Pumpkin pastries are a tasty way to use a rich harvest. Pumpkin pastries: pies, buns, pancakes, roll, cake


You can not only bake pumpkin and cook a variety of dishes from it. This vegetable makes tasty and healthy pastries that will be enjoyed even by those who do not like pumpkin.

Pumpkin pastries - the basic principles of preparation

A variety of pastries can be prepared from pumpkin: desserts, donuts, cakes, pies, etc. For such baking, you can use puff, shortbread, yeast or any other dough.

Pumpkin is added to the dough, or the filling is prepared from it. For sweet pastries, it is better to use nutmeg pumpkin.

Pumpkin sweet pastries are prepared with cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, etc. For flavor, cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest is added to it. As a filling for cakes, cakes or rolls of pumpkin use cream, jam or jam.

In addition to sweet pastries from pumpkin, you can cook bread or donuts with garlic for borsch.

Pumpkin is added to the batter by grinding it on a fine grater. For yeast dough, the pulp of the pumpkin is pre-boiled until soft, beat to a puree state. Then, based on pumpkin puree, knead the dough.

Recipe 1. Baking with pumpkin and raisins



300 g flour;

50 g of honey;

10 g of baking powder;

2 g ground cloves;

600 g pumpkin;

4 g ground cinnamon;

250 g of sugar;

50 ml of brandy;

a glass of raisins.

Cooking method

1. Free peel and seeds of pumpkin. Grind the pulp into small cubes. Put it in a deep bowl. Add cognac and add sugar.

2. Wash the orange, dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes, remove and wipe. Roll it around the table, pressing it with your palm. Using the smallest grater, peel the zest from the orange. Then cut it and squeeze the juice.

3. Add the zest and orange juice to the pumpkin. Season with cloves and cinnamon. Add honey. Stir and send to the microwave. Keep a minute at maximum power. Honey should melt, and pumpkin give juice.

4. Combine flour with baking powder and sift. Add a little to the dough and mix until smooth.

5. Pour raisins with warm water and leave for ten minutes. Then drain the infusion, dry the raisins on a napkin and add to the dough. Shuffle.

6. Lubricate the deep heat-resistant form with oil, sprinkle with flour and put the dough in it. Put in the oven for an hour. Bake at a temperature of 180 C. Readiness check with a wooden skewer. Serve a pie with milk or tea.

Recipe 2. Pumpkin Cakes


a handful of walnuts;

200 g pumpkin;

a glass of flour;

seven tbsp. l Sahara;

a glass of milk;

two eggs;

baking powder - 5 g;

50 g of sour cream;

half a packet of butter.

Cooking method

1. Grated pumpkin pulp, grate on a fine grater. Put in a bowl and cover with two tablespoons of sugar. Leave it for a while for the pumpkin to drain juice.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with protein and four tablespoons of sugar until smooth and fluffy. Add sour cream and half soft butter to the egg mixture.

3. Squeeze out the pumpkin. Leave the juice, it is useful for cream. Add to the pumpkin in the dough and, stirring with a spatula, slowly pour in the flour, after sifting it with a baking powder. You should get a consistency dough like a pancake.

4. Put the dough in a greased form and bake at a temperature of 180 C for half an hour. Take out the cake, cool slightly and cut along with a sharp knife.

5. Beat pumpkin juice with a whisk with milk and yolk. Dissolve the remaining oil in a non-stick saucepan. Stirring vigorously, add a spoonful of flour. Drain the pumpkin-milk mixture in a thin stream and cook, stirring continuously, for about ten minutes. The cream should thicken.

6. Lubricate half the cake with warm cream, sprinkle with chopped walnuts. Lay the second cake on top and grease it with the remaining cream. Sprinkle with nuts and leave to soak for a couple of hours. Then cut into squares.

Recipe 3. Pumpkin pastries. Garlic buns


30 g butter;

150 g pumpkin;


150 ml of pumpkin broth;

a pinch of sugar;

550 g of flour;

5 g of yeast;


vegetable oil;



two cloves of garlic;

75 ml of vegetable oil;

five branches of dill and parsley;

kitchen salt.

Cooking method

1. With a sharp knife, cut the peel from the pumpkin, select the seeds. Grind the pulp of the vegetable in small arbitrary slices. Put in a pan, fill with water and boil until soft.

2. Throw the boiled pumpkin into a colander and leave, setting it on a bowl to stack the broth. Measure out the required amount of broth and cool it.

3. Transfer the pulp of the pumpkin into the blender bowl and beat until puree.

4. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a slightly warm broth. Keep warm until foam appears on the surface.

