Sponge cake with custard - a classic of pastry art. The best recipes for sponge cake with custard


Thanks to the airy test and a gentle cream, the biscuit cake turns out to be light and very tasty. This is the perfect dessert for any occasion.

Custard sponge cake - basic principles of preparation

Cake sponge cake is prepared according to the classic recipe. For this you need fresh chicken eggs, granulated sugar and flour. Eggs are divided into yolks and squirrels. The flour must be sieved to saturate it with oxygen. Proteins are whipped with a mixer into a stable foam. Without stopping the whipping process, sugar and one yolk are introduced. At the end, pour flour in small portions and carefully stir with a wooden spatula. The finished dough is poured into a mold and baked.

If honey is added to the dough instead of sugar, a honey biscuit is obtained. Cocoa will make it chocolate.

Choux pastry can be prepared according to any recipe. Soak biscuit cakes so that the cake does not turn out dry.

For freshness, berries or fruits are added to the cake.

Recipe 1. Delicate custard cake



fresh eggs - five pieces;


high-quality margarine - 100 g;

baking powder - 10 g;

sour cream - 100 g;

wheat flour - one and a half cups;

granulated sugar - half a stack.


condensed milk - 80 ml;

eggs - two pieces;

flour - 20 g;

sugar - a third of the glass .;

milk - 0.5 liters.


cognac - 50 ml;

condensed milk - three quarters of the can;

drinking water - stack.


bar of milk chocolate.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar into the yolks and rub well. Beat the whites with a mixer until lush, thick foam. In the yolk mixture, add sour cream and margarine, after chopping it with a knife, mix until smooth. We introduce the resulting mixture into proteins and beat for a couple of minutes. Combine the sifted flour with a pinch of salt and a baking powder. Reduce the mixer speed to a minimum and introduce the dry mixture in parts. Put the biscuit dough into a mold and bake at 180 degrees. Cool the finished cake, cut the edges and divide lengthwise into three parts.

2. Drive the egg into the bowl, add the flour and mix. Pour in about 100 ml of milk and beat until smooth. Pour sugar into the remaining milk and send to a low heat. Cook with stirring until the liquid begins to boil. Now we introduce the egg mixture and continue to cook until thickened. Cool and whisk several times with a mixer.

3. Combine all the impregnation ingredients with a little warm water. Mix.

4. Put the bottom cake on a flat plate, soak it and apply a thick layer of cream, evenly distributing it on the surface. Cover with a second cake and repeat the procedure. Lubricate the edges and top with cream. Grind the scraps into crumbs and sprinkle the edges. Sprinkle chocolate cake on top of the cake.

Recipe 2. Sponge cake with custard and fruit.




six fresh eggs;

130 g of flour;

210 g of granulated sugar.



0.5 liters of milk;

100 g of drain oil .;


50 g of flour;

half a glass of sugar.

Fruit juice for impregnation.

Bananas, oranges and kiwi.

Butter cream

vanilla sugar;

pack of butter;

can of condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and beat in a stable foam. Add sugar a little and continue to beat. Pour half the sugar into the yolks and rub until white. Pour the sifted flour with vanilla and mix. Now add the third part of the whipped proteins and begin to gently mix with a spatula. Spread the remaining proteins and mix until smooth. We shift the dough into a mold and bake for half an hour. Biscuit and cool on a wire rack.

2. For custard, pour 400 ml of milk into the pan. Beat the egg with a whisk with sugar. Then pour in the flour, vanillin and the remaining milk. Mix so that there are no lumps left. When the milk begins to boil, pour the egg mixture into a thin stream and cook with regular stirring until thickened. Cool the cream.

3. Cut the biscuit into three thin cakes. Soak them with fruit juice. Peel and cut the fruit into thin slices. Put the cake on a flat dish, grease it with cream, spread beautifully slices of fruit. By this principle, we collect the cake.

4. Beat all the ingredients for the butter cream. Lubricate the top and sides of the cake with butter cream and decorate with a pastry syringe.

Recipe 3. Sponge cake with custard "Zebra"


Dough for one cake

a cup of wheat flour;

cocoa powder - 50 g;

three fresh eggs;

sugar - a glass;

vegetable oil.


fresh plum butter. - 200 g;

eggs - three pieces;

75 g of flour;

800 ml pasteurized milk.

Cooking method

1. It is necessary to prepare two cakes: dark and light. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar until smooth. Bring flour in a little while stirring with a wooden spatula. Cook the second cake according to the same principle, only by adding cocoa to the dough. Treat the mold with a piece of oil, pour the dough for white cake into it and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Bake the dark cake for the same amount of time. Cool and cut each in half lengthwise.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, pour in sugar and rub well. Then introduce the flour gradually, continuing to grind. Put milk on the fire. When it begins to boil, introduce the egg mixture with vigorous stirring. Cook until thickened. Cool the cream slightly and add the cubed butter. Beat the cream with a mixer until the butter is completely dispersed.

3. Collect the cake by stacking the cakes and spreading each with custard. Alternate light and dark cakes. Cream the sides and top of the cake and decorate.

