January 16: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 16

Teacher's Day in Thailand

More than 50 years ago, Field Marshal of Thailand proposed the establishment of a holiday that was dedicated to workers in the field of education. With a speech, he turned to teachers who worked in Thailand, and said that they are all exactly those people who bring light into human life. Therefore, he believes that they must have a professional holiday. On this day, all students will have the opportunity to congratulate them and thank them for all that the teachers were able to give them. In his speech, Marshall added that even during the New Year holidays, all Thais can express unlimited gratitude to parents and relatives who are still alive and who are no longer with us. Teachers have a very significant place in the life of every person, and they need to be respected and respected. In 1956, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a resolution supporting the celebration of this day on January sixteenth in Thailand. And next year, for the first time, all residents celebrated this wonderful holiday. The creation of this holiday pleased not only teachers, but also students, they took this event with great joy, and every year they celebrated this day with pleasure. Teacher's Day is a popular beloved and emotionally rich holiday. Each student tries to give his teacher different gifts. Religious ceremonies are held on the same day. They are held to pay tribute not specifically to all teachers, but to this common noble cause. Teaching is simply invaluable for people, it is teachers who give us a bright path to life, teaching us everything we need, they give us their knowledge necessary for further human growth.

Martin Luther King Day

This holiday is usually celebrated in the United States of America. This day was dedicated to a black civil law fighter. Martin King was born in Atlanta, his ancestors were slaves, grandfather was a peasant, and his father was a priest. King received his doctoral theological degree, graduating from Boston University in Massachusetts, and returning to his homeland, became a pastor in Montgomery. Martin’s path as a leader began in the month of December in 1955 with one seemingly unremarkable event. Once a black seamstress, returned from work on the bus, and refused to give way to a white passenger, for this woman was arrested. King organized a Negro community to boycott Montgomery’s transport; the boycott lasted 382 days. In 1956, the Supreme Court of America recognized the law on liquidation in Alabama as unconstitutional, and in December, people of the black and white race could use public transport on an equal footing. This happened thanks to King, this is his first victory. A year later, Martin was elected President of the Conference of the Christian Leadership of the South. During the eleven years of his activity, Martin traveled about nine million kilometers, finding himself in places of protest of the actions of the struggle for justice, made a speech more than 2700 times. During his career, he wrote five books and many articles. King registered black voters, was the organizer of a peaceful march to Washington, 500 thousand people took part in this march. Martin’s role in the peaceful struggle to pass a law that eliminated racial discrimination was noted by the Nobel Prize. Thus, King is the youngest laureate in the entire history of the Nobel Prize, he was only 35 years old.
This holiday became official in 2000. This day in the USA is a day off in all government agencies. On television that day, all channels show King’s performances, recordings from the 1960s. On Sundays, before the feast of the church, sermons are held, and on Monday, memorial services and ceremonies are held that recall the life of Martin, who was dedicated to the struggle for peace.

Religious Freedom Day in the USA

The President of the United States of America annually announces this day January 16th as Religious Freedom Day and invites all Americans to celebrate this date with various events in the family and in various institutions. It was on this day in 1786 that the Virginia General Assembly adopted the Freedom of Religion Regulation. Thomas Jefferson was able to express the basis of this legislative act, later it was regarded as the outstanding merit of this figure. Thanks to precisely this provision, taxation of citizens by the local clergy ceased, and protection was created, thanks to which people could express, without fear, their religious beliefs. Jefferson's position also served as a prerequisite and influenced the adoption of the first amendment to the United States Constitution, which acted as a guarantor of religious freedom. The first of the amendments that make up the Briel on Rights now begins with a provision that prohibits state religion, and with a provision on completely free religion. In 2003, during the proclamation of Freedom of Religion Day, Bush spoke out that the right to faith and expression of one’s faith is a right that everyone must have.

