Cake "Tenderness": the mystery of one dessert. Cake Recipes - Everyone understands tenderness in their own way


As you know, each cake has its own story of creation. Often these stories are connected with oddities and mistakes in the work of professionals, who announced to the world that their mistakes are not mistakes, but ingenious inventions. That is how the Kiev cake appeared. Each famous cake has its own patented name and a specific recipe, which every confectioner tries to follow. Although, at the same Kievsky and Bird's milk and Prague cakes, all well-known desserts have “doubles” - products with similar cooking technology, but with slight deviations in the technical and technological map, even if they are made in a production environment, not to mention home cooking options.

What is the Tenderness cake with a tempting and promising name? The word "tenderness" does not indicate the place of creation of the cake, and it has nothing to do with the name of its author. Tenderness is a word expressing feelings, emotions, abstract and at the same time subjective definition. Who invented such a dessert, and what does a cake with such a sensual name look like?

Cake "Tenderness" - the basic technological principles of preparation

After reviewing any number of special and popular literature on the history and technology of confectionery, you can find a lot of recipes for Tenderness cakes. But it immediately catches the eye that the lists of ingredients and the cooking technology of this dessert often do not even have an approximate similarity. About the authors of the recipes of this mysterious and many-sided confectionery invention - there is not a single line anywhere.

Yes, it seems that this is the case when confectioners, professionals and lovers had a desire to express tenderness in their work, when ideas for a cake with a sensual name are born one after another, but everyone understands this word in their own way, and in a way selects the tenderness ingredients for his cake. It is hoped that one day the feelings of one of the confectioners will become known and understandable to the whole world.

Isn’t it an unusual occupation to select products that can “tell about tenderness”? But try:

Cream - from them you can make a very light and gentle cream, combine them with cottage cheese or eggs, fruits to get a delicate texture of the cake.

Meringues, meringues or airy protein dough is a great idea for creating a light and fragile base for cake and cakes.

Berry mousses, milk soufflés are also perfect for a cake, which should become a model of elegant taste.

For the cake "Tenderness" it is quite possible to use more saturated versions of the test for shortcakes: shortbread, puff, biscuit. But with puff pastries it is necessary to choose a cream with a sufficiently high humidity so that the dessert melts in the mouth. If you choose sand cakes, they should be thin, and in addition to them - meringue cream and fruit mousse. For a thin sponge base with good impregnation, you can choose several options for the cream.

In general, many famous confectioners to create their masterpieces quite often were guided not by knowledge of the dessert recipes that they had to prepare, but by their ingenuity and creative impulse. Fantasy and good mood in the kitchen are the necessary helpers and the key to success.

While the Tenderness cake with a patent, technology, copyright does not exist, there is a wonderful opportunity to show your own creative abilities and join the ranks of world-famous confectioners using the ideas below recipes and the suggested name that tells you which direction to think and create.

1. Cake "Tenderness" of biscuit and sour cream - based on "Tiramisu"

For biscuit roll:

Flour 120 g

Corn Starch 50 g

Eggs (cat. D-1) 200 g (4 pcs.)

Refined sugar 125 g

Water 60 ml (4 tbsp. L.)

Baking powder 12 g

Flavor - to taste

Berry jam 200 g (mashed strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn - any berries with sugar)

For cream:

Instant gelatin 20 g

Warm water 100 ml

Mascarpone 400 g

Fresh berries (in assortment)) 0.5 kg

Protein 80 g (2 pcs.)

Refined sugar 50 g

Cream, culinary 200 ml

Cooking Technology:

Biscuit dough does not like delays and fuss: it needs to be cooked quickly and baked immediately after cooking. Therefore, preheat the oven to 210 ° C, line 2 baking sheets with parchment to immediately pour the finished dough on it.

Beat eggs with sugar. In a lush mass, while continuing to whip, add cold water. If the flavor is liquid, then add it to the egg mass, and add it to the flour mixture. Combine flour with starch and baking powder; sift into beaten eggs while stirring the dough with a spatula.

Pour the dough on baking sheets, with a layer of not more than 0.7-1.0 cm, dividing it in half. Bake for 7-8 minutes. Chill the finished biscuits. Put the first cake layer up with parchment, gently peel off the paper, spread it on the back of the biscuit. Lubricate the top with berries mashed with sugar. Roll the roll using parchment to level its shape. Put the biscuit-berry roll in the refrigerator, and then cut it into slices (1.0 cm).

From the second biscuit cake, cut two circles with a diameter of 12 and 14 cm. Soak them with berry puree and set aside temporarily.

Start cooking the cream.

Pour gelatin with warm water and mix until dissolved, if necessary, slightly warm.

In a bowl, put the squirrels and beat with a mixer until fluffy, adding sugar. Beat cream and cheese separately. Set the mixer aside. In whipped proteins, add cream, warm dissolved gelatin. Stir the mass with a whisk and add fresh berries.