5. In a separate bowl, combine the yeast mixture with the soft butter, the remaining pumpkin puree and the egg. Salt. Gradually introduce the sifted flour and knead the soft plastic dough. Gather it in a lump, grease it with vegetable oil, place in a bowl and cover with a napkin. Leave for an hour and a half. The dough should double in volume.

6. Sprinkle the table with flour, lay out the dough and knead it. Divide it into equal pieces. Make a cake from each, collect the edges to the center, forming a bun. Place the baking sheet with the seam facing down on parchment. Leave the buns to rest for half an hour, covering with a napkin.

7. Lubricate the donuts with yolk and send to the oven preheated to 200 C for half an hour.

8. In a small bowl, mix the vegetable oil with finely chopped herbs and garlic. Salt and rub well with a spoon.

9. Remove the oven pans from the oven, cool slightly and coat with garlic dressing. Serve with hot soup or borsch.

Recipe 4. Baking with pumpkin. Pie "Autumn Leaves"



300 g flour;

30 g of potato starch;

1 1/3 cup sugar;

two cottage cheese vanilla curds;

two eggs;

200 ml of milk;

100 g of sour cream;

300 g pumpkin;

common salt;

3 g of baking soda and baking powder.

Cooking method

1. Sift flour with baking powder and baking soda. Add chilled butter sliced ​​into pieces. Rub it with your hands into a homogeneous small crumb.

2. In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with salt, egg and sugar. Beat until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into flour crumbs and knead a soft dough that will not stick to your hands. We roll it into a ball, wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Peel the pumpkin, select the seeds and fibers. Shred the pulp in small slices. We shift it into a saucepan, fill it with sugar and pour a glass of drinking water. Stir and simmer over low heat for over an hour. Drain the remaining broth, and mash the pumpkin in mashed potatoes. Add cheese to the pumpkin mass and beat with a mixer until smooth.

4. Combine milk with starch, eggs, two tablespoons of flour, sugar and vanilla. Beat until a homogeneous mixture. We spread it in pumpkin puree, add the butter and whisk for a couple more minutes.

5. Roll out the dough, put it into a split mold, grease it with oil, making out a high side. We leave a little dough for decoration. Pour the filling and send the cake to the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 180 C.

6. Thinly roll out the left dough and cut out the leaves. We grease each with a beaten egg. After forty minutes, we take out the cake, put the leaves on top and again send it to the oven, lowering the temperature until they are browned.

Recipe 5. Baked pumpkin. Soft cream roll


zest of one lemon;

150 g pumpkin;

150 g butter;

three eggs;

100 g semolina;

three quarters of a glass of flour;

half a liter of milk;

1.75 cups of sugar;


30 g sour cream;

5 g of baking powder.

Cooking method

1. Put the milk in a saucepan over moderate heat, add a glass of sugar. When the milk begins to boil, continuously mixing, pour a stream of semolina into semolina. Cool the prepared semolina to a warm state.

2. Beat the warm porridge with a mixer, adding a piece of soft butter and lemon zest.

3. Grind the peeled pumpkin pulp on a fine grater. Combine the three eggs with the remaining sugar, sour cream, baking powder and salt. Beat until smooth and add grated pumpkin. Shuffle.

4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and pour the dough into it. Place in the oven and bake at 190 C for a quarter hour.

5. Put the finished cake on a towel, remove the parchment and carefully wrap it with a towel in a roll. Leave to cool completely. Expand the cooled cake and generously coat with cream. Roll again without pressing. Slice and serve with hot or cold drinks.

Recipe 6. Baking with pumpkin. Fritters


50 ml of sunflower oil;

a pound of peeled pumpkin;


flour - 150 g;

a bag of baking powder;

50 g of sugar;

a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Cut the pulp of pumpkin peeled and peeled into slices and boil until soft. Throw the boiled pumpkin into a colander and cool it to a warm state.

2. Put the warm pumpkin in the blender bowl and beat it until it is mashed. Transfer it to a bowl, add the egg, sugar, baking powder, flour and salt. Knead a sufficiently thick homogeneous dough.

3. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan. Spoon the dough into the heated oil and fry on both sides over moderate heat until golden brown.

4. Put the finished pumpkin pancakes on a plate, pre-covering it with napkins. Serve pancakes with sour cream or jam.

Pumpkin Baking - Tips and Tricks

Add grated pumpkin to the pie batter, or knead it on the basis of pumpkin puree.

For baking, use nutmeg pumpkin.

Pumpkin can be added both to the dough and to the cream.

Do not drain the broth from the pumpkin, it can be used in the preparation of the cream.

Adjust the amount of sugar depending on the sweetness of the pumpkin.


Watch the video: DIY PUMPKIN TREATS! (July 2024).