What to drink for the New Year: cold, hot and strong drinks. And what do you drink for the New Year: is champagne necessary?


New Year's table is set. There was the last touch - to serve drinks.

What to drink for the New Year? The choice is so diverse that any dish can be served a special alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink.

What to drink for the New Year: light alcohol

The main drink of New Year's Eve is, of course, champagne. Sparkling wine comes from the province of Champagne in France, but by tradition we call any sparkling wine champagne. It can be dry (it’s brut), semi-dry, semi-sweet. The color of champagne varies from light and golden to pink. In the Year of the Fire Rooster, you can serve just such a pink champagne.

They serve it in narrow elegant glasses on a high thin leg. The ideal temperature of the drink is from 6 ° to 8 °. Champagne should be neither too cold nor too warm, so it is better to place a chilled open bottle in a bucket filled with crushed ice and cold water.

Sweet fruit, fresh strawberries or pineapple slices, cheese slices, white meat, canapes with red caviar are ideal for champagne.


Wine is the second most popular drink for the festive table. For New Year's Eve 2017, red light or sweet wines are ideal. This can be homemade wine made from cherries, currants, raspberries, and purchased grape or fruit wine. Cabernet, merlot, shiraz, as well as blended wines, for example, claret, are especially valuable. Although lovers of white wines should not deny themselves a pleasant aftertaste of chardonnay, riesling or sherry.

The wine glass should be voluminous, not too narrow and have a high leg. It is better to cool white varieties to about 10 °, and red varieties serve warmer, you can room temperature. For white wine, offer seafood, cheeses, grilled vegetables, and poultry as a snack.

Red goes well with hot meat, fruits, mushrooms, game and cheese.


A stronger version of wine, which is mostly liked by girls, is vermouth. The composition of the drink includes wormwood, which is why a characteristic taste appears. Vermouth, like any wine, can be dry white, semisweet pink or sweet red.

It can be drunk as a standalone drink by adding ice or a slice of lemon. In this case, it is recommended to cool the drink to 8-11 ° and serve either in an ordinary glass or in a glass for whiskey. Based on vermouth, you can prepare alcoholic cocktails.

It is good to serve olives, fruits, poultry, nuts, cheese, and vermouth.


A type of vermouth - martini - a more expensive alcoholic drink. It also has a characteristic wormwood flavor, but has a more delicate taste. Martini is served in a special wide glass with olives, a slice of lemon, ice. If there is no special glass, you can take a glass for whiskey.

Martini is usually diluted with freshly squeezed juice or mixed with stronger alcohol.

ATTENTION! Sometimes carbonated sweet water is added to martini, but this is fraught with a morning headache.

What to drink for the New Year: strong alcohol

For men on the New Year's table you need to serve strong alcohol. What to drink for the New Year depends on preferences.


Traditional Russian vodka is a great option for a feast. But only if the drink is made on high-quality Lux alcohol and is sufficiently cooled.

To prevent a morning hangover, you need to bite vodka with fatty hot dishes, preferably meat. Marinated mushrooms, herring, aspic, red caviar are good for vodka.

Abundant food will reduce the rate of absorption of alcohol.


Fragrant cognac is the second most popular strong alcoholic drink for a festive feast. It has a specific pleasant taste and beautiful amber color. Served in wide glasses with a short leg. It is customary to slightly warm the cognac in the palms so that it fully reveals the main flavoring bouquet.

Snack cognac - bad manners. It should be drunk in small sips, enjoying the sensations.

However, you can still serve a snack. It can be cheese, meat, sweet fruits, oysters, mini sandwiches.

Whiskey, bourbon

Whiskey and its bourbon variety resemble cognac in strength, but differ in aroma and taste. They are also not accepted for a snack, although if desired, you can take the same snack as for cognac.

Often ice is added to the whiskey, but the melted water makes the drink specific. Therefore, instead of ice, you can put a cooling stone in a glass. Glasses for whiskey are different, the most popular tapering down a thick-walled glass with a massive bottom.

Snacking whiskey is not accepted, but in some cases it can be diluted with cola or other soda.


The characteristic taste of rum is for everybody. If there are such people in the family or you just want something original on New Year's Eve, you can buy a bottle of rum. It is of three types: black, amber and white. They differ from each other by exposure and a touch of taste.

White rum, as a rule, is used for making cocktails, amber and black are served as separate drinks with ice and ripe fruits. A rum glass looks like a whiskey glass: it has thick walls and a massive bottom.


Strong gin, however, has a mild flavor and is considered the most "female" alcoholic drink of the existing high-grade. The composition of gin includes juniper berries, which gives it a characteristic aroma.

You can just drink gin or add it to cocktails. They serve the drink in a straight, thick-bottomed glass with smoked meat and fish, sweet fruits, cheese, lemon or oranges.


The drink has a bright grape note and is served in cognac glasses, narrowed up. Like brandy, brandy is warm in the palms to feel the full aromatic bouquet.