January 16 in the folk calendar

Gordeev day

This day is celebrated in memory of the martyr Gordia. In 320, he was tortured in Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia for daring to openly defend the Christians. According to the belief, it is on this day that hungry witches flock to walks and milk cows to death. To prevent this from happening, the peasants tied a tallow candle over the gate, read a special plot and asked the brownie to look after the livestock. According to ancient tradition, porridge from oats was cooked on this day, always in milk, cows were fed with this porridge, and the peasants themselves ate it. In Gordeev day it was by no means possible to boast of anything, it was forbidden to be proud of health and children. People believed that you could lose what you boasted of. They always said that Satan was proud and fell from heaven. The peasants believed that it was on this day that the local healer could cure a patient with seizures or a person who was spoiled. If you believe the omens, the weather in Gordeev foreshadowed the day, Coca will be the month of March. When there were white large clouds in the sky, you need to wait for a blizzard.

Historical events of January 16

27 BC Octavian titled Augustus

After the death of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, power in the empire passed to the triumvirate - Octavian, Anthony, Lipid. Between the military leaders began a sharp struggle for power, which unfortunately escalated into a civil war. In the end, Octavian managed to defeat his rivals, and also defeat the allied Anthony, the Egyptian army, led by Queen Cleopatra. Having defeated all his enemies, Octavian in the halo of glory, returned to Rome. But he did not forget the tragic fate of Julius Caesar and diplomatically proclaimed that he would betray the main functions of state administration to the Senate. In turn, the Senate declared Octavian Caesar and assigned him the title of Augustus, which means divine. It happened on January 16, 27. In addition, the Senate decided to call the eighth month of the year Augustus. In his domestic politics, Octavian defiantly emphasized his respect for the Senate. In response, the senators regularly showered Octavian with all sorts of favors and titles. Formally, the republican form of government was preserved, but in fact under Octavian the so-called “principate” ruled, a peculiar combination of the monarchical and republican structure of state power. Although the Senate was the nominal head of state, Octavian Augustus had virtually all power. And by the second half of his reign, Caesar Augustus became the sovereign ruler of the Roman Empire, his title sounded like the Divine Roman Emperor Caesar Octavian Augustus. And yet, Octavian carefully used his unlimited power, he wisely and fairly led the state. His rule became good and peace for Rome, the economic and military power of Rome, under Octavian, reached the highest perfection.

January 16, 1547 the wedding of Ivan the Terrible to the kingdom

Before the accession to the royal throne of Ivan IV the Terrible, Moscow princes did not call themselves tsars. After all, the tsar is the ruler of a sovereign power, and for several centuries Russia was ruled by the Mongol-Tatar khans. Therefore, Moscow princes felt themselves to be princes, vassals of the Golden Horde. Only after the liberation of Russia from Tatar oppression did Muscovy talk about the conversion of Muscovy from a princedom to a kingdom. On January 16, in 1547, the Grand Duke Ivan IV was married to the Moscow kingdom and received the title of Tsar of Russia. The elevation to royal dignity occurred in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, in 1561, the Byzantine Patriarch legalized the title of king, a patriarchal letter. Tsar Ivan the Terrible went down in history as the Tsar reformer and tyrant. He significantly reformed the state apparatus, founded orders - special departments in charge of various spheres of public life. Carried out zemstvo and church reforms. On his orders, a set of Russian laws was compiled, as well as a code of criminal offenses. In addition, the tsar significantly expanded the borders of the Moscow kingdom, conquering Kazantsev, Astrakhan and the Uralic peoples. In the second half of his reign, Tsar Ivan created a special intelligence service, the oprichnina, personally subordinate to the king. With the help of the oprichnina, the king asserted absolute sole authority. During this period, Ivan became suspicious, cruel and quick to reprisal by the autocrat. Once, in the heat of anger, the king mortally wounded his own son, after which he fell into a deep depression, followed by manic attacks. The Tsar spent the end of his life in seclusion, he prayed a lot and practically withdrew from state affairs.

