The abundance of men in the workplace is bad for women's income


A large-scale study covering 20 industrialized countries seems to explain why some women earn less than men, despite the fact that they are doing the same thing with them.

Specialists from Canada and the United Kingdom found a person’s wage to be related to the ratio of both sexes in his workplace. And their study yielded truly amazing results.

It turned out that the average income of women working in a team, more than half consisting of representatives of the opposite sex, is much lower than that of women doing their job in the absence of men. It is important to note that scientists compared the average salary only for people of the same professions.

But the owners of the highest average income indicator were women working in a not completely “homogeneous” environment, that is, in a team where the number of men is relatively small compared to the number of women.

It is also interesting that the salary of the stronger sex was quite low in those cases when there were no women in their environment. Thus, based on the results obtained, the experts concluded that the chances of women climbing up the career ladder are highest for women who have no men at all or that their numbers are negligible.

Professor Robert Blackburn and Dr. Girts Rasco report: "The brighter the boundaries between the work of the two sexes, the more opportunities women have to build a good career, and less men."