Putting the cake together.

Take a large hemispherical bowl with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Line it inside with cling film. Spread cut slices of biscuit roll on the inner surface, tightly to each other, about the center to the edges of the bowl. Put a third of the cream on the bottom. Cover it with a biscuit round cake of a smaller diameter. Then put another part of the cream, cover it with a second round biscuit. Put the collected cake in the refrigerator for solidification.

When the cream hardens, turn the dish over onto a dish or stand. Lubricate the surface with the remaining cream, decorate it with whole berries or fruit syrup.

2. Air cake "Tenderness" with fruit

For meringues:

Protein 240 g (6 pcs.)

Sugar 180 g

Water 150 ml

Vanilla powder 6 g

Cream No. 1:

Lemons (juice and zest) 300 g

Sugar 550 g

Butter (82.5%) 240 g

Yolks 6 pcs.

Starch 40 g

Cream number 2:

Egg whites 2 pcs.

Powder 50 g

Water 75 ml

Banana 300 g

Strawberry 150 g

Cognac 75 ml

Cooking Technology:

Preheat the oven to 120 ° C. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, having previously drawn on it, on the reverse side 3 circles, 22 cm in diameter. If the size of the baking sheet does not allow all three circles to be placed, use a second baking sheet or round shapes with a removable bottom. Parchment grease on the inside.

From 180 g of sugar and water, boil the liquid syrup. Place a clean and dry container for whipping proteins on ice. Beat the whites until a stable foam is formed. Then, without stopping beating, pour hot syrup into a thin stream. At the end of whipping, add flavoring if desired.

Squeeze the protein mass from the pastry bag onto the prepared molds, 1 cm layer. Put the molds in the oven for about 1.5 hours. Before the appearance of a golden crust on the surface of the air test, the oven must not be opened. When the cakes are baked, turn off the oven, slightly open the door, but do not remove the cakes until they cool completely.

Ideally, when they lie down for 10-12 hours and dry well. Only after aging can you make a cake out of them.

Cut the peeled banana into circles or large cubes. Heat the pan, put the butter in it, melt and fry the slices of bananas. Sprinkle them with sugar, and when it melts and the fruit is caramelized, pour in cognac and set it on fire: the alcohol will burn out, the liquid will evaporate, leaving a flavor. Put the bananas on a plate to cool.

Cooking cream number 1:

Remove the zest from the lemons and then squeeze the juice. Combine the zest with sugar (300 g), grind with a blender and add the same amount of juice. Separate 50-70 g: this amount will be needed to then combine it cold with starch and pour into the ready boiling syrup. With the rest of the sugar prepared for the cream, grind the yolks and pour in them a little hot lemon jelly, while actively stirring the mass with a whisk. Bring it to a boil for a couple. Leave the pan off the stove to cool.

Introduce the butter into the cream, whisking everything together until tender.

Cream number 2:

Pour the powder with boiling water (70 ml), boil for 5-7 minutes. Pour the hot syrup into the whipped protein mass.

Collect the cake:

Fold the air cakes on a stand, on top of each other, smearing them with lemon cream. In each cream layer, except for the top layer, put pieces of prepared bananas.

Align the sides and top of the cake with a white cream (No. 2). Through a strainer, grind the surface with powdered sugar. From the bag, apply a border around the circumference of the cake. Wash the beautifully selected strawberries, dry and moisten them in whipped protein, and when the protein dries slightly, sprinkle the strawberries with sugar and place on a cake.

3. Cake "Tenderness" with the taste of toffee


Sponge cakes (according to the recipe No. 1) 5 pcs.

Almond flakes 150 g

Sugar syrup (sparse) 100 ml

Amaretto 75 ml


Condensed milk, boiled 300 g

Milk Chocolate 50 g

Extra oil 180 g

Vanilla (or brandy) - to taste

Cream, confectionery 150 g

Cooking method:

Prepare the dough for biscuit cakes according to the first recipe, divide into 3 sheets and bake. Separate the cooled biscuit semi-finished products from parchment, soak in a mixture of syrup and Amaretto.

Cut each cake in half to make the same rectangles. Grind one of them into crumbs, dry in the oven: this crumb is needed to sprinkle the side of the cake.

Put the oil in the mixer bowl and beat, evenly, in small parts, adding boiled condensed milk to it. At the end of whipping, add melted chocolate, flavor. Mix the finished cream with whipped cream, quickly and accurately using a silicone spatula.

Pour the almonds into a creamy mass and combine the cakes: one by one smearing them, lay on top of each other on a stand. Level the sides and top with the same cream. Sprinkle the side surface of the cake with biscuit crumbs, and the top with almond flakes and chocolate chips.

4. Cake "Tenderness" with chocolate cream


Sour cream sponge cake:

Eggs 3 pcs.

