January 3: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 3

Day of Remembrance of Princess Olga

Ancient annals bring in our time vague information about the origin of Princess Olga. Some chroniclers claim that she was born in Pskov, while others in Izborsk. Olga's parents were ordinary people, from a young age the girl earned a living by herself, transported people across the river. By the will of fate there she met Prince Igor, who hunted in those lands. People formed a beautiful legend about this meeting, it is preserved in the late chronicles. It was like this: young Igor decided to hunt in the lands near Pskov. He ended up on the river bank, and he needed to cross to the other bank, and he did not have a boat. Suddenly, he saw that a boat was floating on the river and the guy was driving it, he called him to him and asked him to transport the prince to that shore. When they were sailing in a boat, the prince suddenly realized that he was not carrying a guy, but a young beautiful girl dressed in men's clothes. This girl was Olga. The prince began to openly admire Olga, made immodest speeches. The girl was frightened by the assertiveness of the guy and refused him. She said that for her, death is nicer than desecration. Igor was ashamed, and he fell silent. The prince returned to Kiev, some time passed, and the guy decided to marry, he immediately remembered the beautiful pious girl Olga, and took her as his wife. The prince was killed in 945 by the Drevlyans, after his death, they decided that they could finally be free and not fulfill the prescribed obligations to the Kiev dynasty. The Drevlyans wanted to occupy the throne of Kiev, for this they invited Princess Olga to marry their Prince Mala. Oddly enough, the drevlyans wanted to resolve the issue peacefully and sent ambassadors to the princess. What happened next is described in detail in The Tale of Bygone Years. In order to lure the two ambassadors into a trap, the girl used a trick, and brutally cracked down on the traitors. After that, Olga tripled the wake at her husband’s grave, and invited the Drevlyans there. They drank plenty of intoxicating drinks, and faithful warriors cut them with swords. The chronicles speak of five thousand dead Drevlyans. Later, when Svyatoslav was born, the reign of Princess Olga was more successful. She was proclaimed the patroness of Kiev, and she began a policy that was aimed at increasing the subordination of the Slavic tribes to the Kiev authorities. It was thanks to the fearless and majestic Princess Olga in Russia that Christianity became widespread.

Day of Banking and Financial Workers of Belarus

On January 3, 1921, the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR adopted a decree on the organization of a state banking office in Minsk. Since 1925, the All-Union AB Prombank has been operating on the territory of the republic, then it will be modernized and reorganized into a state cooperative bank. Before the war, there is an active formation of a network of local banking institutions. In Gomel in 1923, the city communal bank was opened, which was soon renamed Belkommunbank. From 1932 to 1959, a complete restructuring of the banking system took place in Belarus. At this time, such banks are formed as: "Agricultural Bank of the USSR" and "Sorgbank". State banks performed an important function of regulation and distribution of financial flows of the republic. The banks performed special functions during the monetary reorganization in 1947. When independence was gained, in 1991, Belarus actively privatized the former union banks and created the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The first national currency of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian ruble, appears. The state gives an impetus to the development of commercial and interstate banks. January 3 is celebrated in the republic as a professional holiday for a bank employee, but the date is not a day off.

Lunar new year

This holiday is Lithuanian and very old, you can learn about it only from ancient manuscript sources, only there it is preserved. They celebrated it on the first full moon, and its purpose was to awaken a new life. In the old days there was a custom, they shook off snow from the branches of apple trees and other fruit trees. Even the peasants were beating in the hive of bees while they were still sleeping.
Alaska State Birthday

On the third day of January, every year, Alaskans traditionally celebrate the birthday of the state in which they live. According to historical events, Alaska received the status of a state only in 1959, and became the forty-ninth in a row and the largest state of the United States of America. According to historical information, the very first settlement of the Russian people in Alaska was founded by the merchant Ivan Kuskov, and named it Fort Ross. For several decades, the fort was a stronghold of the Russian-American company that was engaged in the production of fur-bearing animals, and traded them on the American continent. A historic treaty was signed in late March, Russia sold Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to America, and in October 1867, Alaska was transferred to the United States of America. Russia was paid seven million two hundred thousand US dollars for a 700-kilometer peninsula. It was a very profitable deal for Russia, it got rid of the unprofitable and problematic company, and at the same time replenished its treasury, which was significantly impoverished during the Crimean War. As a result of this transaction, the Russian Empire at the same time acquired a strong ally in the person of the United States against enemy England. When Alaska became an American citizen, for seventeen years Alaska was led by the United States Department of War. Time passed, and the peninsula became more profitable. Fur farming, fishing, canneries that processed this fish, the development of gold mines, all this seriously changed the status and lifestyle of Alaska. Beginning in 1884, the US Congress decides and establishes a governing body in Alaska; a governor, district judge, and district jury have been appointed in Alaska. Twenty five thousand dollars were allocated for school education. In the same year, the authorities imposed an administrative ban on alcohol production.

