Green peas: product benefits, dietary use. Green peas: harm, contraindications


Green peas are an amazing product, saturated with a huge amount of vitamins. Interestingly, the ancestors learned about its benefits much earlier than about wheat. The product was a "long-awaited guest" on the table, various medicinal products were prepared from it, and also used in home cosmetology. Green peas benefit now many have forgotten, but in vain. It gives a person everything that is needed for the normal functioning of the body's internal systems.

Green pea composition

Green peas can boast of a rich chemical composition, due to which it is so useful. It contains a large number of easily digestible proteins that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Of the vitamins and minerals in the composition you can find:

• B vitamins;

• ascorbic acid;

• folic acid;

• phosphorus;

• calcium and potassium;

• iodine;

• magnesium, iron.

Green peas also contain some rare substances:

• lysine (it helps to prevent vascular, heart diseases);

• pyridoxine - stimulates the synthesis of amino acids;

• selenium - removes carcinogens, toxins, toxins from the body.

Green peas are characterized by low calorie content. For 100 grams of fresh product, no more than 248 kcal. It is for this reason that it is indispensable for people who are watching their figure.

Green peas: benefits, healing properties

Upon the arrival of summer, you should definitely take the opportunity to enjoy the sweetish taste of fresh green peas. It will saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body's internal systems.

Green peas: product benefits, therapeutic properties

1. The presence of nicotinic acid composition allows the vegetable to normalize the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Numerous studies have proven that consuming just one handful of the product in the summer season will give the required daily intake of the substance.

2. Green peas perfectly tones, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of people who regularly engage in sports.

3. Vegetable is one of the best asthma prevention products. Also, its use prevents the development of complications during seizures.

4. Bean product is recommended to be included in the diet regularly for the prevention of atherosclerosis, the development of cancerous tumors.

5. Green peas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, it is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from vascular diseases.

6. The product must be included in the diet for people suffering from overweight.

7. Green peas tightens the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, characterized by a pronounced anti-aging effect.

8. Bean product is useful in violation of the urogenital system. It is also recommended for use with prostatitis. An amazing fact - green peas increases a person's sexual desire.

9. The product is a natural remedy for combating constipation, it normalizes intestinal motility, with feces removes accumulations of toxins.

Green peas benefit the body is invaluable. It is not surprising that in folk medicine it is very popular. For example, if you chop green peas and mix it with fresh raw chicken eggs, you get an excellent potion to stimulate the healing of burns, wounds, and deep cuts.

Application in home cosmetology

Popularly, green peas are often called a "vitamin pill." Not surprisingly, its rich balanced composition provides everything for human health. The product favorably affects the condition of the skin. Based on it, at home, you can cook a lot of nutritious masks. The main rule of their preparation is to use only young green peas.

Normal Skin Recipe

Young green peas must be dried, then carefully grind it to a state of flour. 1 tablespoon of the resulting powder must be mixed with the same amount of fat sour cream, chicken yolk. It is necessary that the consistency is homogeneous. The mask is applied with an even thin layer of fingertips on the skin of the face, décolleté, neck. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with cool water. The mask allows you to improve the general condition of the skin, restore its natural radiant shine.

Dry Skin Recipe

Young green peas (2-3 tablespoons) must be boiled, then crushed it in a thick puree. There are added a few tablespoons of apple juice, pre-whipped yolk. The mixture is applied to the face. It is necessary to maintain it until the pea mass begins to tighten the skin. The mask is washed off with a warm ode. The face must be treated with baby cream.

Recipe for all skin types.

You need to cook mashed potatoes from young green peas, as in the previous recipe. To this is added curd whey in such an amount that the mixture does not turn out to be too liquid. Everything is thoroughly mixed, distributed over the face. It is advisable to keep the mask for 15 minutes (no more), rinse with warm water. It is recommended to use the recipe 2 times a week to maintain the health and beauty of your face.

Recipe "Toning"

One tablespoon of canned green peas need to be well crushed with a fork. The egg is boiled, the finished yolk is added to the mask, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The components are mixed until the consistency is homogeneous. The mask is recommended to be done once a week. The recipe perfectly tones, softens and moisturizes the skin.

The recipe "anti-aging"

A mask prepared according to this recipe has a rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing effect on the epidermis. You need to boil a small piece of pumpkin, mash it in mashed potatoes and mix with two tablespoons of mashed green peas. 2 drops of vitamin A are added there, the same amount of almond oil, chicken yolk. The mask is done once a week. After a few procedures, the face will look fresher, small wrinkles will begin to be smoothed out.

Green peas: harm, important contraindications

Green peas can cause harm to the body, like most products, if you do not know some contraindications to its use.

1. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to eat a large amount of product, since it causes strong gas formation, which negatively affects the condition of the future mother and her child.

2. With gastritis or peptic ulcer with the use of green peas, you also need to be careful. The product may cause stomach discomfort.

3. Green peas are forbidden to use in the presence of individual intolerance to it.

Green peas are not capable of causing harm to the body in most cases, if you eat it in small quantities. Overeating with any product negatively affects the functioning of the body's internal systems. Green peas are a very healthy vegetable. If you learn to use it correctly for medical, cosmetic purposes, you can get an excellent result. Health will become stronger, the skin will remain young and supple.


Watch the video: Why Peanuts Are Bad - by Dr Sam Robbins (July 2024).