Souffle with chicken in the oven - a gentle diet dish! Add vegetables, cheese or potato to the chicken souffle in the oven


Souffle meat is one of the most delicious dishes, which, in principle, can be prepared from meat. If in this quality you choose fresh pulp of a bird, especially chicken, then you can safely count on the airiness of the result.

Oven chicken soufflé - general cooking principles

• Ovens will need molds to make soufflés. They can be both large and small. Small containers are convenient in that in them the dish is immediately divided into portions for cooking.

• Chicken souffle is made from boiled meat or raw product. To make the airy dish more tender, it is recommended to choose white poultry.

• Souffle is made from minced meat product. Raw or boiled poultry meat is crushed, twisting in a meat grinder, or beat with a blender. When using a meat grinder, chicken, especially raw, it is advisable to twist twice to achieve greater uniformity.

• From the chicken in the oven you can cook the most delicate airy dish or a more solid, more reminiscent of cutlets. For airiness, beaten egg whites are introduced into the soufflé mass. This is done immediately before baking and, moreover, very carefully so that the airy foam does not settle.

• To give the dish a special taste, the meat mass is supplemented with other products. You can add cream, milk, butter or vegetables to it. Often use frozen mixtures containing vegetables of different contrasting colors.

• Forms are not filled to the brim. In the process of baking, a lot of meat juice is secreted, and its loss will lead to the fact that the delicate dish turns out to be dry.

The most tender chicken souffle in the oven (from boiled meat)


• half a glass of chicken stock;

• 400 gr. chicken breast;

• a glass of milk;

• 40 gr. sweet cream butter;

• two eggs;

• salt, nutmeg powder and ground pepper;

• one and a half tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the breast until tender in slightly salted water and cool, without removing from the broth. Then disassemble the chicken into small pieces and beat with a blender with the addition of chicken broth to a pasty state.

2. On a small fire in a saucepan, dissolve the butter, add flour. Stirring regularly, fry it for about two minutes, until a light cream color is obtained.

3. Intensively stirring the contents of the stewpan with a whisk, with a thin stream, enter milk at room temperature. On a small fire, bring the sauce to a thickening. To avoid burning, mix constantly.

4. Slightly salt, add the nutmeg, ground in a mortar, and pepper. Enter the yolks blown with a whisk, stir quickly and immediately remove from heat.

5. Mix the cooked sauce with chopped chicken, taste and add salt if necessary. Cool.

6. In a clean, dry dish, beat the chilled proteins with a small amount of salt until a dense foam mass is obtained. Begin whipping should be at an average speed of the mixer, smoothly moving to maximum speed.

7. Carefully combine the airy protein mass with the meat mass. Take your time, interfere from the bottom up and in no case whisk. In order for the soufflé to rise well, the airiness of proteins cannot be disturbed.

8. Arrange the chicken soufflé mass in tins greased with vegetable oil and place in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes.

9. Baking time may vary depending on the size of the molds. Focus on the souffle: if its surface has acquired a golden hue, and the "curls" began to darken - immediately get it.

A simple recipe for chicken air souffle in the oven


• chilled chicken fillet - 600 gr.;

• half a glass of 22% cream;

• two eggs;

• a spoonful of soft butter;

• two branches of fresh green dill;

• a pinch of ground nutmeg;

• ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fillet in cold water, cut it into pieces and grind it with a blender. If you are going to use a meat grinder to prepare the meat, twist it twice by passing the chicken through the smallest grate.

2. Introduce the yolks into the minced chicken, season them lightly with pepper, add the nutmeg and stir in the salt.

3. Pour in warmed milk, melted butter, add finely chopped dill. Mixing thoroughly, add a spoonful of baking flour.

4. Beat the whites until fluffy and, in accordance with all the rules, mix the protein mass into the minced chicken.

5. Arrange the minced meat in the molds that have already been greased with sunflower oil and set to bake for about half an hour.

How to cook chicken souffle in the oven with potatoes


• two small potatoes;

• 400 gr. chicken, not frozen breast;

• a piece of white savory bun or loaf - 50 gr.;

• half a glass of nonfat milk;

• eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the white chicken meat thoroughly in cold water. Then dry well and grind with a blender, after cutting into small pieces.

2. Separate the crumb from the crust, fill it with cold milk. The bread should be soaked well, so let it stand for about fifteen minutes.