Burkina Faso Revolution Day

On this day, January 3 is celebrated the day of revolution in a state located in western Africa, and is called Burkina Faso. This state until 1984 was called the Republic of Upper Volta. This little-known holiday has been celebrated since 1966, since the time when the nationwide strike took place, thanks to it the ruling president was overthrown with shame, and all government powers passed to the military.

January 3 on the folk calendar

Peter Half Feed

This day got its name, because half of the feed that was prepared for the winter by peasants for livestock was already used up. It was on this day that it was customary to check farm buildings in which sheaves of hay, cages were dried, peasants recounted haystacks, in general conducted control and calculated whether there were enough supplies before it became warmer. The peasants without fail checked their barns with bread, piled grain with wooden shovels, drove off the mice so that they would not bite the bread. That day, suseki was listening. The peasants put their ears to the grain and listened, if a buzz was heard, then the summer would be hectic. When all these actions were done, the peasants left the barn and broke a splinter, made a cross out of it and laid it on the grain, the peasants believed that this would protect the grain from evil. On Peter's day, the girls didn’t leave their house at all, woke up very early and immediately began to sweep, it was believed that the more grain they picked, the more happiness they would have this year. The planned grain had to be poured into a mortar and crushed, while it was necessary to be silent and not say a word, it was believed that if you open your mouth you can offend fate. When the whole grain was pounded, it was necessary to make a wish over it. The peasants cooked jelly from ground oats and wheat flour, and delicious pancakes were baked from flour. According to tradition, the one who cooked it was supposed to eat pancakes and drink jelly, in that case the desire was to be fulfilled.

Historical Events January 3

1963 year IL-62 made its first flight

January 3, 1963, a new passenger airliner, IL-62 made its first test flight. The aircraft was developed at the Design Bureau. Ilyushin in the early 60s. The leadership of the country and Aeroflot, in particular, have set the difficult task for Academician Ilyushin to create an aircraft capable of overcoming long distances without refueling. The first test task for the new vessel was to overcome the distance from Moscow to Khabarovsk, without refueling and intermediate stops. IL-62 perfectly coped with the task. The aircraft was designed as a large passenger airliner with 165 seats, the ship was equipped with particularly powerful NK-8 engines. Since 1967, the aircraft has operated regular passenger flights over long and long distances. In total, about three hundred cars were built, in addition, on the basis of IL-62, aircraft were created for the needs of the government. The IL-62 aircraft is distinguished by its special durability, excellent take-off and landing data, and is equipped with a reverse system. The hull is protected from shaking and noise. Unlike the Tu-134, IL-62 is a powerful, strong and reliable aircraft. Throughout the history of its operation, the ship almost never failed either the crew or passengers. The maximum flight range is 10,000 km, the maximum flight altitude is 9,000 m, and the cruising speed is 850 km / h. Currently, 39 aircraft of this class are used worldwide. In a number of countries of the CIS and Africa, IL-62 is used as board No. 1, that is, a government ship.

1959 year Alaska became 49 US state

The first settlement in Alaska was founded by Russian merchant Ivan Kuskov. The settlement was named Fort Ross. For decades, the town of Fort Ross has been a stronghold of Russian and Native Americans engaged in hunting and gold mining in Alaska. In 1867, Russia decided to sell its distant and little-explored colony to the United States. Alaska and the surrounding Aleutian Islands sell for $ 7,200,000. Russia aimed at getting rid of a distant and unprofitable colony. In addition, America paid a good amount for this enterprise, and Russia’s money was very necessary at that time, because the Crimean War exhausted the treasury. In addition, Russia has acquired a new ally in the person of the United States, because the states believed that they did not get the new land very expensive. After the establishment of a protectorate over Alaska, the US Department of Defense was in charge of these lands for a long time. In Alaska, nothing has changed for a long time, until the colony began to bring profit to the state. By the end of the 19th century, fur trade, fishing, and gold mining began to develop actively in Alaska. It was gold mining that began to attract here seekers of easy money and simple laborers who moved to Alaska with whole families and villages. In 1884, state self-government bodies were created in the colony: the governor general, the district court, and the district jury. General primary education was introduced, the production of alcohol was limited. January 3, 1959 Alaska receives the official status of the 49th state of the United States. The state becomes the largest federal entity in the territory.

