Meat zrazy - cutlets with a surprise! Recipes of meat zrazy with eggs, cheese, mushrooms, liver, pickles, green onions


Zrazy - cutlets with filling. Filling for them you can come up with a variety of things. The main thing is that it is combined with the base, meat will be used here.

Still would! Everyone loves him, the dishes are hearty, interesting and very tasty, any side dish can be served with them.

Meat zrazy - general principles of preparation

For the base you need chopped meat, that is, minced meat. We either buy it or prepare it ourselves. To dilute the taste, onions, garlic, spices, soaked bread are added. In zrazy, it is desirable to add a raw egg, which will make the product structure denser, to keep the filling inside. In general, an almost classic cutlet mass is being prepared.

Stuffing should be divided into pieces, roll the ball, squash, lay out the filling, connect the edges and squeeze well, you can immediately roll. The classic dish has an oval shape.

What can be used for filling:

• boiled eggs;

• sausage, cheese;

• various vegetables;

• pickles;

• mushrooms.

Formed meat zrazy roll in breadcrumbs, then fried in a pan. To get rid of excess fat, you can shift the patties with napkins, remove them after a few minutes. But you can bake them in the oven, you get a lighter, less high-calorie dish. Such recipes are also below.

Meat zrazy with egg and herbs

In the stuffing for such meat zrazy with an egg, you can use any greens, but it is better to take feather onions and a little dill as the basis. The egg goes well with them.


• 700 g minced meat;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 tbsp. milk;

• 100 g of bread;

• green onions, dill;

• 50 g of onion;

• spices, oil.


1. Pour the bread with milk. Better if it is not fresh. Let it stand a little.

2. Grind onions, add to the minced meat. Immediately put one raw egg, pepper and salt, add the soaked bread. Knead thoroughly.

3. Boil the rest of the eggs to a steep state, mix with chopped herbs. Stuffing also needs to be salt and pepper.

4. Divide the cutlet mass into balls, but not very small. Zrazy should be large enough for the filling to fit. From this amount, usually 7-8 pieces come out.

5. Flatten a piece in the hand, put the filling in the center of the tortilla, carefully raise the edges and form a cutlet, that is, an eye.

6. Similarly we sculpt the rest of the little things. If desired, you can roll them in flour or breadcrumbs.

7. Put in a skillet with warmed butter, fry until tender. After turning the zrazy with the egg, you can cover it so that they are steamed well

Meat zrazy with mushrooms

The filling for these meat zrazy can be prepared with different mushrooms and even dried. Here is the option of champignons, take fresh or frozen mushrooms.


• 700 g of meat;

• 120 g of onion;

• 50 g of bread;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tbsp. flour;

• 200 g of champignons;

• spices, oil.


1. Twist the meat and half onions into minced meat. Add soaked white bread, a raw egg, season the base of the dish with spices, mix thoroughly. Set aside, let the minced meat stand.

2. Cut the remaining onion into cubes, and turn the mushrooms into small pieces. If the mushrooms were frozen, then take more, it is better to squeeze the water out first.

3. Put the onion with mushrooms in a pan, fry in a small amount of oil, and season with any spices. Cool the filling.

4. Divide the minced meat into pieces, flatten, spread the mushrooms with onions, sculpt neat zrazy.

5. Bread the formed patties in flour, fry until ready in refined oil.

Meat zrazy with egg and cheese in the oven

A variant of delicious meat zrazy with an egg that does not require frying. The dish is perfectly cooked in the oven, it turns out not so greasy, does not require much time. The filling is cooked with fresh garlic. If you do not like its aroma, then you can not add this ingredient.


• 120 g of cheese;

• 600 g of minced meat;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 onion;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 slices of bread;

• some oil, any spices;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 1 tbsp. l sour cream.


1. Boil two eggs. We’ll leave the third for minced meat.

2. We twist the meat, add the bread soaked in milk or in ordinary water, break the egg and put the chopped onion. It can also be twisted with meat, if you cook the stuffing yourself. Mix everything thoroughly, season with spices.

3. Dice boiled, cooled chicken eggs. We also chop or grate the cheese, throw chopped garlic, dill into the filling.

4. Now put a spoonful of sour cream and mix, pepper and salt to taste. You can take mayonnaise, but only a little. An additive is needed to hold together the ingredients of the filling.

