Gymnastics with arthrosis of the knee - what is the effect? Exercises for arthrosis of the knee: a technique (video)


Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the joint structures of an inflammatory nature, leading to a loss of functional activity of the knee.

Such a broad definition hides a real misfortune: often arthrosis of the knee joint leads to disability of the patient.

If you believe the statistics, every fourth person on the planet suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the described disease accounts for about 25% of cases. Arthrosis can be treated in many ways. Not the last role is played by specialized physiotherapy exercises. Thanks to her, it is possible to significantly improve joint nutrition and strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the knee. But which exercises are most effective and how to do them correctly? We will try to find answers to these questions.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee: the simplest exercises

The complexes described below are suitable for people of all ages. The exercises are aimed at solving three problems:

• Improving the blood supply to the affected joint.

• Suspension of the degenerative process.

• Strengthening muscles and ligaments.

You can perform them both at home and in small groups of 3-6 people. It is best to do these complexes under the supervision of an experienced doctor in exercise therapy.

Complex 1

1) Take a sitting position on the bed. Feet close, relax as much as possible. Start to make slow movements of the limbs in turn. Feet should touch the floor and slide freely on it. Run 7-12 times.

2) Again, take a position on the bed, relax all the muscles. On the exhale, pull the knee to the chest, pull the leg with maximum effort. If necessary, you can help with your hands. The same thing to do the opposite limb. How to properly perform such exercises with arthrosis of the knee joint can be seen in the photo:

3) The initial position is identical. On account of the "one" to straighten both legs, pull the socks strongly towards you. On account of the "two" return the limbs to their original position. The exercise is repeated several times.

4) Get up. Legs at shoulder level, according to the score "one", bend to the left knee, press it firmly and hold it for 5-10 seconds, on the score "two" exhale and return to the original position. Repeat the same with the opposite limb.

5) Sit back on the bed or chair. Legs are spread apart to shoulder level, hands are on knees. According to the account, "one" to get out of bed (chair), taking a breath and spreading his arms in opposite directions. On account of the "two" to return back to a sitting position. Repeat several times.

6) The initial position is lying. You can lie on the bed or on the floor. Hands lower legs straighten, all limbs are relaxed. On account of the "one" tighten the muscles of the hips. Remain in this position for several tens of seconds (20-40), then relax sharply. This exercise helps relieve the hypertonicity of the leg muscles, and this, in turn, helps to remove the pain syndrome.

Complex 2

1) Take a lying position. Hands on knees, legs straightened, relaxed. Press hard on the knee, trying to overcome the resistance of the hand. Then relax and do the same with the opposite leg.

2) Lie down. The legs are bent at the knees. With a leisurely movement, you should spread your legs in the hips in different directions. It is important not to go too far with the depth of movements.

3) Lying on a bed or on the floor you need to bend your knees. On account of the "one" pull the limbs to the stomach, stay in this position for a few seconds. Then return to the original position.

4) Lie down. Feet relaxed, straightened. Raise the right leg, tearing it a few centimeters from the ground. Start making leisurely circular movements with a limb.

5) Lie on your back. Hands lay behind the head, forming a castle. As you inhale, pull your legs to your chest, pulling your socks to your maximum. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

6) Repeat the same exercise, only this time pull the legs to the chest alternately.

7) The starting position is the same. Slowly bend your knees, feet firmly pressed to the floor. On inspiration, raise one leg vertically up. The second should remain in place, then make the identical movement with the other leg.

8) Take an identical position. The legs are straight. With one foot, make a move to the right (or left, respectively), trying to take the limb in the thigh as far as possible. Repeat the same with the other leg.

9) Lying on the floor to raise arms and legs at the same moment up, stay in this position, taking a deep breath. On exhalation, it is necessary to take the initial lying position.

10) Perform the exercise "bike", scrolling the legs of the invisible pedals.

11) Carefully lie on your stomach. Put your hands under your head (under the chin). Raise one leg, then the other. The limbs should be straight.

12) Get up. Lean on the back of a chair. Take the right leg in the thigh to the maximum amplitude to the right. Then do an identical exercise on the other leg.

13) Hold on to the back of a chair. Standing - Standing. Lean on a chair with one hand, legs straightened, free. Start making easy swing movements back and forth. It is important that the leg performing the swing is maximally relaxed.

Complex 3

1) Standing - standing. For five minutes, walk in place, raising your knees as high as possible. This exercise improves the nutrition of the knee due to the flow of blood to it.

2) Stand on your toes, stand for a few seconds, then with a rolling motion stand on your heels, keeping your balance.

3) Make sweeping movements with legs, alternately changing limbs.

All three complexes are ideally suited for execution, both in the phase of remission and in the phase of exacerbation. These are the simplest gymnastics exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint. However, simplicity does not make them worse.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee: the most effective exercises

The exercises described below are only suitable for individuals in whom arthrosis is in remission.

Complex 1

1) Lie on the floor. Hands along the body, legs straight. Raise the left foot from the ground a few centimeters. Hold in this position for a few seconds, and then lower the leg. A good indicator is a feeling of fatigue in the calf muscle.

2) Lie on your stomach. Bend one leg at the knee and raise it above the floor. Hold for 25-40 seconds, then return to the starting position. Run the same with the other foot.

3) Lie on your stomach. Bend both legs at the knees. Then raise them above the floor and separate them to the sides. Now you need to slowly bring your legs together and return to the original position. Exercise is difficult to perform, so whether or not to perform it, everyone decides for himself, based on the capabilities of his body.

4) Lie on your side. Bend one leg, straighten the second. Make vertical movements with a straight leg.

Complex 2

1) Sit on a chair. Alternately raise the left and right legs, alternating movements.

2) Get up. Lean on the back of a chair. According to the account "one" to rise with one foot on the toe. The second remains pressed to the floor. Then roll onto the other leg and do the same.

3) Sitting on a chair to make a light massage of the knees, rotational movements.

The exercises of these two complexes are preferably performed at the same time. So the effect of gymnastics will be maximum.

Another effective gymnastics complex for arthrosis of the knee joint is presented in the video:

Gymnastics with arthrosis of the knee joint: how to do it right. Tips & Tricks

On the Internet there is a description of many gymnastics complexes for arthrosis of the knee joint. But it is not always clear how to carry them out. There are a number of recommendations:

1) Pain should be excluded. If pain occurs during the performance of any exercise, this is a direct reason to refuse further performance. So the complex is not suitable.

2) Do not bother yourself without first consulting a doctor.

3) Cramps after exercise is normal.

4) Each exercise is performed 7-15 times. It is recommended to start with 2-4 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.

5) It is not recommended to start practicing at a fast pace. This is fraught.

Exercise therapy can be an excellent assistant in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. It is important to approach such a responsible business.


Watch the video: How to Exercise with Knee Pain (June 2024).