Appetizing chicken lagman - an oriental dish. In pots or a slow cooker - Lagman recipes for every taste


Central Asian lagman, this is almost the same European noodle on chicken stock.

The difference is only in spices - there are a lot of them in lagman, in contrast to the lean European food. But, if it doesn’t occur to Europeans to build special “noodles,” in the east a cafe-lagman is a commonplace. And the demand for a national dish there is quite high and there are a lot of recipes.

Lagman with chicken - general principles of cooking

• Lagman consists of noodles and separately cooked vegetable sauce with chicken, the so-called waji. To prepare a delicious dish, you should take a special lagman noodles, and not a wide Italian pasta. The semi-finished product suitable for our tasks is sold rolled up in the form of a nest.

• Initially prepare a vaja. It consists of fried pieces of chicken, which are stewed with vegetables, adding a little water or chicken stock. An obligatory component of such a sauce is tomato. It is added about five minutes before readiness, diluting with liquid (water, broth). Vaja is prepared in a deep, thick-walled pan or slow cooker.

• Noodles are always boiled separately, dipping in intensely boiling, slightly salted water. Then it is washed with warm water so that it does not have time to cool, and dried in a colander.

• Lagman, like all oriental dishes, is plentifully seasoned with spices. Put them in an almost ready-made gravy.

• Served in deep plates. First, they spread the noodles, and then pour the vaja, thus regulating the density of the dish. In Uzbek cuisine, cooked noodles are added to the gravy five minutes before being cooked, along with tomato.

Lagman with chicken and fresh tomatoes


• Lagman noodles - 150-170 grams;

• a pound of chicken, chilled fillet;

• two large onions;

• medium-sized carrots;

• a couple of fresh tomatoes;

• one bell pepper;

• two tablespoons of good olive oil;

• tomato puree - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Abundantly rinse the fillet with water and dry. Cut off all excess films and pieces of hanging fat. Cut the chicken into small pieces, oblong in shape.

2. Remove the seeds from the pods of pepper, cut the flesh into short strips, and the carrot into quarters of ringlets or straws.

3. Tomatoes and onions are cut into small slices. It is advisable to peel the tomatoes. To do this, first dip them in boiling water for a minute, and then cool them as quickly as possible, dousing with cold water.

4. In a warm pan, pour a little olive oil, heat well over high heat and lower the meat. Fry, stirring, until a noticeable golden crust appears. At this stage, it is very important not to overdry the tender meat.

5. Separately, chopped onion, carrot slices and pepper pulp in olive oil. Then combine everything together, add the tomatoes and simmer for another two minutes.

6. Pour a little water (50 ml) into a glass and dilute the tomato in it. Pour the liquid to the vegetables, stir and leave to simmer on minimal heat, about two minutes.

7. In a deep, preferably with a multi-layer bottom, put the fried pieces of meat in a saucepan and pour vegetable frying. Add some more water, put the simmer on a small fire. Cook for 10 minutes. At the end, do not forget to salt and add your favorite spices.

8. Separately, with the addition of salt, boil the noodles until cooked. Then we transfer it to a colander and pour boiling water over it. After draining the water, we spread the noodles into deep plates.

9. Above, pour abundantly gravy with chicken. You can supplement the dish with finely chopped herbs.

Hearty lagman with chicken and vegetables


• carrots - one, large;

• two onions;

• one, small size, radish;

• 600 gr. chicken fillet;

• a tablespoon of tomato (can be replaced with two tomatoes);

• potato - 4 tubers;

• two bell peppers;

• a small pod of hot pepper;

• garlic;

• a mixture of spices: ground paprika, hops-suneli, coriander;

• fresh parsley;

• 50 ml of oil, necessarily refined.

Cooking method:

1. After rinsing and washing the chicken several times, cut into cubes up to two centimeters in size and fry in vegetable oil. We make the fire intense, and constantly mix the meat so that its pieces quickly brown, but do not dry out. It is advisable to take a thick-walled, and even better cast-iron pan. Of course, in the absence of such dishes, Teflon and even the most ordinary ones will do, but it will be more difficult to carefully brown the products in it.

2. Temporarily spread chicken out of the pan and heat a little oil in it. Then we dip in it diced carrots and radish, half rings of onions.

3. Fry the vegetables over low heat until softened and add the chopped pepper pulp to them. We continue to cook for five minutes.

4. We spread the tomatoes, sliced ​​in half rings, add four crushed garlic cloves to the vegetables and cook for another 5 minutes.

5. Pour vegetables with boiling water so that they are completely covered with water. Salt, season with spices, adding their mixture to your liking.

6. After adding heat and bringing the vegetable mass to a boil, add thin potato sticks and fried pieces of meat to it. On low heat, cover, simmer until potatoes are cooked.

7. While the gravy comes to readiness, we lower the noodles into the salted, moderately boiling water. After boiling, slightly reduce the heat so that the water only boils slowly, and cook until tender. Then, discarding the colander, rinse the noodles with warm water and wait for all the moisture to come off.

8. To serve in deep plates, first put the noodles, then fill it with hot sauce with potatoes and chicken. Decorate the dish with chopped parsley.

Uzbek lagman recipe with chicken


• six selected large potatoes;

• medium-sized carrot - 2 pcs.;

• two whole chicken fillets with a total weight of at least 600 gr.;

• two garlic cloves;

• non-sharp tomato ketchup or pasta - 2 tbsp. l .;

• large onion;

• homemade or purchased noodles for lagman - 300 gr .;

• spices: oregano, ground pepper, dried basil;

• oil - three tablespoons of olive or well-refined sunflower.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare an Uzbek lagman, you will need a cauldron or a large thick-walled pan. Pour oil into a container and put on medium heat. Dip the chopped garlic into the preheated fat, and let stand, stirring, for no more than 30 seconds.

