Why weakness does not go away: we need vitamins from fatigue. What vitamins to take with constant fatigue?


Fatigue, in the medical sense of the word, is understood to mean a temporary decrease in the usual capabilities of the body, a deterioration in physical well-being, a feeling of weakness, the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, instability of psychoemotional status, and a decrease in memory and attention. Fatigue happens in every person. But if all of the above symptoms accumulate, become permanent, we are talking about chronic fatigue. In such cases, vitamins can help with fatigue.

Causes and mechanism of fatigue

This is most often associated with life in big cities, psycho-emotional overload, a large amount of perceived information, increased responsibility and stress. The exact cause of chronic fatigue has not been established, although, in addition to the above, the following factors can cause it:

• existing chronic disease;

• decrease in immune status;

• severe short-term stress or prolonged stress;

• viral infection present in the body: viral hepatitis B, C, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus.

If you find signs of fatigue in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor: a specialist will be able to differentiate a chronic or viral disease from a stressful state and tell you which vitamins to take when feeling tired. Diseases occurring with asthenic syndrome, the symptoms of which are similar to manifestations of chronic fatigue, are many. These include:

oncological and infectious diseases;

thyroid pathology;


mental illness;

exposure to toxic substances.

The pathogenesis of chronic fatigue in all cases has the same mechanism. It lies in the development of an imbalance in energy metabolism, which occurs in metabolic disorders. In this case, the cells begin to spend and replenish their energy incorrectly. Certain changes occur in the structure of the cell and its innervating fibers: the number of neurons increases, they undergo deformation. Their ability to absorb glucose is sharply reduced - by 40%. It has been proven that all patients with asthenia have a deficiency of thiamine - vitamin B1, which is involved in the processes occurring in the nervous tissue.

Fatigue Vitamins - Group B

Numerous studies on which vitamins to take when feeling tired have shown that the most effective vitamins for fatigue are vitamin preparations belonging to group B. A long-term study of this problem was conducted in Japan. It turned out that the recent widespread worldwide lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) is the result of the intense rhythm of life in modern society and the changed structure of people's nutrition. The diet has changed: the consumption of products containing thiamine has significantly decreased, but the amount of carbohydrates consumed has increased. This leads to an even greater need for thiamine. For the first time, the Japanese were able to synthesize the fat-soluble vitamin B1 - benfotiamine.

Thiamine is actively involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, so it has a second name - antineuritic. Participates in the energy of intracellular metabolism. The main source of energy in the body is glucose. Violations of the processes of its oxidation lead to nervous disorders, since the energy released as a result of these reactions is also used by neurons.

In addition to thiamine, other B vitamin preparations belong to vitamins from fatigue. They are responsible, in addition to carbohydrate, for all types of metabolism in the body: lipid, protein, and mineral. Impaired metabolism leads to chronic fatigue.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 - folic acid - normalizes the psychological state, prevents depression. It contributes to the normal absorption of other vitamins of this group. Therefore, a lack of folic acid automatically leads to a deficiency of the remaining vitamin B group preparations. Vitamin B9 deficiency causes anemia, weakness, fatigue, fainting, constantly bad mood, irritability.

The daily requirement for vitamin B9 is 50-200 mcg, but since it is poorly absorbed, the recommended dose is 400 mcg. It is found in the liver and green parts of plants (lettuce, spinach, leafy vegetables) and in animal products (meat, eggs).

Cyanobalamin - one of the vitamins for fatigue

Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin - One of the vitamins against fatigue. Its deficit develops when eating only plant foods and the absence of animal products (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products). Also, its deficiency can be the result of impaired absorption. It has been established that even a slight lack of vitamin B12 leads to chronic fatigue, and its deficiency causes anemia and nervous disorders. Cyanobalamin itself is a water-soluble vitamin, but a certain amount is deposited in the liver, and very little in the kidneys, lungs, and spleen. The daily need for B12 is small (3 mcg), liver reserves can last for several years, after which, with insufficient nutrition, hypovitaminosis with chronic fatigue syndrome develops. For the purpose of treatment, as well as prevention, it is recommended to take 1000 mcg of vitamin once a week for a month. Subsequently, the same dosage is taken 1 time per month. It significantly exceeds the norm, but since cyancobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin, its excess is eliminated from the body without harm. Solution for injection is absorbed better.

Vitamin C - a remedy for fatigue

Numerous studies have established which vitamins to take with a feeling of tiredness are also necessary, except for thiamine. A lack of ascorbic acid leads to a pronounced feeling of constant fatigue, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance, and depression. The risk of hypovitaminosis C include:

• smoking;

• SARS and flu;

• adverse environment;

• chronic diseases.

The need for vitamin C is 100 mg per day. For colds - up to 2 g. Ascorbic acid is found in rosehips, citrus fruits, black currants, parsley, dill. Its absorption is improved in the presence of vitamin P - rutin.


Vitamin D from fatigue includes vitamin D - calciferol. It acts on the cardiovascular system, is involved in the absorption of calcium, is a powerful antioxidant. Its hypovitaminosis is maximally manifested in winter when there are few sunny days: cholecalciferol (this is vitamin D3) is synthesized in the upper layers of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet sunlight. A sufficient amount of vitamin in the body requires a daily 20 - minute stay in direct sunlight. With a lack of vitamin D3, osteoporosis develops: the amount of calcium in the bone structure decreases sharply, their fragility increases. In addition to pain in bones and joints, severe weakness, constant fatigue, malaise, and drowsiness are disturbing. Contained in oily sea fish, fish oil.

Effective Vitamin Complexes

The listed vitamins for fatigue are recommended to be taken in a complex manner, together with the necessary trace elements. Many vitamin preparations have been developed that energize and simultaneously contain several of these vitamins in a balanced state. What vitamins to take when feeling tired, the doctor decides after excluding all the pathology that can cause asthenic syndrome. These vitamins include the following highly effective complexes:

• Alphabet Energy;

• Vitrum Energy;

• Complies;

• Duovit;

• Multi - tabs asset and many others.

A specialist will help to understand these preparations, monitor the condition, specify the dose and duration of the course. It is important to comply with all prescriptions, since an overdose is as dangerous to health as hypovitaminosis.


Watch the video: Why Are You Always Tired? (June 2024).