July 8: conspiracies and rites


There are many glorious holidays in the Orthodox calendar, but July 8 is a special date. On this day, Rev. Peter and Fevronia of Murom are glorified. Since 2008, it has become an official holiday, celebrated nationwide as the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty.

What are the usual read conspiracies on July 8?

Saints Peter and Fevronia patronize family life, since their own marriage is considered an example of prosperity and respect for each other. On July 8, any conspiracy made to bring good luck into the life of a couple acquires double strength. To call him a love spell is not quite right: when you say the words, you ask for mercy from the saints, and they will surely show it.

According to legend, Peter and Fevronia lived in Russia in the 13th century. Peter, who had a princely origin, suffered from a serious illness and turned to Fevronia herbalist for help. She cured the prince, taking with him the promise to marry her. But Peter did not keep his word, since the girl was from the common people. His health immediately deteriorated. With repentance, the prince again turned to Fevronia. She did not refuse the suffering. When Peter was better, he took the healer to his rightful wives.

Their life was not easy, since the prince’s confidants opposed unequal marriage. But the love and faith of the spouses defeated all adversities. By old age, they took the veil and died on the same day. This date is considered July 8 - the day of the family of love and loyalty.: conspiracies on this day filled with great power. Let's name the strongest of them:

  • On love and love spell spouse;
  • To protect the family hearth from the evil eye.

You can also read other spells:

On a strong love response

Take the paper and pen and make a list of the characteristics that you would like to see in your chosen one. They should be recorded the day before, on the evening of July 7th. Lie down to sleep, and in the morning wash your face with spring water and say:

"Saints, send me (my name) pure and reciprocal love. May my betrayed love and honor me. Let his (name) feelings be stronger than a strong stone. Peter and Fevronia, help me!"

The paper should be burned, and the ashes thrown out of the window.

A love plot on a daisy

The flower is considered the official symbol of the saints and the feast itself. Pick up an armful and put in a transparent vase with clear water. If there is a chosen one - put his photo in front of the flowers. If the horizon is still empty, hold one stalk in your left palm and say:

"As these flowers bloom, they smell sweet, so the love of my betrothed (name, if there is, or the word" future ") let it bloom and make me happy!"

Chamomiles are left on the threshold of the house where the chosen one lives, or they are launched into the water of the nearest river in the direction of the current. If they remain on the surface and carry on further, it means that the request is heard and soon happiness will knock on the door.

Conspiracy to marital love on a candle

In the morning on the holy feast, take out any thing belonging to the second half and wrap it in a piece of white cloth. A joint photo with a spouse is put in front of the subject, a wax candle is lit and consecrated. Put your hands on your chest, look at the flames and say the following:

"Saints Peter and Fevronia, you are an example to follow, your family life was happy and long. Send me (your name) and my spouse (name) eternal happiness. Let his feelings for me not fade! Let it be so!"

Wait until the candle goes out, return the item and the photo to their usual place. From now on, the scandals in your family will be much less.

Conspiracy on health and female attractiveness

When the clock strikes at 12 o'clock at night and comes on July 8, it's time to conduct the ceremony Stand in the center of the room, being naked. Hold a glass of water in one hand and squeeze some salt in the other. Say the words:

"Water with the moon, fate on the light, to you, Fevronia, I cry, I ask for your help. Allow me (my name) not to lose beauty and youth. Let people look at me, admire, and compare with the moon clear, words the good say to me. Let the whiteness and the freshness of my face only compare with the luminary, but not yield to them in anything. Amen! "

After proofreading, salt is poured into the water and left on the windowsill. In the morning, take a few sips, saying:

"Water inwardly, and beauty - out. Amen!"

Drink a glass must be within a week.

Plot on thick hair

Read in the dark or at night. The moon should be visible in the sky. Take a comb, look at the sky and say the words:

"The moon is shining in the sky, but for me, the slaves of God (name), my hair shines and grows. Help, Saint Fevronia, I’ll save women's beauty. ! "

Rite of passage to attract wealth

To resort to the magic of a material nature on the day of Peter and Fevronia is possible, if the interest is not purely mercenary. You need to talk coin worth 5 kopecks. It sounds like a conspiracy:

"I trade as a merchant, but at home I did a good job! I brought the treasure into the house, but I have nowhere to put it. Come, Saint Peter, to me, God's servant (name), wealth and wealth. Amen!"

The coin is put in a purse and worn in it for 30 days. Then the ritual is performed again.

A conspiracy on the love of her husband on the day of Peter and Fevronia

To carry out a ritual designed to strengthen and preserve the feeling of love on the part of the spouse on the day of the family can be much more effective than at any other time of the year. A day before the ceremony, get two church candles. Print the image of her husband on color photo paper. The photo is taken in high quality, so that the face and eyes are clearly visible. On a holy day, at 8 o'clock in the morning, light the candles and place them next to the picture. Before you utter special words, get rid of all negative thoughts, take a deep breath and imagine the image of a loved one. Three times repeat:

"Peter and Fevronia, you spent your life in love and respect. Give me, the servant of God (name), with my only spouse (husband's name), our age in the love and harmony to stay. I place my hope in holy help. Help save the family, live to old age together. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! "

At the end of the conspiracy, do not remove the candles: they must burn to the ground. The effect of the ritual will be felt in about 30 days.

Protect your home from enemies and envious

Often, family happiness becomes the envy of detractors. If the negative energy is strong, it can harm the matrimony. To protect the family hearth, the following plot is read:

"Saints Peter and Fevronia, send happiness to my house. Let the couple live in respect, let the children of their parents honor without doubts. Let not any misfortune of my house touch, misfortune and discord bring. Key, lock, so be it!"

The plot is read in three candles brought from the church on the day of the holiday. Before the beginning of the ritual, the candles are arranged in a circle, a family photo is put inside, in which all close relatives are depicted. After the ceremony, the photo is placed in the place where it is most visible.


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