The best cleaning tactics in the apartment


Cleaning! Despite the fact that the guardians of the outbreak are by nature "supposed" to clean around this outbreak, few women love this occupation. Men traditionally evade cleaning the house and, barely noticing a mop and a rag in the hands of their beloved woman, try to get away.

Each housewife has her own tactics for combating dirt: some eradicate it daily, without giving the slightest chance of survival; others clean up where they got very dirty, leaving the apartment “regenerated” for the weekend; still others come even easier - they hire a maid for these purposes. The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out what cleanliness tactics in the house Russians choose for themselves.

Half of the women (53.6%) choose the second option. To the best of their ability and time, they maintain cleanliness in visible places, and on weekends they perform general cleaning of all the hidden corners of the apartment. 26.8% on weekdays do not care about the environment at all - enough worries at work. These ladies make a marathon in their nest exclusively on weekends.

11.6% are cleaned even less frequently - once every two weeks. Perhaps, due to the absence of other occupants of the room (in particular, young producers of most of the dirt and debris in the house), it is more often necessary to clean and not be required.

There are also those who trouble themselves with cleaning once a month - 5.4%. These are those who rarely appear at home at all. The happy owners of home staff are 2.6%. The maid is cleaned for them, and how often is decided as the dirt accumulates. It should be noted that all of the above respondents would gladly choose this item, but the majority does not allow the budget to hire a housekeeper.

Women are much more tidy than men, so they need to clean up more often to feel comfortable in their own home. On this occasion, I recall the "bearded" joke: "What is the difference between a man and a woman? A woman first eats and then does the dishes. A man first washed the dishes and then eats."

4820 people from 20 to 45 years old, living in 142 cities of Russia, shared their opinion with the Women's Opinion portal.