3. Rub the potatoes into minced chicken on a coarse grater. Add hand wrung crumb and yolks. Slightly add salt and mix. Having achieved uniformity, carefully mix the whipped whites into the tight foam.

4. Put a gentle homogeneous mass in oiled tins and put the souffle to bake when the oven is heated 180 degrees.

Juicy chicken soufflé with vegetables - "Mosaic"


• three large chilled chicken fillets;

• two tablespoons of butter;

• 400 gr. frozen vegetable mix;

• any not too sharp seasonings;

• 20% cream - 200 ml;

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

• Peel the chicken fillet from tendons and films. Rinse meat with running water, dry. Cut into pieces and then grind into minced meat in any convenient way.

• Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in the cold for half an hour.

• Put the unfrozen vegetable mixture in a colander. Dip in slightly salted hot water for a couple of minutes, then dry well and cool to room temperature.

• Pour the cream into the minced meat, add the yolks. Enter the pre-melted butter, add some spices, knead well.

• Combine the meat mass with the vegetable mass and, stirring with a spoon, evenly distribute the vegetables in the minced meat.

• Slightly salt the proteins and beat them until a stable thick foam is obtained, after which, slowly, enter into the soufflé mass.

• Apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the bottom and walls of the molds. Fill them with soufflé mass, not reaching a centimeter to the top, grease the surface with cream and set to bake. Cooking time from half an hour to forty minutes.

• Turn off the heat and leave the souffle in the oven for another 20 minutes. During this time, it absorbs back all the secreted juice and becomes juicier.

The recipe for a delicious chicken souffle without eggs under cheese


• a kilogram of homemade minced chicken;

• two large onions;

• three tablespoons nonfat sour cream;

• 100 ml of cow's milk;

• incomplete tablespoon of salt;

• ground pepper;

• "Dutch" cheese - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the minced meat in a meat grinder twice. When re-chopping, twist together with meat and onions. You can just chop the onion very finely.

2. Add sour cream, pour in all the milk. Then add a little salt, try on the tongue and add ground pepper or your favorite spices to your taste, mix.

3. Fill the tins with the prepared meat and place them on a baking sheet. Do not fill the containers to the brim, otherwise fatty juice will splash out during baking.

4. After the oven is turned on, it will reach a temperature of 180 degrees, place the molds in it and bake for 20 minutes.

5. Then take out, sprinkle the finished souffle with crushed cheese on a grater and put it back into the oven. After about 5 minutes, when the cheese has melted, remove and serve.

How to make a diet chicken souffle with zucchini and potatoes


• a pound of chicken fillet;

• one small young vegetable marrow;

• onion head;

• three small potatoes;

• non-aromatic sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• lavrushka;

• pepper peas.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed fillet across in two, fill with cold water. Add a small leaf of lavrushka, a couple of peas of black pepper, add salt and put on an intense fire. When the broth boils, remove all the resulting var and boil the chicken on medium heat until fully cooked. Cool without removing the meat from the broth.

2. Peel the onions, zucchini and potatoes. Rinse vegetables with cold water, cut into pieces and twist in a meat grinder. If you use a sufficiently mature zucchini, be sure to select large seeds from the fruit.

3. Heat two large tablespoons of oil in a pan and dip chopped vegetables into it. Stirring regularly, with little heat, fry the vegetable mass until a soft golden color appears.

4. Remove the cooled chicken from the broth, sort into fibers and chop into minced meat.

5. Mix the cooled vegetable mass with chopped chicken, add a little pepper, and, if necessary, salt. Then mix well and put in a mold. You can use a small froth or small containers for baking muffins.

6. Move the souffle into a preheated oven and let it stand at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. During this time, the surface of the souffle should be well browned and acquire a delicate golden hue.

Chicken souffle - cooking tips and tricks

• For the Mosaic recipe, it is preferable to choose a colored vegetable mixture. It is desirable that it consist of carrots, green peas, corn, beans. The cutaway dish will look original and resemble a scattering of confetti.

• To make chicken souffle in the oven, it is better to take Teflon cupcake stands or silicone molds. They do not need to be oiled. You can also use sliced ​​cookie baking dishes. Delicate souffles in them will be baked much faster, since the tins have no bottom.


Watch the video: Easy Egg Bake Recipe (July 2024).