5. Divide the minced meat into pieces, sculpt the ordinary oblong zrazy stuffed with cheese, egg and garlic.

6. We spread the formed products in a greased form, they do not need to be breaded.

7. We take a brush, grease all zrazy from above so that they do not dry out, a beautiful crust has appeared.

8. We send to the oven a form with zrazy, an oven at 200 degrees for about half an hour, we look at the readiness.

Meat zrazy with ham and cheese

The recipe for a delicious and fragrant filling for meat zrazy. Instead of ham, you can take smoked sausage, it will also turn out fine.


• 120 g of ham;

• 100 g of hard or sausage cheese;

• 500 g of minced meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 100 g of bread;

• 1 egg;

• spices.


1. Twist the meat and onions into minced meat. Remove the crusts from the bread, soak the pulp, wring it out, add to the minced meat. Season it with an egg, add pepper to taste. Stir.

2. Cut the ham into cubes, and also grate the cheese coarsely. You don’t need to salt the stuffing, there are enough spices in the products, but you can add a little greens or chopped garlic.

3. We sculpt oblong oval zrazi.

4. We send them to bake in a heated oven.

5. Or fry the meat zrazy in a pan, but pre-bread in flour. You can first fry in very hot oil, then heat in the oven.

Meat zrazy with egg and onions

A very juicy filling option for meat zrazy. Luke does not need to be sorry for her, it will only taste better. It is better to fry it in butter or ghee.


• 700-800 g of mixed forcemeat;

• 1 egg per mince;

• 2 boiled eggs;

• 4 onion heads;

• 30 g of cl. oils;

• vegetable oil for the mold;

• spices, a couple of slices of bread.


1. Soak the bread, add to the minced meat, if desired, one onion can be twisted into it. Break the egg, throw the spices, knead thoroughly.

2. Cut the onion into cubes, fry in oil.

3. Now add the chopped boiled eggs to the onion and also lightly fry, enough minutes. Turn off. To taste, we stuff the greens, pepper, and salt.

4. We sculpt zrazy with juicy forcemeat.

5. Put in a mold, grease with oil, bake for half an hour at 200-210 degrees

6. Either roll the product in flour, fry in hot oil in an ordinary frying pan.

Meat zrazy with pickles

Similarly, for such meat zrazy, salted mushrooms can be used. The filling is ideally combined with meat, complements the dish, adds taste to the brightness.


• 300 g of beef;

• 300 g of pork;

• 1 egg;

• 3 tbsp. l decoys;

• 2-3 pickles;

• 2 onion heads;

• flour, oil for frying.


1. Fry the onions in a pan, cool, mix with chopped pickles.

2. We twist the meat, season with egg and semolina, add various spices to our discretion. Stir, let stand for half an hour.

3. We make neat zrazy, fill it with pickles and fried onions.

4. Formed cutlets breading in wheat flour.

5. We heat refined oil in a pan, a layer of about 0.5 cm.

6. Spread the zrazy, fry on both sides to a beautiful crust.

7. Serve to the table immediately while the dish is hot.

Meat zrazy with egg and liver

To prepare such zraz, any liver is needed: chicken, pork, beef, you need a small piece. You can use ready-made liver paste. In this case, the eggs are simply added to it.


• 700 g of meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 boiled eggs;

• 130 g of the liver;

• 1 raw egg;

• oil, spices;

• 2 slices of bread;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 0.5 tbsp. milk;

• flour for breading.


1. chop one onion, put in a skillet, fry for a couple of minutes.

2. The liver can be finely chopped or twisted, add it to the onion, fry until it is all light. We don’t keep on fire for a long time, remove

3. Cut the boiled eggs, transfer to the onion with the fried liver. Salt, pepper, mix thoroughly. You can throw a clove of garlic.

4. The remaining onion chop, combine with minced meat.

5. Soak the bread in milk, transfer to the cutlet mass. Add the egg, mix, do not forget to salt, add spices.

6. Divide the whole mass into 7-9 pieces, from each we make a patty stuffed with liver and egg.

7. Bone the formed meat zrazy in plain flour.

8. Put the products in a heated frying pan with oil, bring the meat zrazy to readiness.

Meat zrazy - useful tips and tricks

• Was the minced meat liquid? You can thicken the mass with breadcrumbs, flour. You can add a little semolina, but you have to wait for it to swell.

• Bread is optionally soaked in whole milk. You can take any water, the broth works well. It is important that the liquid is cold or at room temperature, and the bread is a little stale.

• If the filling is small and not enough, then you can fry ordinary meatballs. Mass is great for this. Or look for something in the refrigerator: smoked meats, pickles, cheese, sausages, pastes.


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