Soya helps during menopause


No one argues that tofu and soy milk, as well as other types of soybeans, are healthy foods that are recommended to be used during diets. Moreover, recent studies have shown that for women entering the menopause, it is very useful, because because of it, the “tides” decrease and increased sweating at night disappears.

The pathophysiology of autonomic vascular paroxysms - sounds pretty scary, right? They are usually called “tides”, which are subjectively described as a sudden wave of intense heat, almost heat, with increased sweating, elevated blood pressure and tachycardia. Needless to say, an unpleasant state ...

The last study involved more than 1,500 women who were studied by scientists from the California Institute in Davis for the whole ten years.
The results showed that women, whose diet includes a large percentage of soybean food, are less prone to flushing than women who refuse to consume soya or consume it in small quantities.

Soybeans and their products are rich in nutrients called phytoestrogens. According to researchers, they act as a weak variant of estrogen. But it is precisely the level of estrogen that decreases during menopause, which may well be called the cause of "hot flashes." For example, Asian women suffer from “heat” much less than women from Western countries, and it is precisely in their diet that there is so much soya!

Dr. Ellen Gold believes that it is advisable to increase the soybean content in the diet before the onset of menopause, in order to completely prevent its negative effects. Of course, research has not yet been conducted on this subject, but everything is in the hands of American scientists. A similar project is already in the plans.

"Soy can be a smart substitute for hormone replacement therapy," says Dr. Gold. “There's nothing wrong with soya supplements to a reasonable extent. If that helps, ultimately that is the most important thing.”


Watch the video: What Soy Could Do for Older Women (June 2024).