What dreams of tulips


Most of us like tulips because of their natural low-key beauty and sophistication. These strict flowers give a sense of spring and celebration, they inspire and adorn our lives.

Sometimes tulips are in our dreams. What can mean such a dream and what should a person expect after it? According to the modern dream book, in most cases the interpretation of a dream is positive, and promises much joy to the dreamer.

However, in order to get the exact value, it is necessary to take into account many details - the shade of the bud, the overall situation, all the characters present, and much more.

Dreamed tulips - what does it mean

In most cases, the dream book considers tulips as a harbinger of joy and fulfilled hopes.

However, there may be other interpretations:

  • if a bouquet of tulips is dreamed up - this is one of the most favorable symbols that promises a person mutual love and happiness in private life, this dream promises complete harmony and mutual understanding in a family for married couples, and new relationships with subsequent marriage for bachelors;
  • if you dream of tulips on a field or on a meadow, pleasant changes will soon take place in your life, the time for joy and fun will come;
  • if you dreamed on the garden living flowers - to a close meeting with a loved one;
  • admiring the bouquet that is in the vase - if a woman saw such a dream, it means that one of the fans is literally obsessed with her, moreover, soon she will become the object of courtship of several worthy contenders at once;
  • to dream of an artificial bouquet is a bad sign, foreshadowing the onset of a black line in life;
  • closed buds dreamed of - you will meet with your own destiny in the person of a person who has been around for a long time; it is quite possible that someone of close friends will become constricted or constricted;
  • plant tulips in your sleep, hold the bulbs in your hands - to scandals and jealousy, your other half will suspect you of treason and give you a real questioning.

What dreams of multicolored tulips

If you dream of multicolored tulips in a bouquet - it promises the dreamer joy and many pleasant emotions. However, the interpretation will be incomplete, if you do not take into account all the details of such a dream:

  • To see black flowers is not the most favorable period in life, but you should not despair, as it will soon end, you may also face prolonged loneliness or prolonged depression;
  • admiring a multicolored bouquet - to a joyful event, a pleasant meeting with a good person, or a new acquaintance, also a dream may mean that you are somewhat frivolous and do not rush to grow up;
  • blue buds to see - unfortunately, your love will be unrequited;
  • look at the flowers of purple - in the family relationship problems come.

What dreams of yellow and white tulips

  • A dream in which the color of the plant was yellow promises not so pleasant things to the sleeper. Perhaps you will encounter the betrayal of a loved one, this sign may also indicate the inevitable separation from the second half.
  • Yellow buds are a symbol of betrayal and loneliness. Seeing such a dream, try to maintain composure and fall into despair - sooner or later everything will be fine.
  • White buds foretell problems for people in love relationships. You may have a bad acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex, or just a bad date. In any case, do not expect in the near future to succeed in love affairs.

What dreams of red tulips

  • Dreamland red tulips are interpreted as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Perhaps the dreamer will soon be presented with a valuable gift, or he will be lucky enough to win an impressive amount of money in the lottery. It is difficult to give an accurate forecast, but one thing is beyond doubt - an improvement in your financial situation awaits you.
  • If you dreamed of pink buds - this is a pleasant romantic adventure that will brighten up your leisure.
  • To give such a bouquet to another person - you should be bolder and not be shy to show signs of attention to someone you really care about.
  • Pluck pink flowers - a romantic adventure will be short, a long relationship from it will not arise.

Give tulips in a dream what's it

This dream has several meanings:

  • inhaling the fragrant aroma - you are too vain and arrogant, so people avoid communicating with you;
  • take one flower as a gift - perhaps you have a health problem;
  • give a bouquet - to decisive action in reality;
  • throw away a wilted bunch - your current relationship is too tired for you and you are ready to break them.

Tearing and gathering tulips what's the dream

Perhaps you need to think about your life priorities, and change some of the principles.

  • See scattered flowers on the ground - your detractors will try in every way to prevent you from realizing your plans.
  • Bringing torn buds to the house is a symbol of the dreamer's secrecy; you do not like to flaunt your own feelings.
  • Receive as a gift a beautiful bouquet of white flowers - such a dream can symbolize the upcoming loneliness.
  • For married couples, a dream means that life will present several unpleasant surprises, disappointment in each other will come.


Watch the video: Dreams come true: Tulip fields Lisse (June 2024).