Effective weight loss on a kefir-apple diet. Features and examples of the diet: kefir-apple diet for beginners and professionals


Kefir-apple diet is considered one of the most tightened, but effective diets.

She is highly regarded for the ability to quickly get rid of several kilograms without harming her health.

At the same time, negative reviews can be heard about it, but, nevertheless, the relentless relevance of the diet may indicate otherwise.

General principles of kefir-apple diet: how to organize the right diet without hunger

From the name of the diet, you can easily distinguish the main products - these are kefir and apples. On average, a diet is designed for 1 week. Those people who are trying diets for the first time, it is better to limit themselves to 3-5 days. For more experienced people or those who have big problems with being overweight, you can choose the maximum severity option for 9 days. Standard food involves 1-1.5 kg of apples and 1 liter of kefir per day. The diet itself is divided into 6 meals of the same type.

Kefir is a fermented milk product, so 1-2 meals are allowed to be replaced with similar products. Such products act as an prevention of urolithiasis, liver cirrhosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and atherosclerosis for the body. Kefir and similar products have an antibacterial effect on the body, stop the process of decay in the intestines, and resume the normal microflora of the digestive tract.

Apples are included in the diet for weight loss due to the content of fruit acids and fiber. Thanks to the last element, a feeling of fullness of the stomach appears, and hunger quickly disappears. Fruit acids are distinguished by the ability to break down fat accumulations. Pectin, which is in apples, will help cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, toxins, harmful accumulations, and lower cholesterol in the body. Applying apples to the human body is not only a mild diuretic effect, but also saturates the system with vitamins, essential minerals, and beneficial substances.

The key point of the diet is the correct combination of two products, as well as strict adherence to the main principles of nutrition:

1. During each day of the diet you need to eat from 1 to 1.5 kg of apples and drink up to 1.5 liters. kefir. Divide the entire mass of food into 5-6 parts for one day.

2. You should choose a sour-milk drink with a low fat content, the maximum figure is 1%.

3. It is advisable to buy only fresh kefir for consumption, since the properties of the drink for 3 days onwards will be different.

4. Among the variety of varieties of apples, it is better to give preference to green varieties, you must eat fruits with a peel.

5. In addition to kefir, the diet not only allows, but also welcomes the use of another liquid, the daily volume of which can vary from 1.5 to 2 liters. Among these drinks can be plain still water or green tea without added sugar.

6. To improve bowel function, it is necessary to drink 1 glass of clean water without gas on an empty stomach. This rule will be useful to observe not only during the diet, but also on an ongoing basis.

7. At the end of the diet, any number of days you need to switch to a diet on the principle of proper nutrition, to prevent the likelihood of returning excess weight.

For a diet, it is permissible to include other diet drinks in the diet, but their quantity should be strictly limited. Supplementing basic foods can be with small portions of wholesome food. For example, you can organize a hearty meal of fish or add a small piece of chicken to breakfast. It is important to always remember the servings, because the proportion of foreign products should always remain insignificant in comparison with the main ingredients.

It may be difficult for beginners to sit on the same type of food for a long time, so for them you can arrange either fasting days on the principles of a kefir-apple diet, or organize a three-day diet.

There can be several kefir and apple nutrition schemes. In most cases, for each losing person there is an individual scheme. The most common are:

• separate use of kefir and apples;

• creation of a sour-milk-apple cocktail, in which it is permissible to add powdered cinnamon, oatmeal for taste and aroma. It is best to prepare a drink in a blender, mixing products in quantities per serving, that is, 1 full meal out of 6 possible;

• eating a small amount of food every time you feel hungry;

• eating apples in a baked form - there are many ways to diversify a dish that in its use will not be inferior to fresh fruits in anything. Baked apples have a milder effect on the body.

It is possible to apply in practice any schemes or their combinations, without forgetting, if necessary, supplement the diet with other products. So you can protect your body from breakdown and at the same time maintain the calorie deficit necessary for weight loss.

Kefir-apple diet menu options: diet examples for 3, 7, and 9 days

There are a huge number of different combinations of products, the proposed options are quite common and proven over the years.

1. The three-day express diet is a kind of concise version of the nine-day course of nutrition. It consists of the following stages:

• 1 day - you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir for 6 meals;

• 2 day - you should eat up to 1.5 kg of sweet and sour apples;

• 3 day - you need to drink the amount of kefir the same as the first day again.

It is allowed to replace several receptions of kefir with the use of other sour-milk food.

2. A weekly course is a classic option. In the proposed menu, depending on individual characteristics and the rate of saturation of the body, portions can be slightly reduced. It is also allowed in the diet, if during the day between meals, strong attacks of hunger appear, to include an additional apple or less than a glass of kefir in the diet. You do not need to endure hunger at all, you just need to get rid of it correctly. So, weekly nutrition involves a temporary alternation of products. One day example:

• for breakfast, drink a glass of kefir, and after 30 minutes eat an apple;

• in the second breakfast, repeat the same reception with an interval of 30 minutes;

• at lunch, you can replace kefir with another sour-milk drink, and after 30 minutes eat an apple again;

• at midday you should do only one apple;

• for dinner you need to repeat breakfast again;

• The second supper involves eating only kefir without an apple.

If it is difficult to fight hunger with kefir and apples, or after a few days the diet becomes boring, then you need to try to replace one apple intake in a day with some protein food, for example, an egg, boiled chicken, steamed cutlet.

3. A nine-day diet on kefir and apples involves a breakdown of the use of apples and kefir into three three-day cycles:

• the first three days you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir without supplementing with any other products for 5-6 receptions. Between them you can drink water, green unsweetened tea;

• the second three days you need to eat exclusively fresh apples, for several meals the fruit can be baked in the oven without sugar;

• the last three days you need to drink kefir again, as in the first stage.

This diet option is the most difficult, but at the same time the most effective.

Important features of the kefir-apple diet

Any kind of kefir-apple diet has already been tried repeatedly by people, therefore, it has certain reviews. Most of them indicate the effectiveness of the diet, thanks to which you can get rid of 2 to 9 kg, depending on its duration. The diet will be effective in such cases if:

• the state of health of a losing weight person is at a high level, and also the person does not have chronic diseases, the exacerbation of which can cause a limited diet;

• the dosage of the products will be strictly observed in accordance with the requirements;

• drink up to 2 liters daily. permitted fluid;

• Avoid heavy physical exertion, especially subject to a strict nine-day cycle, and give preference to long walks in the fresh air;

• eat in this way for no longer than 9 days, otherwise you can find a lot of health problems and the digestive system in particular.

An important feature of any diet is the way out of it, eating kefir and apples is no exception. To ensure that the result is fixed for a long time or even continues to improve, and the lost kilograms do not return at an increased speed, you need to carefully switch to normal food. You need to gradually introduce familiar foods from the list of wholesome foods into your diet, forgetting forever at least buns, pastries and sweets.

After several days on a kefir diet with apples, it is hardly possible to consume large portions of food, so it is important to ensure that their size does not increase in the future either.

After such a course of losing weight, the body will not only lose the hated kilos that interfere with normal life, but also will be well cleansed and also healed. Sour-milk products will remove toxins from the body, cleanse the intestines, normalize its work, and apples will saturate the body with iron, iodine, vitamins and other elements. Upon completion of the diet, it will not be necessary to additionally restore the activity of the body, saturate it with the necessary substances.


Watch the video: The Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet (July 2024).