How to plant eschscholtia from seeds: sowing dates, seedling care. How to grow eschscholzia on a flower bed: watering, fertilizing and problems


Eschscholzia is a beautiful annual plant of the poppy family. It can often be found in gardens and flower beds.

Even a novice gardener will cope with the cultivation of eschscholzia, since the flower is quite unpretentious.

However, in regions with a harsh climate, planting of eschscholts begins with the cultivation of seedlings. How to get strong seedlings of a popular plant?

Sowing seeds of eschscholzia for seedlings + photo

Sowing the seeds of this flower has some features that should be considered when growing seedlings. The fact is that eschscholtia has a rooted root system, which is almost impossible not to injure during transplantation. For preservation of seedlings, seeds are sown in peat tablets.

In addition, in order for the seeds to sprout together, they must be stratified. This is done as follows:

• Fresh eschscholia seeds are soaked in warm water, the temperature of which is not more than 20 degrees, for 12 hours.

• Prepared seeds are placed in a container with sterile sand and put in the refrigerator for two days.

• Swollen seeds are planted in prepared peat tablets.

Peat tablets are placed in a plastic container, where warm water is poured. When the peat swells and the tablets increase in size, you can start sowing seeds.

1. Remove the container from the refrigerator and gently pick up the seeds with a toothpick.

2. Make a small indentation in each tablet where the seeds are carefully placed. Put two seeds in one tablet.

3. Sprinkle the seeds a little with a thin layer of peat, about 1 mm.

4. Evenly moisten the surface of the spray pills with warm water.

5. Cover the container with a lid or glass.

6. Place the seed container in a warm and bright place.

Carefully monitor the level of humidity in the container, sometimes ventilate it, if necessary, moisten the seeds from the spray bottle.

As soon as the shoots appear, open the container and place it in a brighter place. If necessary, take care of additional lighting.

Caring for seedlings of eschscholzia is simple. Sprouts are carefully watered, trying not to moisten the soil too much. After two weeks, the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizer for seedlings.

Important! Sowing seeds of eschscholtia for seedlings is best done in early March.

Dates of planting seedlings of eschscholtsia in the ground

Planting seedlings of eschscholzia in the ground is carried out in May, when there is no threat of night frost. Home seedlings must be hardened before planting. Do this gradually without injuring the plants.

1. Three weeks before the intended planting, the container with seedlings is placed in a cooler room.

2. After a few days, the seedlings are briefly taken out into the street, after 2-3 hours they are put back into the room.

3. Three to five days before disembarkation, the container is left on the street until evening, removing it only at night.

Hardened seedlings quickly adapt to new conditions, are less likely to get sick and are able to withstand a short-term temperature drop to -5 ° C.

Eschholzia seedlings are planted in dry sandy soil. Before planting, the site is dug up, leveled and holes are made. The distance between the planting holes is left at least 30 cm from each other, because the plant shrubs well, forming voluminous bushes.

Wells are watered and seedlings are planted in them along with peat tablets, slightly opening them from the bottom. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the root. Sprinkle the holes with earth, after which the seedlings are abundantly watered. The bushes of eschscholtia bloom a month after the seedlings are planted in the ground. The duration of flowering is two to three months.

Important! Sowing seeds of eschscholtia in open ground is carried out in the fall, then the seeds will undergo a natural stratification. Such plants bloom before others. For winter, planting is mulched with dry foliage.

How to care for escholia in open ground

Despite the fact that eschscholzia is an unpretentious plant, it still needs minimal care.


The plant is quite drought tolerant and needs rare watering. But if the heat has been standing for several months, then the bushes are occasionally watered. Sometimes it takes up to five waterings per season. In rainy summers, water can not be watered at all.

Top dressing

For prolonged flowering eschscholzia needs additional nutrition. Be sure to fertilize at the stage of growing seedlings. If the seeds were planted directly in the soil, then after two to three weeks the plant is watered with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

In addition, wood ash is added to the soil for planting. You can dig a site with ash or make it from the hole for planting.

Important! Fresh organic is contraindicated for this plant. Nitrogen-fertilized bushes will surely die! The use of immature manure, compost and other organic matter is not allowed.

Soil loosening

As already mentioned, the root of eschscholtius is pivotal and deep into. Such a root system needs regular air access. The first sign that the plant has little air is disease and a withering appearance.

The soil in the flowerbed with eschscholtsy must always remain loose. Inexperienced gardeners often make a mistake and water a withering plant, which only exacerbates the situation. Loosen the soil regularly around the bushes.


Eschscholzia propagates well by self-sowing, fallen seeds germinate instantly or wait for favorable weather. If chaotic plantations of eschscholtsia are not needed, then it is better to cut off fading flowers.

Harvested eschscholia seeds are stored in a cool dark place until planting. They retain their germination for three years.

How to care for escholicia to prevent disease

Eschscholzia is rarely affected by disease, and its pests do not like. But if breeding conditions are violated, then the plant may be sick. How to prevent this?

Common mistakes gardeners:

• In a dry summer, the plant was not watered; a spider mite settled on it. Growth has stopped, flowering is absent, general appearance is oppressed. Treatment of escholzia with Actellik will help get rid of the problem.

• Seedlings were planted immature, bean aphids settled on it. The plant is treated with the drug "Commander".

• Frequent rain or watering provoked plant rot. It starts from the root and gradually moves to the entire bush. If the reason is in weather conditions, then tear off the affected parts of the plant, new shoots will grow over time. If the reason is improper watering, then reduce it, tear off the rotten parts of the bush.

• Neighborhood with roses leads to powdery mildew infection. Sulfur treatments begin immediately. All plants are sprayed in the garden.

As you can see, landing and caring for the beautiful eschscholzia will not cause much trouble. This plant is suitable for summer residents who rarely visit the site, but want to enjoy the look of bright flowers. In addition, breeders have bred up to twenty species of escholia. Today, everyone can plant not only simple, but terry species of this amazing plant.


Watch the video: How to plant poppies. Daphne Richards. Central Texas Gardeners (July 2024).