Cleansing diet for 7 days: the benefits of detox nutrition, important points. The most popular cleansing diets for 7 days, menu


An improperly constructed diet, poor ecology, the use of food chemical additives are just some of the factors that lead to "contamination" of the intestine. As a result, excess weight begins to accumulate, and overall health deteriorates.

Sometimes women do not even think about the reason they gained kilograms - but in vain. A cleansing diet for 7 days is not just a weight loss system, but a technique that allows you to cleanse your intestines. A week later, a person will feel great, besides, lose a few pounds.

The main benefits of a cleansing diet for 7 days

1. A cleansing diet does not require large expenditures and "special" recipes. The menu is balanced, all dishes are prepared quickly and simply.

2. The technique allows not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to normalize the digestive system.

3. The accumulation of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals is removed from the body.

4. A cleansing diet “heals” a person not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The complexion improves, acne and acne disappear, the hair visibly strengthens, gaining vitality.

5. The menu of the weight loss system is designed so that a person does not experience hunger, while useful vitamins, minerals and other nutrients will constantly enter the body.

A cleansing diet is good for everyone, not just for those who need to lose weight.

How to properly prepare for a cleansing diet for 7 days

Before you begin to lose weight and cleanse the body, you need to prepare yourself well in advance.

1. Two weeks before the start of the diet, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee. Instead, you need to drink plain water without gas, herbal and green tea, milk, kefir.

2. For a week, you should refuse food that is considered heavy for the stomach. Eating fried foods should be minimized. Spicy spices, salt, canned food are excluded from the diet.

Such preparation before a cleansing diet for 7 days is very important. As a result, stool and the functioning of the digestive system are normalized, a person will not feel heaviness in the stomach.

List of allowed and forbidden products

The cleansing diet for 7 days allows the use of the following products:

• lean meats;

• low-fat fish (better in boiled form);

• fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal ones are especially useful;

• oatmeal (not instant cooking, namely hercules);

• fermented milk products of minimal fat content;

• unrefined vegetable oil;

• rice;

• grain bread.

A cleansing diet for weight loss prohibits:

• food of animal origin;

• simple carbohydrates (fast food, confectionery, pastries);

• any food with a high level of sugar in the composition;

• alcohol and smoking.

Classic cleansing diet for 7 days: a detailed menu

The presented menu of the body cleansing and weight loss system is well tolerated, has no contraindications. If desired, some products can be changed based on a list of allowed products.

Day 1

1. For breakfast you need to drink a glass of green tea (without various sweeteners) and eat half of the grapefruit.

2. For lunch, a boiled chicken fillet is perfect - 150 grams. You can also eat 1 raw carrot.

3. Dinner should not be dense, 2 hours before bedtime, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of oats cooked in water. Finely chopped apple is allowed to be added there.

Day 2

1. Morning. Natural yogurt without additives, green or herbal tea.

2. Lunch. 200 ml of chicken stock, finely chopped dill greens can be added to it.

3. The evening. 150 grams of low-fat boiled fish and 2 baked potatoes.

Day 3

1. In the morning, eat 1 whole orange, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

2. For lunch - the same chicken broth as on the previous day.

3. For dinner - 100 grams of buckwheat, cooked without salt and kefir (1 cup).

Day 4

1. For breakfast, eat 200 grams of oatmeal with fresh fruits or berries.

2. Lunch. Soup puree with broccoli and cauliflower - it is very healthy, characterized by low calorie content.

3. Dinner. 150 grams of corn porridge and 1 cup of fresh orange juice.

Day 5

1. In the morning you can eat fruit and berry salad seasoned with lemon juice. He will give a surge of energy for the whole day and saturate the body with vitamins.

2. For lunch, vegetable stew is recommended. You can use any vegetables except potatoes (these are empty calories).

3. For dinner (2 hours before bedtime), it is optimal to eat 2 baked apples and natural yogurt.

Day 6

1. In the morning, green tea with honey and a slice of bread with feta cheese are allowed.

2. For lunch, it is recommended 100 grams of beef liver (you can stew it with vegetables) and 1 cup of tomato juice.

3. For dinner, raw vegetables are best suited - cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots.

Day 7

1. Breakfast is the same as it was on the first day.

2. For lunch, it is recommended to cook your own ear.

3. For dinner - a portion of boiled or baked fish (150 grams), stewed vegetables.

A 7-day cleansing diet involves 3 main meals. However, it may happen that a person still feels hunger. You can not restrain him. The hunger is perfectly quenched by kefir - after drinking 1 glass of the drink, the stomach will "calm down".

