Scientists: the aging process is reversible


In the process of research, a group of Australian scientists established the patterns of the aging process. As it turned out, it is due to a drop in the blood concentration of the enzyme NAD (nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide), which, as a result, leads to a violation of coordination between the material of the cell and its energy centers, which, ceasing to synthesize the necessary amount of energy, die.

The results of the study allowed scientists to develop a special drug, NMN, that can restore the connection between the genomes of cells. Scientists are absolutely sure that they have every opportunity to reverse the aging process. The developed drug was tested on laboratory mice and received excellent results. However, geneticist David Sinclair is quite cautious in his comments on the developed drug. According to the scientist, the drug can reduce the incidence of diabetes and cancer, as well as improve the quality of life.
