"Table 2" diet menu for the week: what can and cannot be eaten. Recipes for the diet "Table 2": a weekly menu for each day


The diet "Table 2" refers to the healing. This is a gentle therapeutic nutritional regimen, which is prescribed for acute manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases or in preparation for abdominal operations.

To calm the gastric mucosa or relieve it before surgery, it is enough to adhere to the special diet "Table 2". The menu for the week can be made independently or take ready-made examples.

General principles of the diet "Table 2": menu for the week

A special diet based on the use of soft, spicy food is not able to damage the stomach. Viscous porridges, mashed soups, chopped fruits, omelets, tender curd are preferred. People with a sick stomach are strictly forbidden not only alcohol but also tobacco. A cigarette will nullify all efforts to heal the mucosa.

On the diet "Table 2" in the menu for a week are prohibited:

• all fatty high-protein foods: pork, fatty fish and poultry;

• fat and all animal fats;

• salting and smoking, including dried fish;

• untreated thermally vegetables;

• legumes and cucumbers;

• spicy, burning vegetables: onions, radishes, garlic, turnips, hot and bell peppers;

• mustard, vinegar, mayonnaise, ground pepper, prepared hot sauces and seasonings;

• sparkling water, kvass.

Some types of products are allowed in a certain form. For example, you can cook omelettes from eggs, but you can’t eat cool eggs. Milk can be added to tea, cook soups and cereals on it, but you can not drink it separately. Only stale bread is allowed; small baking is acceptable in small quantities.

It is forbidden everything that can have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. It is important to monitor the temperature of the food: it should be neither cold nor burning. You can fry, but so that there is no hard crust and breading.

During the whole time on the diet "Table 2" the menu for the week needs to be controlled tightly, eat fractionally, six times a day. Keep an eye on the serving size: avoid overeating.

Diet "Table 2": menu for the week

Total calories per day - from 2 to 3 thousand kilocalories.


• Breakfast: pink salmon souffle, stale bread sandwich with cheese, coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: mashed unsweetened cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, two biscuits, green tea or stewed dried fruit.

• Lunch: mashed potato and zucchini soup with a spoon of low-fat sour cream, steam chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes, fresh dried fruit compote.

• Snack: berry jelly, mashed apple with honey.

• Dinner: steam chicken cutlet, mashed unsweetened rice porridge, tea or compote.

• Before going to bed: a cup of homemade yogurt, two biscuit cookies.

Pink Salmon Souffle


• a pound of pink salmon fillet;

• small onion;

• one egg;

• 50 ml of milk;

• salt to taste;

• 1 tsp vegetable oil.

Grind the fillet in any way, mix with other ingredients, beat with a mixer. Grease the soufflé forms with butter, spread out the mass, bake for 30-40 minutes. at 180 °


• Breakfast: light steam omelet from 1 egg and milk, a cup of mashed cottage cheese with honey or jam, green or black tea.

• Second breakfast: a glass of kefir (if well tolerated) with a lean bun or biscuit.

• Lunch: mashed potato and mushroom soup, baked salmon fillet with sour cream, jelly or stewed fruit.

• Snack: mashed pear, bread with honey.

• Dinner: chicken breast soufflé, boiled vermicelli, beetroot salad and tea.

• Before going to bed: a glass of drinking yogurt or kefir.

Potato and mushroom soup


• one and a half liters of water or light chicken stock;

• three hundred grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms;

• a small onion;

• five medium potatoes;

• half a glass of milk;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• salt to taste;

• wheat crackers.

Cut mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil with onions until the juice evaporates. Simultaneously boil chopped potatoes in water or broth. Beat mushrooms and potatoes with half the broth in a blender. Return the mashed potatoes to the pan, season with salt. Pour milk, warm by boiling. Serve with crackers.


Breakfast: milk oatmeal and coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: berry jelly and green tea.

Lunch: steamed beef patty with mashed cauliflower or zucchini, a slice of browned bread, compote or jelly.

Snack: banana puree.

Dinner: delicate diet sausage, mashed potatoes and tea.

Late dinner: a cup of cottage cheese with honey.

Berry jelly


• a pound of ice cream or fresh berries;

• a tablespoon of gelatin powder;

• sugar to taste (half a cup);

• three tablespoons of water for gelatin;

• two glasses of water for cooking berries.

Pour gelatin with water, allow to swell. Rub the berries, squeeze the juice. Pour the berry pulp with water, add sugar and cook. Remove from heat when sugar has dissolved. Dissolve gelatin over hot steam and pour into berry syrup. Add juice there, mix. Pour the mixture into molds and cool in the refrigerator.


• Breakfast: rice cereal pudding, dry cookies, coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: berry jelly.

• Lunch: soup with lean meatballs, a slice of dried bread, compote.

• Snack: natural yogurt with mashed apple.

• Dinner: baked fish with mashed vegetables, tea.

• Late dinner: a cup of cottage cheese with honey.

Rice Pudding


• half a glass of round rice;

• egg;

• a glass of milk;

• sugar to taste;

• raisins optional.

Steam raisins with boiling water. Cook liquid rice porridge. Beat whites and yolks with sugar separately. Combine rice first with yolks, then with proteins. Arrange the mass in tins and bake at a temperature of 180 ° until golden brown.


• Breakfast: mashed cottage cheese with honey or jam.

• Second breakfast: fruit jelly.

• Lunch: vegetable puree soup, meatballs in sour cream sauce, jelly.

• Snack: coffee with biscuit cookies.

• Dinner: millet porridge with pumpkin, green tea.

• Late dinner: a choice of yogurt or jelly.

Sour cream sauce


• a glass of sour cream;

• a quarter glass of water;

• a teaspoon of butter;

• a tablespoon of flour;

• salt.

Fry flour with butter. Bring sour cream, diluted with water, to a boil. Pour sour cream into a saucepan with flour, stir, salt and boil for 2–3 minutes at a slow boil. Strain.


• Breakfast: cheesecakes with honey, tea.

• Second breakfast: a sandwich with dried white bread, butter and jam.

• Lunch: chicken noodles on a diluted broth, a slice of stale bread.

• Snack: cheesecake with honey or oatmeal cookies with coffee.

• Dinner: milk rice porridge, sausage, oatmeal cookies.

• Second dinner: drinking yogurt or kefir.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

• a glass of millet;

• two glasses of water;

• a glass of milk;

• two hundred grams of pumpkin;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a tablespoon of butter.

Cook millet in a mixture of water and milk. Twenty minutes before the porridge is ready, add slices of pumpkin and sugar. Throw oil, let porridge brew.


• Breakfast: boiled vermicelli with sausage, tea.

• Second breakfast: berry jelly with a spoon of mashed cottage cheese.

• Lunch: mashed carrots with a steam patty.

• Snack: coffee with oatmeal cookies.

• Dinner: chicken souffle, mashed apple, biscuit cookies.

• Late dinner: berry jelly or drinking yogurt.

Chicken souffle

• chicken breast;

• a glass of low-fat milk;

• a tablespoon of butter;

• egg;

• tablespoon with a hill a spoon of white flour;

• salt to taste.

Boil the chicken breast in a little water. Cut into pieces and mashed with a portion of the broth in a bledder. Fry flour in butter, pour milk, add salt and boil white sauce, stirring constantly. Combine the sauce and the chicken with the egg, put the mass into molds and bake at 200 ° C until a pleasant crust appears.


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