Simple recipes for rich cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and pork. We are preparing the most Russian soup - cabbage soup with fresh pork and pork


Rich pork broth, hearty and fragrant, but the cabbage is fresh, thinly sliced. Well, just chop the potatoes and chop the onion, that's all cabbage soup!

Yes, this is a classic, but you can add mushrooms, and also fry carrots with tomato. Pork also does not have to be put in one piece, and for a change make meatballs.

Fresh cabbage cabbage with pork - general principles of preparation

• The best piece of pork for cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is considered fatty pulp with a bone. It is this meat that allows you to cook a saturated broth. The technology of cooking cabbage soup is simple, but in order to get a truly delicious dish, you need to take into account some nuances.

• First boil the base for cabbage soup - broth. The meat is thoroughly washed and dipped in cold water. Place the pot over intense heat and bring to a boil. To make the broth transparent, the first step is to carefully monitor it and remove the foam. Letting it boil for 2-3 minutes, reduce heat so that the contents of the pan only boil a little, and then continue to cook, covered with a lid.

• Cabbage soup with pork is not always cooked in broth, which significantly reduces the time taken to cook. In this case, the meat chopped into small pieces is fried together with vegetables and put in a pan when the main components have reached half-preparedness. Sometimes pork is twisted in a meat grinder, and meatballs prepared from minced meat are launched into cabbage soup.

• Cabbage, potatoes, onions and carrots - vegetables without which real cabbage soup cannot be obtained. Of carrots and onions, they usually fry, which is seasoned with an almost ready soup. You can put it raw when cooking the broth. Cabbage is lowered into the pan before the potatoes. If you do the opposite or lay vegetables at the same time, they will reach uneven preparedness. Potatoes can boil, and cabbage will remain stiff.

• Cabbage soup does not like spices, but almost always at the end put a couple of leaves of parsley and necessarily greens in the soup. Cabbage cabbage soup with pork is in perfect harmony with dill, and it can be not only fresh, but also dried.

Rich tasty cabbage soup with pork


• back knuckle - 500 gr .;

• five medium potatoes;

• 600 gr. fresh squirrel;

• allspice peas - 4 pcs.;

• a spoon of dry dill;

• refined oil;

• large onion.

Cooking method:

1. Rinsing in running water, carefully scrape the knuckle with a knife. We put it in a three-liter pan and, pouring it under the very top with water, put it on the maximum heating. Before boiling, remove as foam appears. Then we lower the heat and cook, not allowing it to boil too much, an hour and a half.

2. We take the shank out of the broth and temporarily set it aside so that it cools down a little. Dip the boiled potatoes into the boiling broth. Cook until boiling again, not forgetting to remove the foam.

3. Shred the cabbage in thin strips and lower it into the broth after 10 minutes. after potatoes. We continue to cook until vegetables are ready.

4. From the cooled shank, remove the skin, separate the meat from fat and bones. Cut into small pieces, put in a pan to cabbage and potatoes, add allspice.

5. Grate the carrots coarsely and put the sauté on the oil along with the onion. Bring to a golden color and immediately introduce the frying in the cabbage soup.

6. We wait for boiling, reduce heating to a minimum and simmer for about a minute. Then add the dried dill, stand with the previous heating for another minute and turn off the fire.

Fast cabbage soup with pork (with meatballs)


• a pound of a collar;

• four large potatoes;

• two onions;

• carrot;

• fresh dill - several branches;

• refined oil;

• a large leaf of laurel;

• a pound of white-headed, fresh.

Cooking method:

1. Wash a piece of pork in cold water, cut into large pieces and twist twice in a meat grinder, passing through the smallest grate. Grinding for the second time, at the end we also twist the onion head.

2. Add a little bit of salt, pepper and knead. You can beat off the meat mass in a bowl, so the particles are better grasped among themselves.

3. From the minced meat we form small balls the size of a large nut, and lay them out on a cutting board. We put 2.5 liters of water on a strong fire.

4. Thinly cut the cabbage, cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes. With a coarse grater, three carrots, and cut the remaining onion head in half and chop finely.

5. After boiling water in a pan, first lower the potatoes, boil over low heat for five minutes and put the cabbage.

6. Fry the onion in a frying pan in oil until soft. Then put the carrot to it and, stirring, bring the vegetables to a light golden color.

7. In the pot with half-prepared vegetables, lower the meatballs. With intense heating, bring to a boil, removing var from the surface of the broth. Then reduce the heat again and cook until tender.

8. At the end, put the frying from onions and carrots into the pan. We add and add laurel to your taste. You can put some fresh greens. Without letting it boil, simmer the soup at the very minimum heat for about a minute and set it off the stove.

Fresh cabbage cabbage with pork and tomato


• pulp with a brain bone - 700 gr .;

• 450 gr. potatoes;

• onion;

• 500 grams of white chick;

• two medium tomatoes;

• bell pepper - 1 pc.;

• medium-sized carrots;

• a spoon of tomato;

• vegetable, high-quality oil - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. After placing the washed meat in a pan, and adding water to it, according to the usual recipe, we cook three liters of clear broth. It will take about an hour to prepare it, and check the readiness for the pulp - a sharp knife should freely pierce it.