Fat homemade sour cream100 g

Baking soda 15 g

Flour 140 g

Starch 40 g

Sugar 120 g

Vanilla extract

Rum essence

Cream, chocolate:

Cocoa Powder 30 g

Whole milk 100 ml

Sugar 120 g

Oil 40 g

Whipped cream 200 g

Fruit syrup and dessert wine - for impregnation (1: 1) 250 ml

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer, until the volume is increased three times, gradually adding thick chilled sour cream. Combine the dry components of the dough, and sift the mixture into batter, mixing at the same time, from the bottom up. Line a round shape with a removable bottom and a high side, and fill it with half-volume cooked dough. Bake at 200 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

Divide the finished biscuit into thin cakes (1 cm) after cooling, soak them with syrup prepared from equal parts of dessert wine and any syrup of your choice.

For cream and glaze:

Mix sugar and cocoa, boil milk and pour cocoa and sugar into it. Cook over low heat until thickened. Add oil, mix. Optionally, rum or other flavors can be added at the end. Cool the chocolate to room temperature.

Whip the cream. Add 2-3 tablespoons of chocolate to cream, mix. With the remaining chocolate, cover the collected cake. After greasing each cake with butter cream, stack them on top of each other. Cover the top of the cake with warm chocolates, and the sides with cream. From the same cream, with a pastry bag and nozzles, draw a pattern on chocolate glaze.

5. Cake "Tenderness" with ice cream


Spread (72.5%) 250 g

Flour 700 g

Sour cream (20%) 200 g

Baking powder 20 g

Custard with cream:

Egg yolks 4 pcs.

Creamy ice cream 450 g

Corn Starch 50 g

Sugar 80 g

Cream 250 g

Protein Cream:

Squirrels 4 pcs.

Powder 100 g

Essence 2 ml

White and dark chocolate - 50 g each (for decoration)


Pour the sifted flour onto the table. Grate the frozen spread directly on flour. Quickly grind the flour with fat or chop with a knife to make crumbs. Collect it with a slide and make a recess. Add baking powder to sour cream and pour it into crumbs. Knead the dough.

Thinly roll it in a square, sprinkling flour on both sides, fold and roll again. Repeat this operation quickly 16-20 times. If during rolling, the dough becomes greasy and sticks to the surface of the table, keep it in the cold, then continue to work. Divide the finished dough into 7 parts, each of which roll into a square (18 cm). Put the billets on a baking sheet, pierce with a fork, bake for 5-7 minutes at 210 ° C.

Beat the yolks with sugar and ice cream, add starch. Cook the resulting mixture to a boil in a water bath, intensively working with a whisk. Cool the thickened mass, whisk again and combine with whipped cream.

Lubricate the cakes with the cooked cream. Move the cake in the cold for 8-12 hours to insist.

Make a cream of proteins for decoration. Cover them with the sides and surface of the cake. Garnish with two-color chocolate chips.

6. Orange Cake "Tenderness" (without baking)


Sponge Biscuit 600 g

Orange syrup 180 g

Sherry 100 ml

Homemade cottage cheese (36%) 400 g

Yogurt, natural 200 ml

Gelatin 25 g (+15 g for jelly)


Oranges 4 pcs.

Sugar 150 g

Operating procedure:

Add yogurt, powder to the cottage cheese and beat until creamy. Dissolve 25 g of gelatin and add to the curd cream.

Wash the oranges, cut two of them into circles, together with the skin, and remove the zest from the rest, peel and cut into large pieces. Put the slices in a cream.

Fold the circles in a pan, pour boiling water (200 ml). After half an hour, put the slices on a napkin, and add the peeled zest and sugar to the water. Cook the syrup, cool slightly and add sherry to it.

Line a deep shape with a removable bottom with cling film. Lay a layer of cookies on the bottom, moistening it in syrup with sherry. Spread slices of oranges on the inside of the rim, also moistening them in syrup. Fill the form to the middle with curd-orange cream. Put a second layer of cookies soaked in the same syrup. Put the cream again, the third layer of cookies.

Cover the top of the cake with orange slices. Strain the remaining syrup, add dissolved gelatin to it and pour the surface of the cake, covering the oranges. Put the cake in the mold in the refrigerator. After three hours, put it on a stand.

Cake "Tenderness" - useful tips

For confectionery, use corn starch: it has a softer texture and a nice white rather than grayish color, unlike potato starch.

If you need cream cheese to make a cream, but it is not available, take ordinary cottage cheese with the highest fat content (preferably whole milk) and add cream (at least 30%) to it and beat the mixture to a creamy consistency .One part of the cottage cheese will need 25-40% cream, depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese.

For the preparation of protein or cream, it is advisable to use powder, not sugar. This speeds up the whipping process, and the cream is more tender and homogeneous, without grains of sugar.

Cream should be whipped only after thorough cooling. Beating cream begins at the smallest speed, adding speed as it thickens. If the cream for some reason does not whisk for a long time, add a thickener (according to the instructions on the package).


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