Why it makes noise in the head: the researchers found the answer. How is brain noise related to aging?


German scientists have found that the cause of brain noise, or so-called neural noise, is the natural aging process.

It is interesting that this is generally such as the brain can make noise, we thought, and carefully studied the information that appeared on the information tapes.

Brain noise

Scientists call neural noise a strange activity of brain cells. A group of neurons suddenly begins to respond to a stimulus that has nothing to do with them. This happens at the moment when a person makes some kind of decision.

It looks as if the neurons are really noisy: some shout that they need to do so, while others insist on the opposite action. But the most amazing thing is that without such noise in the brain, normal connections between events are not established, that is, cognitive functions (memory, attention, speech, etc.) are violated.

At the same time, external stimuli do not matter: we are talking about spontaneous changes when nerve impulses pass through brain cells. Noise in the brain distorts the information that a person receives. Therefore, it is lost, for example, he may suddenly begin to see the difference between the shade of one color. In other words, increased neural noise seriously affects the ability to adequately perceive the environment.

Scientists tested volunteers by ear

German neurobiologists (University of Lübeck) managed to establish a connection between random fluctuations in brain activity and the natural physiology of man. In their opinion, noise in the brain occurs due to aging and increases with age.

An experiment was conducted with the participation of completely healthy adults. An encephalogram was made for everyone to obtain data on the effect on the perception of brain activity. The group included 19 people, of which the youngest was already 19 years old, and the eldest was 74 years old. They were asked to opt for a higher sound sound.

Scientists generated 500 audio pairs with a duration of 150 ms (milliseconds). The gap in sound between them was only 900 ms. The bottom line is that the sound gradually equalized, and as a result, each pair sounded the same over time. Participants in the experiment using a computer keyboard should have noted which sound, from their point of view, was higher. In addition, it was necessary to evaluate the difference between the tones using a six-point scale.

It turned out that at the moment of the same sound of both signals, people called the first of two sounds higher. Moreover, the choice was easily guessed by the encephalogram. Scientists have also found that brain cells begin to behave more “noisy” in older people. This may be due to the fact that over time, long neural chains in the brain are lost.

Scientists did not say how to prevent the appearance of noise in the brain, but we think that it is a matter of an ordinary, full and healthy lifestyle.


Watch the video: How to Stop Tinnitus ringing in the ears (July 2024).