2. While the pork is cooked, prepare the vegetables. We cut the peeled potatoes into centimeter cubes or cubes - as you like. Pour potatoes with cold water so as not to darken, and set aside. Thinly chop the cabbage, the strips should not be too long and preferably the same width.

3. Prepare a vegetable roast for cabbage soup. We cut onion into thin rings, thinly peeled pepper from seeds, and carrot into three large grater. We put the prepared vegetables in a pan with warmed oil, and lightly fry over low heat. When the onion loses milky whiteness, add sliced ​​tomatoes and two minutes later tomato. Mix well, remove from heat. Put the laurel leaf in a frying pan and cover it with part of the vegetables.

4. Carefully remove the prepared meat from the broth and, transferring it to a bowl, cool it so that it can be separated from the bone and cut. Lower the cabbage into the pan, add heat. Bringing to a boil, put the potatoes and slices of boiled meat, slightly add salt, remove the resulting foam. After boiling, again lower the heat. We continue to cook, not allowing to boil.

5. When the cabbage and potatoes become soft, put the roast in cabbage soup, stir. Boil, without boiling, for three minutes and turn it off.

Fresh cabbage cabbage soup with pork and mushrooms (fast)


• 250-300 gr. boneless pork flesh (collars);

• two large potatoes;

• 200 grams of cabbage;

• refined oil - 2 tbsp. l

• onion head;

• a teaspoon of natural butter;

• small carrots;

• 200 grams of fresh, preferably young, champignons

Cooking method:

1. We cut pork into large cubes, mushrooms - into strips.

2. We heat the pan with sunflower oil poured into it and dip the pieces of pork and champignon into it. Fry over medium heat for a couple of minutes, add carrots chopped into large chips, onion slices. Stew under the lid, lowering the heat, until the meat is ready. At the end, put the butter in a pan and let the pieces of meat and mushrooms lightly brown.

3. We put a pan with 2 l on fire. water. After boiling, lower the chopped cabbage and after five minutes we put potato sticks to it, cook the vegetables until half cooked. Be sure to cover the pan and do not let it boil too much.

4. When the potatoes and cabbage are almost ready, we season the soup by frying meat with mushrooms. Add laurel, bring to readiness.

Recipe for cabbage diet soup with pork (without frying)


• lean pork pulp;

• half a small cabbage head, about 500 gr.;

• large carrot;

• several large potatoes;

• onion;

• three peas of allspice;

• a small bay leaf;

• fresh or dry dill.

Cooking method:

1. Shred carrots and cabbage in thin strips. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and a half centimeters. We clean the onion.

2. In a two-liter pan of water, put the pulp and put on an intense fire. In the process of boiling, remove from the surface of the broth var. Then we reduce the heating so that the broth only boils slightly, lower the laurel, onion and peppercorns into the pan. Cover, cook pork until soft. After that, we take out the flesh and cool it a little, cut into pieces.

3. Remove the onion and lavrushka from the broth, bring it to a boil again and start the carrot. Five minutes later, put the cabbage and potatoes and cook the vegetables until soft.

4. Dip boiled meat in cabbage soup, add dill. We stand two minutes on medium heat and turn off the stove.

Recipe for the simplest cabbage soup with pork for a slow cooker


• pig ribs - 600 gr.;

• onion head;

• a pound of white chick;

• small carrots;

• two spoons of unsalted tomato;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• two small bay leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the ribs into pieces so that each contains two bones.

2. With a thin straw, chop the cabbage, finely chop the onion, potatoes - with cubes. Grind the carrots with a coarse grater or cut into the same slices as the onion.

3. Start the slow cooker in the frying program, pour the vegetable oil into the bowl. When it warms up well, drop the pieces of pork and fry for a quarter of an hour. Mix regularly so that the meat is steamed evenly.

4. Put the chopped carrot and onion into the bowl. Fry everything together in the same mode for another 15 minutes. Add the tomato diluted a quarter cup of water, stir.

5. Pour cabbage with potatoes into the bowl for frying, add the lavrushka and add water. In this way, we adjust the thickness of the cabbage soup, and then add salt.

6. Put the slow cooker in the "Extinguishing" mode and, setting the timer for one and a half hours, turn it on. The cover must be closed. From the prepared cabbage soup we take the lavrushka and let them stand for a quarter hour with the lid closed.

Fresh cabbage cabbage with pork - cooking tips and tricks

• It happens that they did not have time or forgot to remove the foam before boiling. She mixed with the broth, and he became cloudy, what to do? Cool the broth, and then filter through triple gauze. This procedure will not only lighten the soup base, but also will allow you to get rid of unwanted bone fragments.

• In early spring, you can buy young cabbage. It is quite suitable for cabbage soup, but in this case, its straw is laid in the broth later than potatoes.

• After adding greens, be sure to bring the cabbage soup to a boil so that it does not turn sour during storage. No need to boil, otherwise the greens will cloud the broth.


Watch the video: Cabbage Recipes : Napa Cabbage, Sesame and Ginger Salad (June 2024).