DIY pumpkin crafts for do-it-yourself kindergarten. Flower ball, caterpillar, vase or feeder - options for crafts from pumpkin


Teachers in kindergartens often make unusual and funny crafts with children. What just doesn’t go to work: paper, plasticine, rags, paints, vegetables and fruits. Today's master class is dedicated to children's DIY pumpkin crafts. All the presented crafts are easy to manufacture and help to develop the imagination, curiosity and fine motor skills of the hands in kids.

DIY handmade flower pumpkin DIY flower ball

A pumpkin for a flower ball is taken in a small size for one baby. A large pumpkin is decorated with several guys. Flowers are used with a thin and strong stalk.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, flowers, awl, scissors.

Stage 1

An educator or an adult prepares a pumpkin for kids in advance. It is washed and dried. With an awl, holes are pierced in the vegetable.

Stage 2

Under the supervision of an adult, children cut the stems from the flowers with scissors. A sufficient length is 5 cm. You can use plastic scissors that can cope with this task.

Stage 3

Stems with flowers are stuck into the holes on the vegetable.

Do-it-yourself pumpkin flower ball is ready! Flowers in this state will stand for a long time: juice from pumpkin pulp will nourish the plants. If desired, you can use flowers with a wide variety of colors in your work.

Craft from pumpkins for kindergarten "Leaves in the Snow"

For the manufacture of "Leaves in the Snow" come in handy white gouache and dry leaves from the forest. It will be necessary to color the pumpkin for speed. You can include in the room a fun and dynamic music from the cartoon.

Materials and tools: pumpkin of any size, white gouache, a large brush (you can even use a paintbrush), dry leaves from the forest.

Stage 1

The pumpkin is washed and dried, laid on a table in front of each child. It is recommended to lay a piece of paper on the table in advance to protect the furniture from dirt during gouache dyeing.

Stage 2

Children are shown the principle of applying gouache to a vegetable. And each baby begins to decorate a pumpkin with his own hands.

Stage 3

Leaflets are stacked on a pumpkin. Since gouache dries within 2 - 5 minutes, you can take your time with leaf decoration. You might think of a better pumpkin location.

The leaves in the snow are ready! By the way, you can also decorate the leaves on a handmade pumpkin craft with some new gouache flowers.

DIY do-it-yourself pumpkin crafts "Fun Caterpillar"

A fun caterpillar masters from several pumpkins. This craft can be installed directly on the playground. In this case, the kids will be able to daily observe the result of their work and play with crafts while walking.

Materials and tools: pumpkins 10 pcs. (or by the number of children in the group), color cardboard, black acrylic paint, brushes, glue.

Stage 1

Pumpkins are washed and dried in advance. Each vegetable sticking out at the top is painted black with acrylic paint. Such paint dries quickly and does not wash off. For example, in the rain.

Stage 2

From cardboard, rounds of yellow and red are cut. For the eyes of the caterpillar, rounds of black and white colors are made.

Stage 3

The cut out rounds are glued to the body of the future caterpillar, as in the picture.

Stage 4

On the main pumpkin, called the head, a wide cheerful smile is drawn. Black acrylic paint is used.

Stage 5

At this last stage, all parts of the Merry Caterpillar are transferred to the playground, where they are installed by the children. It is recommended to give the caterpillar a wriggling shape, as is the case with real caterpillars.

Crafts from pumpkin for kindergarten "Feeding trough"

All children know about bird feeders, but even adults hardly came up with the idea of ​​making them out of pumpkins. This is an original idea and great food in the fall and winter. For example, for urban sparrows.

Materials and tools: halves of pumpkins, thick sticks from the forest, rope, bird food, spoons, knife.

Stage 1

The pumpkin teacher is cut into two parts. The pulp with seeds is scooped up with spoons.

Stage 2

Cross to cross sticks are inserted into the vegetable at an angle of 90 degrees. For convenience, the holes for them can be cut with a knife. It is advisable to entrust such work to an adult.

Stage 3

At this stage, ropes are attached to the sticks, which will keep the birdhouse in limbo.

Stage 4

Poultry poultry is poured into a DIY pumpkin craft. It can be millet, seeds (not fried) and wheat.

Craft "Birdhouse" is ready! It is recommended to hang it in a place protected from rain. For example, in the gazebo or under the fungus, if one is available on the playground.

Crafts from pumpkin for kindergarten "Flower Vase for Mom"

Moms of each baby will be delighted with a gift in the form of a vase with flowers. Making it from a pumpkin is easy. But to cut a hole in a thick pumpkin peel is best entrusted to an adult.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, bouquet, plastic cup for flowers, knife, aluminum spoon, scissors.

Stage 1

A hole is cut out in the washed and dried pumpkin. It is done so as to simultaneously remove the pumpkin tail.

Stage 2

Spoon pulled from the vegetable pulp and seeds. Such an activity is within the power of every kid in the kindergarten. It is fun and easy.

Stage 3

A plastic cup is inserted into the pumpkin. Water is poured into it for flowers.

Stage 4

Flowers are taken. The excess length of the stems is cut off. Flowers are formed into a bouquet. They can be tied with thread or rope.

Stage 5

The bouquet is set in a pumpkin vase. Everything, a gift can be brought to mom.

DIY handmade pumpkin crafts "Fun Head"

A “funny head” of pumpkin is obtained from the decoration with colored felt-tip pens. It is easily applied to a clean surface of the vegetable and almost does not wear off.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, felt-tip pen.

Stage 1

Pumpkin is set on the table. It is important to put it in a fixed, stable position. If desired, the vegetable can be decorated even while sitting on the floor or holding it on your lap. To whom it is convenient.

Stage 2

Felt-tip pens apply the first facial features: eyes, nose, smile and hairstyle.

Stage 3

At this stage, the initial strokes are shaded in different colors.

Craft pumpkin for kindergarten is ready. It can be put on the street in the open. It will stand up to the winter colds and longer if the fruit itself belongs to the winter pumpkin variety.


Watch the video: Pumpkin Crafts for Kids Halloween Kid Crafts Ideas (June 2024).