The meaning of the name Leah, the character and fate of the girl with that name. What does the name Leah mean: origin and history


The name of a person is given to him from birth and determines his future life path. Many people have several names.

What does the name Leah mean? What are Leah's character and fate? It’s worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Leah

Leah - from the Jewish antelope. Fast and agile girl with a graceful figure. This is an easy-going person who is always more worried about the fate of his loved ones than personally for his own.

What does the name Leah mean?

Leah celebrates her birthday on January 1, this is the day of the beginning of the year, so the name means a quick start, a quick decision.

The girl herself is assertive and restless. Has a cool temper. The meaning of the name Leah is closely related to the lunar calendar.

So, winter lee colder and more restrained. Summer they are very active and mobile.

Origin and History of the Name Leah

Leah is the Hebrew name. It has ancient roots. In the old days they were called girls from a noble family. The zodiac sign that accompanies Leah is Aries. The planet that controls it is the Sun. The color that appeals to her the most is scarlet. Her tree is a date palm. The patron of the kingdom of animals is the antelope. Leah's stone is amber.

It was believed that if Leah would wear amber charms, she would not be afraid of adversity and loss, she would be under reliable protection of the clan. The origin and history of the name of Leah is very interesting. So, in the Middle Ages, the name became common in Eurasia. At these times, Liami called girls not only from a noble family, but also those who were the direct heirs of the family.

Leah's character and fate

It is worth noting that Leah has a lot of positive character traits:

• Reliability;

• Charm;

• kindness;

• Subtle humor;

• Responsiveness.

With all these positive qualities of character, Leah knows her worth. She rarely comes into dispute and very rarely comes into conflict with outsiders. Leah quickly argues her point of view and believes that this is enough.

Leah’s negative character traits include:

• Internal stress;

• Latent aggression;

• The need for protection.

It is rather strange that such a seemingly wise woman inside herself carries a time bomb, perhaps there are objective reasons for this? It is worth noting that Leah is quite cunning and inventive. She has huge internal potential. She knows how to convince an opponent in a few seconds, to win over her, to force her to take her point of view.

At the same time, Leah helps her natural charm and charm. She is a true woman who can pose as a weak and defenseless girl who needs the support of her strong man. At the same time, she rather wisely leads him and calculates almost every step he takes.

Leah knows how to feel a person so subtly that she can practically predict all of his future actions. In choosing a profession, Leah should not limit himself to the heights in business. The girl is quite hardworking, so she can prove herself in any profession.

She can support and can guide any person. Colleagues admire her ability to work and always promptly anticipate a difficult situation. She is an indispensable specialist. Leah often chooses creative professions. They bring them a lot of pleasure, and girls often load on their shoulders responsibilities much more than their colleagues.

Leah is quite successful in business and can occupy a high position in society. They know how to morally support their loved ones. Never refuse other people help. They have a rather subtle sense of humor, which helps them quickly resolve any conflict. At the same time, they are not supporters of sorting out relationships; they need only once to hear a person’s point of view and accept it. In this case, the girls will defend their interests, trying not to harm others.

Leah's love

Leah has a rather steep disposition, so she is trying to take a leadership role in the family, while she can subtly find an approach to the needs of her other half. Leah is somewhat impulsive in her youth and can even make huge sacrifices for her family. With age, she rethinks values ​​and is already somewhat more balanced, does not make rash decisions.

She is always ready to sacrifice a lot for her beloved people.. Friends finding support and support in her. She is quite difficult to survive the betrayal and does not understand the meaning of treason. She can even quarrel with her parents in order to create her own family. But this is not for long, because Leah is a true guardian of the hearth.

She is in no hurry to start a family, carefully scrutinizes his future husband, but also in the relationship is quite selective. She is always surrounded by men's attention and care, because she can subtly and very flexibly convey to her second half what she really wants. Leah knows how to find an approach to anyone. If a conflict arises in the family, she first admits that she was wrong, but after that she will do everything in order to get the desired result.

The husband of the soul does not like herlike relatives. But if Leah becomes bored with him, if she doubts for a minute his love for herself, this can become a reason for breaking up relations, so Leah's man should constantly pay attention to her and show his feelings.

Leah’s children are kids gifted with love and care. From an early age she tries to instill in them good manners and give them an exceptional education. Leah cares about them until adulthood. There are always many guests in her house. She is glad to everyone.

Due to good health and flexible nature Leah can rally a lot of people around hermay inspire. She fills the life of loved ones with happiness. But, if someone neglected her trust - this person will never be able to cross the threshold of her house. Leah is a very creative person and can simultaneously perform several tasks, do several work. Resting girl on the seashore with family. She will always find something to do with both children and adults, and she herself will have a wonderful rest.