January 16, 1963 Nikita Khrushchev announced the creation of the hydrogen bomb to the world

January 16, Nikita Sergeevich, announced to the world the creation of the Soviet Union, a hydrogen bomb. The new weapon, in its power, was many times superior to any nuclear charges ever tested by mankind. In 1959, Khrushchev visited the United States, it seemed that warm times had come between the two superpowers. However, exactly one year later, the relations between the two powers deteriorated sharply, the cause was an incident with the flight of Powers over the territory of the Soviet Union, as a result of which the Soviet air defense shot down a spy plane. As a result, the visit of US President D. Eisenhower to the Union was canceled. Soon, John F. Kennedy came to power in the United States, taking an irreconcilable position in relations with the USSR. The Cuban revolution, and the capture of Fidel Castro, authorities on the island dragged the USSR and the USA into a new political conflict, which almost ended in a nuclear clash. In Europe, the West and the USSR could not find common ground on the status of West Berlin. In 1961, in a sole manner, without prior coordination with the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the USSR erected a demarcation concrete wall that divided Berlin into western and eastern parts. This action caused a wave of popular protests in Europe and in countries on other continents. The USSR was actively building up its combat potential, it was the first to successfully test an intercontinental nuclear missile, launched automatic spacecraft into low Earth orbit, and for the first time sent a man into space on a spaceship. In 1961, the Soviet Union unilaterally withdrew from the international treaty on the limitation and prohibition of nuclear testing. At the same time, the creation of the hydrogen bomb was completed in Arzamas-16 and it was hastily transported to the location of the heavy-duty carrier aircraft. The test of a new super-powerful hydrogen bomb was to show the whole world that the Soviet Union was stronger than ever and would not joke with its opponents.

January 16, 2006 Sberbank fire in Vladivostok

On January 16, a powerful fire broke out in the premises of the Scientific Research Institute of Promstroyroekt, on the eighth and ninth floors. As it became known later, a fire center arose on the seventh floor, and fire quickly spread throughout the upper floors of the building. Fire engines that arrived at the scene could not immediately put out the fire, as the entrances to the bank were blocked by cars that had to be pulled by hand. Some bank employees, distraught by the disaster, jumped out of the windows of the upper floors of the building, receiving fatal injuries. On the upper floors of the bank, in the fire, 9 people died. Seventeen bank employees were hospitalized with various injuries and severe burns. A criminal case was opened on the fact of the fire, the investigation lasted almost three months. Investigators came to the conclusion that the cause of the fire was the elementary negligence of bank staff and a gross violation of safety precautions when working with electrical devices. It was also established that the act issued by the fire department on the compliance of the bank premises with fire safety standards was falsified. Fire control did not check the bank building for compliance with fire safety standards. After this incident, the country's leadership sent tremendous efforts to overcome the phenomena of corruption in government and oversight bodies.

Born on January 16

Vasily Lanovoi (1934 ...), People's Artist of the USSR

Vasily Semenovich was born on January 16 in Moscow, in a family of peasants who came from Ukraine. At school, he began to play in amateur productions, for one of these productions Vasily received a prize prize. After completing the seven-year plan, Lanova wanted to go to a flight school, but one of the teachers convinced the boy to finish school and enter the theater university. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Lanova enters the Shchukin Theater School, but soon leaves him and enters the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Studying at Moscow State University, Vasily is invited to star in the film "Certificate of Maturity", the film with his participation receives its first success and inspired by a joyful debut, Lanova returns to the Shchukin school and successfully ends it. By distribution, Lanova falls into the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater, where at first she is not very popular. However, soon the artist is noticed, and from a one-sided actor, he turns into a professional sharp-character artist. In the early 1960s, Lanova begins to act in films. His first works brought him fame. The actor’s most favorite work was the role of Anatoly Kuragin in S. Bondarchuk’s grandiose film War and Peace. Then there were no less famous works: Anna Karenina, Officers, Petrovka 38, Ogareva 6, and others. In 1971, Vasily Lanovoi was recognized as an actor of the year. Vasily Lanova continues to act and delight the audience today. talent.

Ivan Vorobyov (1908-1967), hero of the Soviet Union

Born on January 16 in the Tver region in a poor peasant family. After graduating from the five-year school, he worked on a collective farm. In 1930, Ivan was drafted into the army. In Orenburg, he graduates from an aviation school and becomes a military pilot, then serves in the Smolensk region. At the end of the 40s he shaves his participation in battles on the Khalkhin-Gol river. Vorobiev takes off on the SB heavy bomber. For participation in the Soviet-Japanese armed conflict he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.The pilot Vorobyov also participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. Since 1942, participates in battles on many fronts of World War II. As part of the 18th Guards Aviation Regiment made hundreds of nightly bombing sorties. He took part in the massive bombing of Danzig, Tilsit, Koenigsberg, Breslau, Warsaw and others. The command noted the highest effectiveness of the bombing carried out by Vorobyov. Major Vorobyov made a significant contribution to the battles at the Kursk Bulge, in breaking through the Leningrad blockade, in the liberation of Sevastopol. His last legendary sorties were carried out during the bombing of Berlin. After the war, the hero of the Soviet Union lived and worked in Smolensk, where he completed his life's journey.