Brandy can be diluted with tonic, ice or other alcohol as part of a cocktail. Serve with meat snacks and dishes.


The popularity of sweet and thick fortified wines, which include a variety of liquors, remains very high. So if you do not know what to drink for the New Year, buy a bottle of liquor - cream, chocolate, fruit. It looks very beautiful in a glass, has a wonderful sweet taste and is combined with almost any snack, depending on the type.

What to drink for the New Year: holiday cocktails

If you wish, be sure to try an alcoholic cocktail on New Year's Eve. It can be easily prepared on its own. But it’s important to understand: one glass of cocktail is enough to enjoy. Two can affect your health, and three glasses is an overkill. The reason for this is the mixing of alcoholic beverages of different strengths.

Pomegranate cocktail

• 75 ml of Bacardi rum;

• 150 ml of natural pomegranate juice;

• 2-3 ice cubes;

• a few pomegranate seeds.

At the bottom of the glass, put pomegranate seeds and ice cubes, pour rum, pour the juice gently on top. Rum and juice should be cold, so keep the bottles in the refrigerator before mixing.

Vodka cocktail

• 25 ml schnapps (pear or peach is suitable);

• 75 ml of pineapple juice;

• 75 ml of cranberry or blackcurrant juice;

• 25 ml of vodka;

• crushed ice.

Fill the glass to the top with ice cubes, pour in all the ingredients, mix gently and serve, garnishing with a slice of orange.

Champagne cocktail

• 300 ml of chilled champagne;

• 40 ml of any liquor;

• 25 ml of orange juice;

• 4-5 ice cubes.

Put ice in a large glass, pour liquor and juice, mix. Pour in champagne.

Cocktail with rum

• 100 ml of amber rum;

• 40 ml of pineapple juice;

• 10 ml of coconut milk;

• 4 slices of pineapple;

• ice (5-6 cubes).

Mix all ingredients except pineapple in a blender, pour into glasses, decorate with pineapple slice.

Liquor cocktail

• 40 ml of coffee liquor (for example, Kalua);

• 40 ml of creamy cocktail (for example, Baileys);

• 40 ml of Grand Marnier liquor (can be replaced with another strong 40-degree liquor or cognac).

Pour into the glass each type of liquor in this sequence. Pour in with three tablespoons chilled in the freezer by turning them to the back. That is, for each liquor, take a separate clean spoon.

Whiskey cocktail

• 160 ml of whiskey;

• a can of condensed milk;

• 100 ml of fat cream;

• 2 tbsp. l chocolate syrup;

• Tea boat black instant coffee.

Mix all components well and pour into glasses.

What to drink for the New Year: soft drinks

If for some reason you can neither champagne, nor any other alcoholic drink, or simply do not want to fog your head with alcohol, be sure to prepare a delicious and beautiful non-alcoholic drink for the New Year's feast.

The symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster - simply adores everything bright and unusual.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to drinks with a bright color and taste.

Strawberry cocktail

• 600 ml of apricot nectar;

• a glass of frozen or fresh strawberries;

• 2 cups canned apricots;

• a quarter cup of honey;

• two glasses of ice cubes.

Combine ice, apricots with nectar, honey in a blender. Beat until smooth. Add strawberries and beat again so that pieces of berries and fruits are preserved in the drink.

Original champagne

You need to make this drink in advance, about two weeks before the New Year's feast.

• litere of water;

• 150 grams of honey;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• Bay leaf;

• half a teaspoon of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom.

Bring the water to a boil, put all the ingredients, boil for 15 minutes and cool. Strain, pour into a bottle and refrigerate for two weeks.

New Year punch

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 4 bags of black tea;

• lemon;

• an Apple;

• orange;

• half a teaspoon of ginger and your favorite spices (mint, cinnamon, etc.);

• 600 ml of water;

• 150 grams of fresh or frozen strawberries.

From apples cut the core, cut into slices. Cut citrus fruits into slices with peel. Stack apples and citrus fruits in a large cup, add strawberries, cover with sugar, mix and let it brew for 40 minutes.

Boil water, brew tea bags, adding ginger. Pour spices into the fruit and berry juice. Pour fruit with brewed tea and insist all together for 1.5 hours. Strain, refrigerate and pour into glasses.

Cinnamon cocktail

• 25 ml of any syrup;

• a pinch of cinnamon;

• three green apples;

• two slices of lime.

Squeeze juice from apples, add syrup, lime and cinnamon. Warm up everything without boiling. Strain and serve in a glass, garnishing with a mint leaf or a slice of apple.


• two slices of lime;

• a sprig of fresh mint;

• 30 ml of strawberry puree;

• 20 ml of mint syrup;

• 170 ml of water.

Mint with lime. Combine all components, heat well, but prevent boiling. Strain and serve in a glass for a cocktail, decorating it with a mint leaf.

Have a Happy New Year!


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