Vision during pregnancy


Many women who have vision problems since childhood are convinced that they will not be allowed to give birth by prescribing a mandatory caesarean section (CS) operation. But problems are different, therefore, according to the rules, a pregnant woman is observed by an ophthalmologist throughout pregnancy, monitoring the state of the retina. In fact, observation is reduced only to a mandatory round of all specialists, including an optometrist, at the end of pregnancy, for recommendations on the management of childbirth. Women often complain that not every doctor practices an attentive and individual approach, therefore, two extreme options are used. Reinsurers send any expectant mother who has vision problems to a cesarean section or conduct a quick examination, recommending a natural birth with an excluded period of labor. In what cases is the COP applied?

Ophthalmologist examination

In itself, low vision, myopia or hyperopia, are not considered indications for the prohibition of natural childbirth. Some mistakenly believe that there is a certain framework - for example, with vision - 3 births will be natural, but with - 8 COP it is inevitable. But the specialist draws attention to other parameters:

  • There is a risk of retinal detachment;
  • Progressive myopia;
  • Fundus changes.

During the examination, the ophthalmologist checks precisely these factors - examines the retina for changes. Pregnancy is a difficult condition, therefore, those who have any vision problems are advised not to postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist, but to be observed by this specialist once a month. Excessive stress during pregnancy and childbirth can exacerbate existing problems and lead to:

  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • Retinal tears;
  • Retinal detachment.

Independent birth

In addition, the doctor conducts an examination of the fundus - this is the very procedure, most unloved by many, for checking the pupil dilated with drops. If no violations are detected, the woman is allowed to give birth on her own, and an excluded period of rest may be recommended. What does this mean? The second period of labor activity involves considerable efforts on the part of the woman in childbirth - because for the birth of a child she will have to use all her strength, directing her to push the fetus. To facilitate and accelerate this stage, the mandatory episiotomy procedure can be applied - cutting the perineum. Much depends on the correct behavior of the woman in labor and on prenatal training. The ability to push properly allows you to reduce the load on the vessels of the head and significantly speeds up the process itself.


Watch the video: Is it normal to have blurry vision during pregnancy? (June 2024).