Recipe 4. Sponge cake with custard and strawberries.


120 g of almond petals;

six fresh eggs;

300 g of strawberries;

100 g of drain oil .;

100 g of powdered sugar;

120 g of wheat flour;

200 ml cream;

30 g of starch;

300 ml pasteurized milk;

180 g of granulated sugar;

vanilla sugar - 20 g.

Cooking method

1. We begin to prepare a biscuit. Beat four proteins in a foam until stable peaks. Four yolks with 100 g of sugar are ground white. Add half the vanilla sugar and softened butter. Stir, add starch, flour and two tablespoons of protein mass. Stir thoroughly. Add the remaining whipped squirrels and gently knead so that the squirrels do not settle. We cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper, grease it with oil and bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.

2. Two eggs are broken into a bowl. Add to them two tablespoons of flour and milk. Whisk with a whisk until smooth. Pour ordinary and vanilla sugar into the remaining milk and heat on the stove. When the milk begins to boil, set it aside and introduce the egg mixture with a thin stream, vigorously shaking the whisk. Again, put on a minimum fire and warm up with regular stirring, until the first bubbles appear.

3. Wash strawberries, clean them from tails and dry them. Six berries are left for decoration. The rest of the strawberries are placed in the blender bowl, add the powder and interrupt until puree.

4. We take out the finished biscuit from the oven, remove the paper and cool. Cut lengthwise into two cakes.

5. Put the bottom on a flat dish, grease it with strawberry puree. Top with chilled custard. Cover with a second cake and send for several hours, soak. Whip the cream with two tablespoons of regular sugar and the remaining vanilla. Coat the top and sides of the cake with butter cream. Sprinkle with almond petals on top. Cut strawberries into thin slices and spread them on the sides of the cake.

Recipe 5. Lemon custard cake



premium flour - 150 g;

granulated sugar - 150 g;

seven fresh eggs;


mold release oil;

juice and zest of half a lemon.


wheat flour - 5 g;

cream - 100 ml;


oil drain. - a small pack;

150 g of sugar;

three egg yolks.

Cooking method

1. Rub the egg yolks with sugar. Beat the whites in a separate bowl in a thick, stable foam. We introduce the yolk mass into the whipped proteins without stopping the whipping process. Pour the flour in small portions and knead the dough, consistency like a pancake. Add the juice and lemon zest. Mix. We cover the form with a thin layer of oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread the dough into it and send it to the oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake for an hour. We take out the finished biscuit, cool it on a wire rack and cut it into two layers of equal height.

2. Mix the flour with sugar, pour in a little cream and mix so that there are no lumps left. We send the mixture to a slow fire and cook until thickened. Rub the soft butter with a spoonful of sugar. We introduce it into the cream and hold for a couple of seconds on the stove. Set aside and beat with a mixer, adding vanillin.

3. We collect the cake, greasing each cake with custard. The surface and sides of the cake are also coated with cream and decorated at our discretion. Soak for several hours.

Recipe 6. Chocolate biscuit cake with custard and meringue in a slow cooker


Chocolate sponge cake

120 g sour cream;

six chicken eggs;

120 g of wheat flour;

100 g of granulated sugar;

one and a half Art. tablespoons of cocoa powder;

5 g of baking soda.

Chocolate Custard

fresh chicken egg;

500 ml pasteurized milk;

half a can of boiled condensed milk;

75 g of granulated sugar;

75 g of cocoa powder;

100 g of wheat flour;

200 g of drain oil .;

ready dry meringue.

Cooking method

1. Sugar divided in half. Add one part to the proteins, and the second to the yolks. Beat the proteins with a mixer until a stable foam. Grind the yolks until white until the mass becomes thick. Mix both egg mixtures. Add sour cream and slaked soda. Mix. We combine cocoa with flour. We introduce the dry mixture into the liquid mass and knead the dough.

2. Pour it into the bowl of the device, lubricating it with a piece of oil. Set the bowl in the multicooker. Close the lid and set the valve to the "Open" position. We start the program "Baking". Set the time for half an hour.

3. In the meantime, we’ll start cooking custard. Drive the egg into a deep saucepan and grind it with sugar, sifted flour and cocoa. With a thin stream, we introduce warm milk with vigorous stirring with a whisk. We send the workpiece to a moderate fire and weld the cream until thickened. Remove from heat, cool slightly, add condensed milk and sliced ​​butter. Mix and set aside.

4. Remove the cake using the device for cooking for a couple. Cool and cut into three parts. We break the meringues into small pieces.

5. On the first cake, apply a thick layer of cream. We spread the pieces of meringue on top. Cover with the following cake and repeat the layers in the same order. We collect the cake to the end. Coat the edges and top with cream. We stand in the refrigerator for several hours.

Choux pastry cake - tips and tricks

When baking a biscuit, do not open the oven door so that the cake does not settle.

So that the crust does not form on the surface of the custard, cover it with cling film.

The biscuit will be easier to cut along, using a cooking thread.

If there are lumps in the cream, wipe it through a sieve.


Watch the video: Fluffy Cotton Soft Vanilla Cake Recipe (July 2024).