Female opinion: Russians honor Coco Chanel’s precepts!


“Men like women who are well-dressed but not conspicuous,” said Coco Chanel, the legendary French woman fashion designer. It was she who brought into fashion a little black dress, which for many years remains popular among women of different ages and tastes. A modest dress in black knee-length, with a simple neckline, narrow sleeves, no frills - these basic features make it easy to recognize the famous little black dress, which, for sure, is present in the wardrobe of any fashionista.

The popularity of Coco Chanel's dress reached truly incredible sizes and, in connection with this, the Women's Opinion portal decided to conduct a survey and find out if modern women have a little black dress in their wardrobe.

“Yes, of course, in my wardrobe there is a little black dress and not one,” 47.8% of the women surveyed are surprised. "In order to look feminine and elegant, a woman just needs one such dress," say the Russians. They are sure that in such an outfit any woman, regardless of appearance and financial situation, will look stylish and fashionable.

33.7% of women participating in the survey are not happy owners of this classic outfit, but admit that they intend to purchase a small black dress in the near future. They also consider black to be relevant and sexy, and they know that in such a dress you can look different every time by experimenting with accessories.

And only 18.5% of young women do not have a black dress, and they do not plan to wear it. They substantiate their choice by the fact that they like brighter and more striking outfits of modern designers. Nevertheless, these women do not exclude a black dress in their wardrobe, since today you can wear it as you like: add bright tights, fashionable shoes to it and create your own individual unique image in which you can always look great.

There is an opinion that in order to be beautiful, a woman needs only one small black dress in the closet and, based on the above survey results, this judgment is correct. Since almost 82% of women, sensing the rapid passage of time, choose things that help us quickly transform the image, things are comfortable and relevant, which no doubt is a little black dress. And, despite the fact that many years have passed since the invention of Coco Chanel's black dress, the dress has changed somewhat, it still remains a favorite thing in the wardrobe of our women.

The survey involved 1780 women from 159 cities of Russia, aged 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: Do All Women Think the Same? (June 2024).