2. Lay the pieces of meat, fry with strong heat until golden brown.

3. Season the chicken with spices, pour finely chopped onions and bring it to a minimum of heat. Then add the coarsely grated carrot chips and continue to fry until the vegetables soften and lightly golden.

4. Pour 2 liters of freshly boiled water, wait for boiling again, add medium-sized potato cubes. Five minutes before readiness, we introduce the tomato diluted with boiled water and separately boiled noodles.

Spicy lagman with chicken, fresh tomatoes and adjika


• a pound of onions;

• fresh tomatoes - 300 gr.;

• 600 gr. chicken breast;

• acute adjika with the addition of hops-suneli - 200 g .;

• refined oil, preferably olive;

• a pound of Lagman noodles (nests);

• ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully wash the selected fillet with water, then dry it well and cut into large enough, but thin pieces. We chop the onion rings, carrots - in small cubes. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, cut the pulp into slices. To peel easily peeled, scald tomatoes with boiling water.

2. Place a thick-walled, fairly deep pan on a strong fire. Pouring oil into it, warm it well and lower the slices of fillet. Fry on intense heat until lightly browned.

3. Add the onion, pass it for ten minutes, spread the slices of carrots and continue to fry until golden.

4. Spread adjika to the fried meat, add a little boiled water, mix thoroughly. We cover the pan, simmer on moderate heat for about ten minutes. Salt for about three minutes before being cooked, add chopped tomatoes. You can optionally put a spoonful of unsalted, thick tomato.

5. Boil the lagoon "nests" separately in slightly salted water, adding a little vegetable oil. Dip the noodles in an intensely boiling liquid, and after boiling again, cook only with a slight boil. We wash the finished noodles with warm water and leave in a colander for a while sufficient to allow all the glass to glass.

6. When serving, noodles are laid out in plates, and gravy is poured on top.

Lagman with potatoes and chicken


• a pound of chicken backs;

• chilled fillet - 700 gr.;

• six potatoes;

• one Bulgarian, preferably red, pepper;

• head of a bitter onion;

• black radish - two medium-sized root crops;

• 200 gr. tomato, unsalted pasta;

• three small carrots;

• four "nests" of Lagman noodles;

• fresh cilantro;

• spices.

Cooking method:

1. Backs, carefully rinsing in water, put in a pan, pour 1.5 liters of water, wait for boiling. Remove the "noise" from the surface of the broth, continue cooking at moderate boil. After 20 minutes, lower the whole potato tubers and bring it to readiness. Then we take out, let cool, cut into cubes. We catch backs from the broth and filter it.

2. Cut the carrots and pulp of pepper into strips, radish three on a medium grater, chop the onion in half rings, and chop the garlic finely. Cut the cooled potatoes into cubes of approximately two centimeters in size.

3. In a deep frying pan, adding vegetable oil, fry the fillet sliced. We spread tomato paste to the chicken and simmer, without covering, for seven minutes. Add chopped vegetables and simmer for another quarter of an hour.

4. Salt, add spices, pepper. Add a glass of broth to the pan and leave it to heat for another 20 minutes.

5. Take four pots, pour in each from 100 to 150 ml of chicken broth. We place the containers in the oven and stand at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour, and at this time boil the noodles.

6. Carefully remove the pots from the oven and place the boiled noodles on them. We spread the chicken stew with vegetables on it, sprinkle with cilantro and return the containers back to the turned off but still hot oven. We stand for 10 minutes, after which we take out and serve.

Lagman with chicken: a recipe for a slow cooker


• Lagman noodles - 200 gr.;

• 400 gr. chilled chicken, preferably fillet;

• one and a half liters of water;

• 300 gr. potatoes;

• garlic;

• two small onions;

• bell pepper - 1 pc.;

• medium-sized carrots;

• hops-suneli, not too harsh taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and carefully dry the fillet with a towel. Cut into pieces of square or oblong shape.

2. In the bowl, in the frying mode, heat two tablespoons of oil and dip the chicken pieces into it. Fry, stirring, until a dense, golden crust.

3. Add half the onion rings, a thin straw of grated carrots, mix and fry everything together for another five minutes.

4. Put into the bowl thin strips of pulp of pepper, small cubes of potatoes, chopped garlic (two slices).

5. Salt, add a little hops-suneli and tomato, add salt. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water, mix thoroughly. We start the "Extinguishing" preset, setting the timer for 40 minutes, and close the lid.

6. In the pan, on the stove, boil the noodles until cooked. Do not forget to salt the water. We collect the finished noodles in a colander and rinse with warm water. Scald with boiling water, season with melted butter.

7. When serving in a deep plate, put the right amount of noodles and fill it, bringing the dish to the desired consistency, vegetable sauce - vaja.

Lagman with chicken - cooking tricks and useful tips

• It is important not to digest the noodles, otherwise it will become sour and stick together. This will spoil not only the appearance of the dish, but also its taste.

• Meat should be sautéed over high heat. Then it quickly becomes covered with a crust, which prevents the loss of meat juice and prevents chicken from drying out.

• Vaju is recommended to simmer over low heat. The longer it cooks, the tastier the lagman.


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