1994 year Crash of the Tu-154 airliner near Irkutsk

On January 3, 1994, twelve minutes after takeoff, at a speed of 500 km / h, the Tu-154 lost control and crashed into a dairy farm. As a result of the crash, one hundred twenty-five people were killed, including crew members, one person died directly while in the building of a dairy farm. The tragedy occurred three kilometers from the Irkutsk airport. The wreckage of the aircraft was scattered within a radius of one kilometer. On the fact of the catastrophe, the Russian prosecutor's office opened a criminal case, a state commission of inquiry was created. The Commission found that engine No. 2 on this ship had already failed several times, the crew constantly wrote complaints about technical problems, asking either to replace the engine or to dismantle the ship. According to experts, the crew members in an emergency lost their temper and became confused, as a result of which their actions were ineffective, which ultimately led to a terrible tragedy. The airline management complains about the old design of the ship and the loss of control of the aircraft as a result of its deterioration. At the crash site, terrible destruction could be observed, heavy cranes dismantled the rubble of a collapsed farm. The soldiers collected the remains of human bodies and put them in a lorry. Parts of cow carcasses were scattered right there. At the time of the crash, there were about 100 livestock on the farm. The crash site is tightly cordoned off by soldiers and police.

1888 year patented cocktail straws

In the old days, straws for drinking cocktails and juices were made from straw. After all, the stalks of straw are hollow inside. The creator of the prototype of modern straws is considered an American businessman Marvin Stone. His first pipe for drinking cocktails was plain paper, which Stone smeared with glue and wrapped it in a regular pencil, then he pulled out a pencil and it turned out to be a straw. However, it was necessary to drink through paper straw very quickly, because it soon became soaked and lost its shape. Then Stone improved his invention and began to make straws from the so-called "Manila paper", from which stamps were made at that time. This paper is highly resistant to water and mechanical stress. Stone adjusted the diameter of the straw so that the seeds from the lemon did not fall into the tube. On the third of January, 1888, Marvin Stone patented his invention. Having received all the necessary documents, Stone abandoned his former business and engaged in large-scale production of paper straws. The first to understand the benefits of this invention were the owners of bars and restaurants. Hospitals and hospitals also took straw into their arsenal, because with its help it was possible to water bed patients and not to spill liquid. In the second half of the 20th century, Otto Dayfenbach improved the straw for drinking liquids, and began to produce it from cellophane. In addition, he invented equipment for the mass production of cellophane tubes. In this form, cellophane straw has survived to this day.

1799 year Turkey joining coalition against France

January 3, 1799 in Istanbul (Constantinople), between Russia and Turkey, an alliance agreement was signed on Turkey’s participation in the anti-French coalition, which included Russia and England. The main reason for Turkey’s participation in the coalition against France is Napoleon’s militaristic policy, which threatened the political and territorial interests of the Ottoman Empire. In 1798, French troops occupied Ottoman Egypt, and Turkey was forced to ask for military assistance from Russia. Emperor Paul I sent a squadron headed by Admiral Ushakov F.F. to help the Turks Soon, the combined Russian-Turkish fleet began joint military operations against the French troops. According to the articles of the signed union treaty, the parties pledged to respect and not violate each other's political and territorial rights, Russia received the right to freely lead its navy through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Russia pledged to help Turkey in the event of French intervention, and Turkey pledged to help Russia in the event of Napoleon's invasion of the latter.However, after a series of high-profile victories of Napoleon in Europe and under the pressure of the French diplomatic mission, Turkey began to abandon the execution of the paragraphs of the treaty, which ultimately led to the Russo-Turkish war.

Born on January 3

Alexey Stakhanov (1906-1977), Soviet foreman miner

Alexey Grigoryevich was born on January 3, 1906 in an impoverished peasant family. As a child, he was a farm laborer, a shepherd and a laborer, he graduated from three classes of a rural school.
In 1927, Stakhanov went to work in the mine. Alexey set his first record in 1935, when he gave 102 tons of “black gold” to the mountain for a shift, which was a record at that time. For comparison, the daily coal production rate was 14 times lower than the record one. This record was carefully prepared, Stakhanov worked exclusively with a jackhammer, while auxiliary work and the fastening of the ledge were performed by other workers. Stakhanov’s record was extremely important for the promotion of so-called labor heroism. For participating in propaganda actions, the Soviet government generously showered Stakhanov with all kinds of favors. He was awarded various orders and diplomas, issued higher prizes, allocated a separate apartment with a telephone and furnished it with furniture. After 2 months, the Stakhanov movement swept the entire Soviet Union, it penetrated into all spheres of the life of the state. Stakhanov graduated from the Industrial Academy in Moscow and soon took up leadership positions in the minugleprom. After the death of Stalin, Stakhanov was sent back to the Donbass, his fame was forgotten and everyone forgot about him. On retirement, he drinks heavily and ends up in a mental hospital. Alexey Grigorievich died in 1977. Monuments and busts were erected in the Donbass and throughout the country to Stakhanov, cities, streets and squares were named after him.