Ivan Vostokov (1840-1898), Russian astronomer

The future scientist was born in Yaroslavl, in a poor noble family. After graduating from high school, he entered Petersburg University and in 1863 graduated with honors and received the title of candidate of mathematical sciences. Soon, Ivan becomes a student and follower of the outstanding Russian astrophysicist A. Savich. From 1863 to 1865, Vostokov worked at the Pulkovo State Observatory. In 1865 he went on an internship abroad, after which he received a doctorate in astronomical sciences. Since 1869, he has been the director and leading professor of the Warsaw National Observatory. At this post, Ivan Anatolyevich rebuilds and expands the Polish observatory, as well as establishes a circle of meridians in it. The most important scientific works of the scientist relate to the field of celestial mechanics. Vostokov successfully studied the methods for determining and moving planetary orbits. He differentiated the equation of perturbed planetary motions and explained the perturbation functions and degrees of eccentricity. He significantly revised and supplemented the method for determining the conditional line along which the celestial body proposed by Langrange moves. Vostokov adapted the Langrange method, making it more suitable for practical calculations. Subsequently, this method was discovered by French scientists.

Henry of Orleans, Duke of Omal (1822-1897), son of the last king of France

The fifth son was born, the king of France Louis-Philippe, in the vicinity of Palermo. Inherited from his godfather, Prince Conde, extensive land holdings and decent property. In addition, Henry inherited the estate of Chantilly. In 1845, his firstborn son, Louis, was born to him, but he died at a young age. Henry of Orleans took an active part in the conquest of Algeria. After the fall of the regime of King Philip, Henry joined the movement of the "Orleans" who fought for the revival of the monarchical system in France. After a fruitless struggle, Henry left France. He tried to build a military or political career abroad, but he failed. In 1884 he donated the family castle of Chantilly to the French Republic. In addition, the duke handed over to the people of France a huge art gallery, including unique canvases, “Madonnas of the Orleans House”, “The Magnificent Hourglass of the Duke of Berry” and many other masterpieces of fine art. Nowadays, the Chantilly estate is a museum of Conde. Appreciating the generous gestures of the Duke Heinrich of Orleans, the Republican Government of France allowed the Duke to return to his homeland, which he soon did.

Aristarkh Lentulov (1882-1943), Soviet artist

Born in the Penza province, on January 16, in the family of an Orthodox priest. After studying at the gymnasium, he entered the N. Seliverstov Art School. Then he studied in Kiev at the art and graphic school at the studio of D.N. Kardovsky. In St. Petersburg, founded the art club "Jack of Diamonds". His early works were done in the style of a panel, which he borrowed from the Blue Rose mug. Lentulov significantly redesigns and modifies the style of cubism and photism and ultimately creates his own style, the so-called futuristic panel. In his artistic style, Aristarchus sees the world as a kaleidoscope of colors and formations. This is clearly seen in his picture "Victory battle". But the artist was especially famous for the works that he created in the style of Russian, ancient church architecture. In this style of his paintings are painted, "St. Basil" and "Ivan the Great Bell Tower." In the paintings, the artist used foil, paper and fabrics. The master accepted the revolution as a celebration of spiritual and material renewal. In 1918, Lentulov remarkably designed the production of Prometheus on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1943, the artist puts at the Moscow Art Theater "Spanish Priest" D. Fletcher. In addition to artistic activity, Aristarkh Lentulov was engaged in teaching. He successfully trained youth at many art institutes in Moscow.

January 16th

Anastasia, Irina, Gordey


Watch the video: Highlight events, weekends and holidays on calendar in Excel (July 2024).