10 reasons not to love Italy


The sunny, warm, hospitable homeland of Cipollino - can you not love her? It is beautiful, famous for its monuments and majestic architecture, famous for fantastic sales and excellent Mediterranean cuisine - are there really any tricks here? However, the first euphoria subsides, tearing off pink glasses and a veil of exaggerated raptures. And what do we see?

1. Bureaucracy

Do you think that there is no worse bureaucracy than in Russia? You are mistaken! Our officials at least realize that they are sinful, while Italians seem to revel in paperwork. Moreover, the arbiters of human destinies themselves have a poor idea of ​​which department is endowed with certain powers. And as a result - long periods and a complete informational collapse.

2. Transport

Do you take a look at what the traffic jams in Moscow mean, expensive travel and irregular public transport? Visit the Italian subway, perhaps what you see there will help to appreciate the magnificence of our subway. Dirty floors, poor lighting and countless graffiti on the windows look more like a decoration for a base horror movie than a comfortable vehicle. Long waited for a trolleybus in cold Novosibirsk? And how do you like the weekly general strike of drivers? They are on strike - and let the whole world wait.

3. Cold

Have you had to go outside in winter to ... warm yourself? But the inhabitants of the Italian Mediterranean are regularly warmer in the winter sun than in cold houses. There is no central heating here, and driving a heater in your absence is against the rules of maintaining the budget. Therefore, you have to return to a cold apartment and catch sunny days to ventilate the rooms - the cold, coupled with humidity, does not add much comfort.

4. Shop hours

Magnificent, exciting, fascinating shopping is strictly regulated. Are you used to killing parties while shopping? None of this will come out: the trade workers are family people, and they prefer to spend their evenings at home, in the midst of a noisy Italian family. Therefore, a tourist spoiled by nightlife is very likely to “kiss the castle” on the doors of the store at 6-7 o’clock in the evening.

5. Xenophobia

There are patriots, and there are xenophobes. The second is about them, about Italians, and xenophobia is manifested in the most unexpected areas. For example, in art. You just think that there is a Russian opera, that Mozart is light and airy, and Wagner turns his soul over. You certainly admire Verdi and Puccini, however, every Italian will explain to you why only their composers are real and the Italian school of singing is the only one. It’s not difficult for them to fail the tour, offended that the “fortissimo” in the aria seemed to them not passionate enough and loud. But how - they have already prepared to cry at their favorite moment.

6. "Uh, no, no hurry"

Are large cities of Russia exhausting at their own pace? Well - live a couple of weeks in slow motion rhythm. The Italians speak quickly, but in everything else they prefer not to rush. Including, and in customer service - in banks, shops, restaurants. Are you in a hurry somewhere? Why, you have your whole life ahead.

7. Intermission in movie theaters

Do you like to watch movies in a movie theater so that nothing distracts from the plot, and the tape is not interrupted by annoying advertising? Are you planning to enjoy your favorite movie, completely plunging into the events taking place on the screen? There it was. Sitting in the cinema one and a half to two hours in a row is not for Italians. Therefore, prepare in advance that the film will be interrupted at the most interesting moment.

8. Emotions

Emotions are a good thing when they are positive. But it is customary to express very bad mood in Italy very expressively. And there are a lot of reasons for discontent. For example, bad weather.

9. Food

Pizza, pasta, seafood and desserts are just great. But the arrogant nation will certainly begin to dictate when, how and what should be eaten. For example, breakfast must be limited to just a cup of cappuccino with a croissant, and dinner will not work before seven in the evening. Unless at home, where no one will teach you for violating etiquette.

10. Conversations

What at first seems sweet, spontaneous and so Italian - talking about great Italy, music and food, runs the risk of getting bored very soon. Indeed, in the world there are many other topics. In the world, yes, but not in Italy.


Masya 02.11.2016
The bureaucracy is a plus, although they at least do not be rude to you, but honestly do not know the answers to some questions. A strike is generally their favorite thing, at least once a month, and unexpectedly so. Shops open late, lunch is unrealistically long and at 8pm maximum everything is closed already. At first, the speed of service was shocking, since they cracked for half an hour with each visitor, but they got used to it, now they crack for half an hour 😉 The same is true for all workers, the Russian plumber will fix everything in half an hour, the Italian 5 times in a car for escapes something (or goes to the office) and of course sits on his ears, as if without it. Well, it’s hard to get used to the restaurant’s timetable, they will really look at you as if you’re being served if you eat buckwheat with meatballs in the morning or order a cappuccino at dinner. You will be fed lunch only until 15.30, and dinner not earlier than 20.00, so if you do not eat after six, then you do not have dinner at all. In general, these are not shortcomings, but nice features, you get used to the ones that are over time. Come and relax


Watch the video: Visit Italy - The DON'Ts of Visiting Italy (July 2024).