Raising a child from 2 to 3 years old tips


Parenting is a very long and painstaking process. It begins at birth and continues for many years. A more crucial period in the psychology of development and upbringing of the child, when the personality of a full-fledged citizen of society is formed.

They say: "Children - our mirror!". This statement can be considered true. They absorb the emotional atmosphere of the world around like a sponge. The first example of an early age he becomes parents, very close people, peers.

The basic rule of successful parenting is to start from yourself, to pay attention to your self-education, which will help to find full contact with the baby.

Newborn boys and girls are endowed with individual characteristics, character of behavior. Therefore, the early period of growing up is considered to be a difficult, responsible period of personal formation.

Parenting features

A small child is not plasticine, it is impossible to "sculpt" what you want from it. By two years, the baby begins to show their own qualities. At this time, only the mother will help the baby to solve difficult problems with the outside world.

Love, understanding, tact - these are the main tools that will help to understand the issues and problems of the educational process. The overall development of a person can be divided into several periods of life. The foundations of education are laid up to the age of three.

At this time, raising a child and his psychology in 2-3 years have a number of features determining development:

  • sociability;
  • self-catering;
  • speech development;
  • physical training.

At 2-3 years old baby feels quite independent; he knows how to communicate, dress, talk, run, jump. This is a time of self-affirmation through two words: "I myself!".

He is trying to erase the boundaries of the previously permitted; subjugates the elders, constantly capricious, crying. Begin tantrums. Parents gradually lose control over their child.


It is important to think about the application of other measures in time; in adjusting the nature of behavior in relation to others; for your little child.

Frequent bans, strict preventive measures will have a negative impact on the features of the educational process, and sometimes strange behavior. Try Impact on the baby through the game.

Swap roles with him temporarily, let him feel in your place. This will help him understand what are the right relationships with peers and adults.

The experience gained during the game will teach you to make the right choice of committed actions and actions. The baby should feel your support and participation in any situation. But if he is “stubborn”, give him a bit of freedom in his actions. The experience gained will be a good lesson in later life, make you think first and then do it.

You need to constantly remember about self-control. Stubbornness, whims, tears of the baby have their own reasons. Family conflicts affect the psychological development of young children. It is not necessary to arrange a "debriefing" in the presence of the baby. For a too emotional "child" the best will be the observance of the regime of rest and general daily routine.

The use of the mandative tone when dealing with a child, excessive concessions to his whims, should be avoided in the educational process. The result will not be a stable psyche of the baby and the difficulties of further learning.

The tasks of raising and educating children

Nature does not create clones, all people are unique in their own way, not always raising a child from 2 years gives a positive result. Some babies differ in their achievements by 3 years of age. One of them:

  • well developed physically;
  • can draw;
  • has a good vocabulary;
  • likes to engage in self-service;
  • seeks to help others.

How to raise a child correctly tips

Children fully develop, receive certain skills with the participation of the teacher. If the kids do not attend preschool, then all responsibility; aesthetic education, moral, inculcation of skills of self-service, physical development; will fall on the shoulders of parents.

Positive upbringing of independence up to 2 years depends on the desire and patience of the mother. They will help in raising a child aged 2-3 years psychology tips.

One of them - touch development of children 2-3 years old through didactic gameswhich is rather practical and bearing worthy methods. Try to put together mosaic patterns regularly.

The little hands of the baby will receive the necessary massage, the imagination will turn on, logical thinking; You will see the gratitude on his face, from the class.

Gradually you will get good results from the exercises. To hyperactive naughty girls it is useful to be engaged in outdoor games. They throw out their energy on sports equipment: the wall bars, trampoline, bicycle, ball game.

Psychology of boys and girls before and after 2 years of difference

At 2 years and 3 years, the psychology of raising a child has differences in the methods of communication. Children begin to understand which of them is a girl, and who is a boy. They recognize differences in clothing, sometimes in behavior. Lined up certain relationships in groups.

An exceptional feature of raising a boy at 2 years old is to make him understand that he is a man and a protector of girls.

Girls are always closer to mothers, so that the education of girls from 2 years does not cause any particular difficulties. They often wear dresses, bows, decorated. Toys kids of this age give their own preference.

Moral education

The advice of a psychologist will help to educate a healthy person correctly. Try to walk in nature more often. Communication with living beings will be the beginning of moral development; aesthetic perception of the world, feelings of goodness and care for the smaller ones.

After walking, he will definitely want to share his impressions. Be able to listen to the crumb, for it is very important.

Try to memorize with him the meek quatrains, read books, look at bright pictures, and then ask to retell what he heard or saw. Communication with you will bring the child a lot of joy, interest, benefits in the early period of maturation.

Difficulties in raising a child 2 years

For a child of 2-3 years of age, your opinion will always be important to him. Learn to "hear" and correctly evaluate the actions of different periods of his life. It is time to accustom the child to responsibility, discipline.

Assign him an important business to choose from: look after the flower, feed the cat, put away the toys, put books in place.

The child's attitude will change significantly. He will consider himself a necessary and responsible person. The harmonious development of the personality will give the society a full-fledged person who will value life, respect the elders and meet your hopes related to his future.


Watch the video: Parenting Skills & Babies : Potty Training Tips for Parents (June 2024).