7 days rice cleansing diet

Rice is a product that is often used in the menu of all kinds of diets. No wonder. Rice is very healthy, non-nutritious, contains many vitamins. For a cleansing diet for 7 days, this is an ideal product. "General cleaning" of the body with rice gives an excellent result. Toxins and toxins are removed, intestinal motility is normalized, excess weight goes away.

Weekly daily menu

Day 1

1. Morning. Boiled rice (about 50 grams) without salt, it is allowed to add 1 grated apple.

2. At lunch, also rice, but now 100 grams. Dill greens are added to it, you can season with vegetable oil.

3. Dinner. Boil one carrot, grate it on a fine grater, mix with boiled rice (70-100 grams). You can add a little olive oil. The dish is tasty and satisfying.

Day 2

1. Morning. 1 ripe pear and 50 grams of rice.

2. Lunch. Finely chop 1 zucchini, stew, add dill greens. Mix everything with rice, so that the total portion of the dish is no more than 150 grams.

3. The evening. Boiled cauliflower (50 grams) and the same amount of boiled rice.

Day 3

1. Morning. Boiled rice with sour cream (minimum fat content). The total portion is not more than 100 grams. It is allowed to drink green unsweetened tea.

2. Lunch. Salad made from rice, boiled mushrooms, dill and 1 boiled carrot.

3. The evening. Boiled rice - about 100-150 grams and a glass of kefir.

Day 4

1. Morning. 50 grams of boiled rice porridge on the water, you can add a little raisins to it for taste.

2. Lunch. Fresh cabbage salad with sour cream, 100 grams of rice.

3. The evening. 100 grams of boiled rice, you can also eat 1 green apple.

Day 5, 6 and 7, you can repeat the menu of the past day. There are no special rules here. A person can choose the menu of the day that he liked the most.

The only thing you need to know is the process of properly preparing rice for a cleansing diet. Krupa is poured with boiling water in the evening. In the morning, rice should be washed well and boiled for 15 minutes. After that, you can’t immediately eat it, you need to let the rice brew for another half hour. This process of preparing cereals preserves all its beneficial substances and improves detox properties.

A rice cleansing diet for 7 days improves the general condition of the body, it takes 4 to 7 kg per week (it all depends on the person’s initial weight).

Important points in the organization of the diet

There are many variations of cleansing diets for 7 days, therefore, choosing the best option for yourself is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic rules for constructing a daily diet in order to achieve a better result.

1. At the time of a cleansing diet, you must definitely abandon such bad habits as alcohol and smoking. They slow down the metabolism, do not allow the body to "cleanse". It is also necessary to forget about confectionery, chocolate, various buns - all these are empty calories, absolutely useless to humans. If you want sweets, it is better to eat a spoonful of honey or some dried fruits.

2. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids daily. In addition to juices and kefir, plain non-carbonated water is also needed. 6 glasses a day, they must be divided into a day so that between these "glasses" there is a time interval of 2 hours.

3. If a person’s goal is to lose weight and cleanse his body, while maintaining skin elasticity, it is recommended that you exercise every day. You can also jump rope, run around the stadium or twist the hoop. The minimum training duration is 20 minutes.

4. A cleansing diet for 7 days can trigger weakness, headaches, and sleep problems. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink multivitamins. Now the pharmacy offers a wide range of various complexes from various manufacturers. When choosing, be sure to pay attention that there are not only vitamins, but also minerals, amino acids.

Be sure to clearly follow the rules for building the diet of the chosen method, otherwise there will be no result. Also, do not neglect the preparation for a cleansing diet. This stage is very important.

A cleansing diet for 7 days is a sure, affordable, safe way to get your body in shape, improve your overall health. The technique gives an amazing result, the lost weight will not come back.


Watch the video: Juice Cleansing Diet: Does It Work? UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (July 2024).