Haircuts lunar calendar for january 2013


We all know the cycles of the moon affect the human body. For example, on the full moon, many of us notice unusual sensations: excitement or excitement in some people or a breakdown in energy and apathy in others. These influences were also noted by our ancestors, who did not have so much research equipment in service. However, they used the lunar calendar and quite successfully. The lunar calendar was used in many fields of activity - crops were sown according to it, holidays were celebrated, and beauties checked in the conduct of cosmetic procedures.

Women knew that cutting their hair on the growing moon, they grow back a little faster. On a waning moon, hair grows much more slowly. There are also favorable moments - at this time the hair roots are strengthened, they fall out less. According to the lunar cycle, you can find out when you can achieve your goal in hair growth, coloring or curling. When planning a trip to the hairdresser, do not forget to check the moon phase, especially since in January 2013 it is quite easy to do this - from January 1 to 3, the moon will grow - its first quarter. In January 2013, the moon will grow from the 1st to the 10th, and then from the 28th to the 31st. The full moon is expected on January 9-10.

January 2013 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Perm is still popular, but there are more ways now than with our mothers and grandmothers. Now there are many ways so that the hair does not "fluff", but fit in perfectly lying curls, not tangled and evenly divided. However, along with cosmetics - gels, varnishes, foams, you need to adjust the curl by choosing the right time for the procedure. In January 2013, a particularly strong effect of haircuts can be obtained on January 10-12 - these are the days when the Moon is in the constellation Leo. The most favorable time is the following days, January 13-14. The moon goes into the constellation Virgo, which, as you know, is the most favorable for creating new hairstyles. But chemical waving is best done at the end of the month - during the new moon period from January 23. Remember that after chemical waving, hair needs special care. Stock up with moisturizing masks and balms. Changes in the hair will remain, even if the curl does not hold. The ends of the hair are treated with special “soldering” products. Only newly grown hair allows you to cut curled parts.

January 2013 haircut lunar calendar - hair coloring

When a modern lady gets into a hairdresser, she expects from changing her hairstyle not only tidying up her hair, but also emotional discharge. If the hairstyle or hair color is chosen correctly, it is quite natural to expect a change in image and favorable changes in personal life. Hair coloring is one of the main components of the overall image. The lunar calendar gives recommendations in this event. The fact is that with a waning moon in the human body, many substances are "washed out". Microparticles of paint also stay for a short time on the hair. Therefore, if you just want to experiment with a new color, dye your hair in the first decade of January and in the last few days. Firmly take the paint in the middle of the month. Many people wonder about hair coloring after perming. Since you can dye your hair no earlier than 3-4 days after curling, referring to the lunar calendar. in January, it is best to do this in the middle of the month.

January 2013 lunar haircut calendar - favorable haircut days

Since it is ideal to visit the hairdresser when the Moon is in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus and Libra, the best days for a haircut will be January 3-7, 12-16, 19-22, 30-31. The hairstyle will turn out to be especially successful, the internal state of health will improve, and even you will see positive changes in your personal life. At this time, along with the haircut, profit and success at work will come. A haircut carried out at the “right” time makes hair more voluminous, healthy and shiny. From January 1 to January 3, you should refrain from short haircuts. But from January 4 to January 9, hair will grow perfectly, become stronger. Nourishing masks and coloring work great these days. It is recommended that this day do nourishing hair masks, as well as do coloring. Hair color will be bright and will last a long time. During the full moon from January 9 to 10 in January, it is generally not recommended to carry out any manipulations with the hair. From January 11, haircuts will be more persistent, since in the waning phase of the moon, hair does not grow very quickly. The new moon in January comes on the 23rd, from this moment the festive hairstyles work out perfectly.

January 2013 haircut lunar calendar - adverse haircut days

Astrologers warn against going to hairdressing salons on January 11 and January 27 - days when the body's defenses are weakening. It should abstain when the moon passes through the constellation Cancer, Pisces or Aquarius (January 8-9, 17-18, January 23-27). Trimming hair on adverse days can result in loss of energy. And popular superstitions say that at this time, cutting hair can shorten your life, or get problems in a relationship. These days, hairdressers also note that dandruff may appear or hair will fall out more.

January 2013 - conclusion

Under the influence of various constellations, the moon affects the human body in different ways. And knowing the principles of the lunar calendar, you yourself will be able to influence your destiny. No need to think that this result will be too great. Only changing the hairstyle, of course, would be an exaggeration to expect fundamental changes. Is it worth paying attention to the phase of the moon before going to the hairdresser - everyone decides for himself. But sometimes the experience of ancestors should not be neglected, especially if the hair already has problems. By the way, these recommendations apply not only to women, but also to men. This may include shaving hair or cutting a beard. Astrologers say that haircuts and shaving associated with the "cutting" part of the hair are also elements of a single energy flow. On some lunar days, the loss of vital energy can be neutralized.


Watch the video: The Lunar Hair Chart for Hair Cutting Explained. Morrocco Method (July 2024).