Mel Gibson (1956 ...), American actor and director

Born January 3, 1956 in an Irish family. In 1968, the Mel family emigrated to Australia, where Mel graduated from high school and entered the theater institute in Sydney. A film debut was the role in the film "Summer City" filmed in 1977. In 1979, Mel was awarded prestigious awards for the films "Mad Max" and "Tim." In 1981, Gibson starred in the second part of the movie "Mad Max", after which he became famous throughout the world, he was invited to star in Hollywood. In the early 1990s, Gibson tried his hand at the director's field. He founded his own film studio ICON Production and made the first film, "A Man Without a Face," but the picture was not accepted by the audience, and Gibson himself considered it unsuccessful. But as they say: "The first pancake is lumpy." Further Gibson makes the famous film "Braveheart", this film has become Gibson's guiding card in the world of fame and recognition. The film is nominated for an Oscar and wins five nominations. Braveheart becomes the best movie in 1995. Real world fame came to Gibson after the production of the film "Passion of Christ." The film caused various ratings from the most negative to the most enthusiastic. Mel Gibson starred in more than 40 films, but became famous mainly as a director.

Michael Schumacher (1969 ...), "Formula 1 racer"

A native of Germany. Born 02/03/1969 in a modest family. From childhood he began to attend karting club and at the age of six became the champion of this club. In the mid-1980s, Michael became the champion of Germany among juniors. Soon he won the European and World Youth Championships. In 1990, Schumacher took the title of champion of the German Formula 3, and on August 25, 1991 he made his debut in Formula 1. In 1994, Michael won the championship for the first time, and in 2004, he became the seven-time race winner. By his nature, he was a radical and tried to win the competition by any means, sometimes not the most honest. And yet, for all the time of his racing career, he achieved outstanding results, his records have not yet been broken and it is unlikely that anyone will repeat them in the near future. Soon, in 2006, Michael announced the completion of a sports racing career. He repeatedly tried to return to sports and even entered into contracts with leading automobile brands, but age and health do not allow him to do this. At the moment, the former racer is engaged in charity.

Alexander Lazarev (1938-2011), Soviet and Russian actor

Born in Leningrad in the family of the artist. Since childhood, parents tried to instill in the boy a love of art and theater. Little Sasha found war and the terrible blockade of Leningrad. Since 1955, he studies at the Moscow Art Theater School, on the course of Stanitsyn. After graduating from the theater school, he was accepted into the troupe of the Mayakovsky Theater, in which he served his whole life. For the first time in six months, Lazarev played in a number of famous theater productions of the Aristocrats, The Gardener and the Shadow, and The Little Student. Over the years of work in the theater, the actor played in fifty performances. Contemporaries recognized Lazarev as a great actor. His devotion to one theater did not leave indifferent even ill-wishers. The first film debut was the films: “Calling fire on ourselves”, “Free wind”, “Once again about love”, etc. The actor’s bright and frank play attracted not only the audience, but also the directors. Lazarev starred in more than seventy films. Particularly successful films in which Lazarev starred were "Belated Flowers", "Such a Short Long Life", "Going through the Flour", "Velvet Season", "Through Thorns to the Stars", etc. Alexander Sergeevich - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Laureate various state awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Since 1962, the actor was a member of the union of theater workers, and since 1973, a member of the union of filmmakers. Academician of the Russian Academy of Cinematography. He was married to the brilliant actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva, with whom he lived his whole life. The couple has a son, Sasha, who, like his parents, chose theatrical path as his profession. Until the end of his life, Alexander Lazarev maintained clarity of mind and physical activity, and also played in the theater.

John Tolkien (1892-1973), an English fantasy writer

The famous writer was born in Africa on January 3, 1892. At the age of three, John's father dies, and he returns to England with his mother and brothers. At home, John receives the most modern and complete education. He studies foreign languages, studies calligraphy and drawing, philosophy and science. At the age of twelve, his mother dies, relatives take his brothers to him. In 1911, John entered the University of Oxford at the Faculty of Philology. In 1916 he marries and soon two sons are born to him, later another son and daughter were born in the family. In 1922, John published a dictionary of the Old English language and in 1924 he became the youngest professor of the time. In 1937, Tolkien’s first novel, The Hobbit, was released, gaining immense popularity among readers. In the mid-1950s, three books were published, The Lord of the Rings, a fantasy novel that has become a cult novel for many generations of readers. At the beginning of the XXI century, based on his novel, the famous film will be shot, which will forever be associated with the name of John Tolkien. The images of elves, magicians, gnomes and trolls created in the book will be accepted by millions of viewers. All the heroes of his novels are kind and naive. Even negative characters do not cause irritation and rejection, because they are represented by John in a kind and comic form.

Name Day 3 January

Mikhail, Perth, Ulyana, Nikita, Julius


Watch the video: Highlight events, weekends and holidays on calendar in Excel (July 2024).