumpkin juice are mixed in the same proportion, a little milk of medium fat content is added there. The resulting liquid is applied to problem areas with a cotton pad. It is not necessary to wash immediately, it is important to leave the tonic on the face for 15-20 minutes, only then the skin is rinsed with cool water.

3. Puffiness remover

The pulp of the pumpkin must be boiled for half an hour and cooled, then add honey to it and turn into pulp. For 50 grams of pulp 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting consistency is applied to cheesecloth, as for a compress, applied to the face for 20 minutes. Such a pumpkin face mask at home draws excess fluid from the skin, resulting in the removal of puffiness.

Homemade pumpkin face masks for oily skin

1. From oily sheen

Raw pumpkin must be grated on the smallest grater. With the resulting mass, 1 tablespoon of starch, 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of tomato juice are added. The mixture is applied to the face in the morning after washing for 15 minutes, after which the skin is washed with cold water.

2. Cleanser

The mashed pumpkin pulp (2 tablespoons) is combined with 1 yolk of a chicken egg. Beat the mixture thoroughly until a uniform consistency is formed. Such a pumpkin face mask at home is applied 2 times a week. It allows you to cope with oily skin without overdrying it.

Cosmetic masks for dry derma care

Dry skin requires special care. Face pumpkin masks at home perfectly tone, moisturize the dermis.

1. The raw pulp of apple and pumpkin is mixed (usually taken for 1 procedure, 2 tablespoons of products). Good olive oil (10 ml) is added to this mass, everything is thoroughly whipped. The resulting consistency is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a week to achieve the most effective result.

2. Raw pumpkin pulp (50 grams) is mixed with vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). Apply this consistency to the skin for at least 20 minutes. The procedure allows you to moisturize the epidermis, even out tone and prevent peeling.

3. Raw pumpkin pulp (3 tablespoons) is combined with liquid honey (1 teaspoon), high-fat cottage cheese (1 teaspoon) and cream (10 ml). The components must be mixed well, the mask must be applied evenly on the face for at least 20 minutes.

Using the product to combat sagging skin and wrinkles

1. Recipe for expression lines

Pumpkin fresh juice (3 large spoons) is mixed with honey (preferably liquid) and 10 ml of olive oil. Oatmeal is added to the resulting slurry in such an amount that a consistency similar to sour cream is formed. The mask is applied to the skin 3 times a week for 20 minutes. After a few procedures, the first results will be noticeable.

2. Recipe for sagging sagging skin

Raw mashed pumpkin pulp (50 grams) is mixed with chicken egg protein. The resulting consistency is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. After 150 minutes, the skin is washed with slightly cool water. This procedure perfectly tones, preserves the elasticity of the epidermis.

3. Wrinkle smoothing mask

The pulp of pumpkin (approximately 100 grams) is boiled until fully cooked and ceases into porridge. There is added raw chicken yolk and a small amount of honey (1 teaspoon). The mixture is applied to a dry, clean face for 15 minutes. The procedure is preferably carried out before bedtime.

Pumpkin-based face scrub

To preserve the youth and beauty of your skin, you can make not pumpkin masks, but also a scrub based on this product.

1. Nutritious scrub

The pulp of the pumpkin must be boiled, mashed in mashed potatoes. Then, a small amount of sugar (1 tablespoon per 100 grams) and ground coffee (1 teaspoon) are added. The resulting product is applied to the skin with massaging movements (no longer than 2-3 minutes). If the face is very dry, 3-4 drops of olive oil can be added to the scrub before use.

2. Scrub for combination skin

5-6 almonds are ground into flour with a coffee grinder. In the resulting powder, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 50 grams of raw pumpkin pulp are added. Next, you need to dilute the mixture with natural yogurt without additives, so that a consistency close to thick sour cream is obtained. The scrub is rubbed 3-4 minutes into the skin with light massage movements. The epidermis after the procedure is rubbed with an ice cube.

Important points of using the fetus in home cosmetology

Before applying any pumpkin mask, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of using this product.

1. If the mask requires adding boiled pulp of the fetus, it must be cooked correctly. Pumpkin can not be boiled in large quantities of water, it is best to bake it in order to maintain maximum beneficial properties.

2. After using the mask, it is recommended to wash first with plain water, and then wipe the skin with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.

3. Pumpkin is suitable for any type of skin. Despite this, before applying a cosmetic product, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy to the product. To do this, a small amount of pumpkin gruel must be applied to the wrist. If redness does not appear after 15 minutes, then you can use face masks.

Face pumpkin masks at home are an affordable and effective way to keep youth, beauty and elasticity of your skin. Regular cosmetic procedures will cleanse the dermis of dirt and greasy plugs. In addition, pumpkin masks increase the protective functions of the skin, this allows it not to be damaged after interacting with such negative external factors as the scorching sun and strong wind gusts.


Watch the video: 3 Homemade Face Mask Recipes. Tiffbeauty (July 2024).